Is To Love Ru good?

Is To Love Ru good?

Super good.

Good story? It's alright.
Good ending? Fuck no.
Good fap material? The best.


It's good for porn, otherwise no.

The only thing I'll give it, and it's not even good or a merit it's more like it's notable for this, is that its overall lightheartedness and silliness makes the harem aspect a lot more acceptable than it often is. It still isn't good, because Rito is as unremarkable as any harem MC, but he's at least not grating.

Mikan is for butt stuff.

To Love Ru is super interesting.

Define >good


Just for fap
the show is repetitive as fuck
same joke over and over and over again



>Get a ton of great Nemesis content while she's attached to Rito
>She separates and decides to become Student Council President, ensuring she'll stay around
>manga ends like two chapters later
I'm still mad


I've never read/watched it but Mikan makes my willy feel silly.

>They show Nana and even loli Lala's nipples but NEVER Mikan's

Good for your dick
Bad for your brain

Same desu

Best girl is mom

If you didn't beat it to the grils in Darkness, then you have no dick.

This sure did happen huh

it's the best

Looking back, Love Ru and Darkness were both trash, but I super enjoyed Momo and Nemisis chapters in Darkness. Should you read it? I dunno. Probably not. It's not very enriching, but then again what harem is.

god mikan is so great

Very annoying MC


Made for facesitting.

I can't believe he dickslapped his little sister

>he never dickslapped his little sister
poor you

Good for pre-wank material

It's only good for the smut.
It has some great smut though.

Momo body is nearly perfect.

Quit fucking spoonfeeding these recommendation threads.

>Is it good?

Go fucking watch it.

She's the perfect mid-size girl.

No. And dont let any autist try to convince you it is. It's shit.

It has great sluts.

Give me the best Mikan or Nana lewds. Its time for my daily fap.

mikan is pretty good

Mikan is very lewd for a 12yo. 12 year olds should not be that lewd.

To Love Ru, bar none is the best manga-anime-love story ever conceived by the human brain, one can even theorize it was written by the ecchi gods themselves to teach us their knowledge of love and the female body.
The MC (a god in itself) serves not just as a link between the reader and the story, but as a reminder of the frivolity and carelesness of humanityas well as the psychological conundrum that a love story such as this can burden a common human mind.
Truly, this es the greatest written achievement humanity as ever made, and we should be thankful it exist.

Yui is such a slut. Her body is literally thrown at him.

Yeah, pic related has a completely perfect body though.


>ctrl+f mikanal
>ctrl+f ishikei

I'm disappointed in every single one of you. You sicken me.


Post the webm of mea spreading for rito

Mea a S H I T

Kanokon is better

>Never ate her out then pounded her endlessly till his balls were empty

God I hate Rito

>not realizing that she would get so stimulated by Rito's sleep-foreplay that she sucked him dry in his sleep every night.



Those hips cause crimes

I'm usually a big boob guy, but damn, Mikan is just perfect.

So, can we unanimously agree that Mikan is best girl?

The best thing about To Love-Ru is that it has the most dedicated ESL shitposting retard of all time. Now watch him give me a free (You) because Kotegawa Yui is shit.

>"accidentally" fall head first into girls' underwear, several times a day, in physics-defying fashion
>grope girls "in his sleep" to the point of orgasm during the night
>"accidentally" commit sexual acts on him own little sister
>create a harem "condemning" him to become king of the universe
>able to avoid getting killed several times by aliens by using incedible physical abilities
>capable of resisting the charm of Lala's mother, showing willpower above human capacities

He's totally doing it on purpose. Is he the most devious harem protagonist?

Was there ever any doubt?

Only as long as you insist on leaving women out of the equation.

cute plump butt

True, but I like the idea of him being so pent up he has enough semen to fill every girl in the harem three times over.

The only one even close is Nemesis

New anime when?

When they have a new manga to advertise, so not for a while, if ever.

God fucking Christ, stop with that fuck old lame overused normalfag joke fucking spics.

it's fun, need a continuation.

Mikan has a cute belly and butt, she's literally perfect

There's no part of Mikan that isn't cute

Its super interesting

small plump butts, built for anal

I can work with that

Her butt isn't cute.

Heresy. Her adolescent, plump juicy butt is divine and you know it.

I miss Mikan. And TLR as a whole.

Yabuki wll hopefully just spend a year on Franxx even though it also has some nudity, and then get working on Magical Girl Mikan.

Still disapointed we didn't get the Mikan, Momo, Rito threesome bath.

He's saving it for the sequel.