Young small beings are very unquestionably an unique being

young small beings are very unquestionably an unique being

maybe because they are lo-lis

Other urls found in this thread:

JC are sexier

pic related of yours is not even jc. she's an oldhag. Not even an loli

I concur.

Mikan is a JS

Not anymore she isn't. She's in middle school now.

She isn't.

Not really. The reason why time doesn't move in To Love-Ru is because Yabuki doesn't want Mikan to wear a JC uniform.

>stuck in TLR
>didn't read TLR:D
Mikan is even sexier now. But who really cares anyways whether she's JS or JC? She's still fuckable and loli enough.

This is my new favorite picture for awhile

>But who really cares anyways whether she's JS or JC?
I do. JC are inferior lolis, she's still a JS in Darkness.

A year has passed since the beginning of the story. Mikan is in her last year of elementary school.

Right is a large breasted slut

So if Mikan is still in elementary, why did they start sexualizing her?

i wanna see a loli harem anime where the MC simultaneously cucks all the lolis with a cake

Because elementary schoolers are inherently sexy. It would be impossible not to.

Your taste is inferior.
A new year is starting. She's only still JS because JC technically hasn't started yet, but she is already a JC by going by the year.

It ended before we get to see her in a uniform so she'll never be a JC

As of the last chapter the school year hasn't ended and iirc they are still in winter. She is still a JS and will be for at least a few months.
Also she has not had a birthday so she is still 12.

Age doesn't matter and never should matter. It's all about the body and appearance. Mikan has a body of a middle school loli now, so there's that.

It's already confirmed that Sup Forums lolicons love JC more.


Ginko a shit.

What took you so long, LRD?

>doctored strawpoll posted in a JC thread

>LRD strawman
Every time.

How do we make Hazuki into a loli?

JC threads are basically loli threads and most lolicons are in it.

Do we need to?

>and most lolicons are in it.
So you're saying that posting it in JC thread had no influence because lolicons will frequent both JS and JC threads?

Let's do the test, then. Make another one of those polls, but make sure to post it in a JS thread (whenever one may come) this time, and we'll see if the results are the same. I double dare you, fag.

The truth ain't strawman, LRD.

Yes we do. She keeps doing all of my favorite fetishes, the only thing left is holding in her pee. If she was a loli I would've finally found my waifu.

Deal, I'll try to make a JS thread some time and I bet you JC will win again.

What's with the strawpoll spam? We only use strawpoll for shitposting purposes here.

loli olev electronic music

I've tried, JS threads don't live very long.

Sexiest JC of her year? Sexiest JC of her year.

>implying it is not being used for shitposting purposes

This is true nowadays. It's also one of the more clever ways to slide under faggot mod's radar.

That's reasonably debate. But I certainly love this ice queen JC idol.

>Who is this cutie?
>It's just Megumeme

Ginko a slut.

Ginko is trash.

Meant for Machi isn't cute.

hazuki is a dumb autist

A cute autist who should've been a loli.

>gets a new IP just to samefag and shitpost 5 seconds apart with one liners
Not even subtle there, LRD.

Shut up, LRD.

>Machi isn't cute

What? Why do you sound disappointed?

14 prime is the best.

Not really, I just want to fap to different lolis sometimes. I've used Megumin too much recently.

In more ways than one.

>Machi isn't cute

Best in her season against other JS and JC, anyways.

Kirin is clearly the best among these girls.

why did you post a picture of fecal matter?

>There's someone who takes his time to compile the JS/JC of the seasons.


>replied four times to shitpost at a cute and hot JC
Get a life already, LRD.

Yes. She was the only reason to watch that shitty show along with Claudia.

Shit can't be cute.

Kirin is fine, but not even the best JC of season. It's one thing to like her and another to like that old hag Claudia who did almost nothing for two whole seasons. Saya is vastly better and she is a loli. Julis is better too.

Characters like this are made to be hard dommed.

You already said that like 4 times for Ginko. Don't you ever get tired of being a faggot with shit taste?

>Don't you ever get tired of being a faggot with shit taste?
You like Ginko, you should answer that question.

>She was the only reason to watch that shitty show along with Saya.
FTFY. Still, Asterisk > Rakudai.

>Pink Houki

Of course that's a "no" from. Just checking anyways.


>implying only 1 person can dislike that ugly unlikable bitch

Is there a better of lolis than loli + oppai loli?

No since I don't have shit taste nor do I like Shitko.

>replying twice
>still uses the same agruments and shitposts that he repeated to death in the general threads
Not fooling anyone, LRD.

>general threads
Ginkotards, everyone.

Your shit taste has made you delusional, m8

Thanks for making it even more obvious, LRD.

>ugly unlikable bitch
More like you're obvious as hell.

I'm not you, LRD.

JS is better than JC.

Anyone that disagrees with me is LRD, by the way.

So much better as a flat little girl.

It's not even funny how obvious he is.Anyone can see how he comes in late (like in ) after the absence of real shipost and hate, and then suddenly the influx of shitpost and hate started flowing out of nowhere along with samefagging and false flagging that came after his first post. Those one-liners and buzzwords are just the tip of the iceberg behind his easily recognizable patterns.

Come on dude, I don't want to fap again today.

Any more collection of JS/JC from last year?


what the fuck does js and jc even mean

I think Japan made more, but I didn't collect them, unfortunately.

All for fug.

Are Red Ai and Ginko friends?

Is there any of 2016?

Blue Ai >>>>>>>>> the rest

Don't you fucking dare shit on Char you mother fucker.

Red Ai > Blue Ai >= Ginko > Char > the rest


Lolis are cute and all, but I'd rather be a shota and have either a loli or young nee-chan tenderly look after me.

/ss/ will always be better

listen faggot everyone is new once you little bitch

I don't ever post on Sup Forums so enlighten me instead of being pretentious for the only time in your life you'll have a chance.

Google it.

given the context that seems like a bad idea

Also wrong. Char goes in the first spot

>I don't ever post on Sup Forums

Not helping your case


I'm trying to start, aren't I? Not much help doing so, but I shouldn't be surprised. All boards are insular circlejerks like this.