AOTY? Does anything else even hope to stand a chance?

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Well, since Tr*gger is one of the studios producing it, it's automatically shit. Tr*gger, as you know, is an extremely R*ddit studio, therefore we can conclude you are a redditor. Back off to reddit, shoo. The eternal jap strikes again.

Shut the fuck up and stop posting you cretin.

I tried watching, got half-way through the first episode, then I just quit.

You didn’t find it amusing in its absurdity? Have some fun for once!!!

>It's only February
>only four episodes are out (Not even a quarter of the way through)
>the show has done nothing special yet
Yes user, this is not only AOTY but AOTD!


Give it four episodes,

Best of the season is Koi wa Ameagari you cunt

i have this awful, awful feeling that this show is going to fuck my shit up so bad after i get attached
please don't

Genista is cute!

I just binged the first four. The Mecha is kind of weak imo, but the characterization is pretty strong, especially for 02, Hiro, and Ichigo

I just binged them right now. I can't believe I didn't get into this sooner.

Is trigger gonna save anime?

It better be, their personalities are very basic and 2-dimensional, it would be a shame if they weren't characterized properly

Trigger is only in charge of the action animation. The rest is being handled by either former Gainax, now freelancers or A-1 staff

>having to ask

Gave it a try, probably would have enjoyed it 8 years ago. Seemed better than Kill la Kill at least.

It's slightly disappointing, but watchable. Nevertheless, not an AOTS material, much less AOTY.

Is she going to become more beta as the series progresses?


I would fucking hope not

This along with Fate/Extra for me.

APE was right about the contamination. Hiro will make her more human as the show progresses till the point that her horns wither and fall off. And they'll end the show with some monologue about the true meaning of being human.

They better not. Would be nice to see her cute and vulnerable but not to the point where she becomes a damsel in distress.


>their personalities are very basic and 2-dimensional
How so?
Each of them got too much development in the first 4 episodes to be considered 2 dimensionnals.

Just ignore the "AOTY"/"AOTS" posters. They are just trying to create a feud between fanbases.

just release the pv already..

less than 1hr

Not him, but Keijo was absurd fun. This just had an impossible to ignore air of generic-ness about it. Probably mostly due to its MC.

I thought it'd be fun but it kinda seems like it takes itself too seriously. I expected a wacky fuckrobot adventure not another overproduced middle school essay on sex written by a virgin

It's literally Asuka with ass controls The show. I'm not complaining, looks like a promising series.

If you're asking this because of that one user who said they'd throw away her personality, that was seemingly disproven. She hasn't become more beta than at the beginning at all so far.

>Is trigger gonna save anime?


She barely acts or looks like Asuka though.

It's not even one of the best shows this season. The only thing separating it is that it looks like a trigger show.

>It's literally Asuka

>She barely acts or looks like Asuka though.

I'm just saying this show is something out of Anno's wet dreams.

So Anno's wet dream is an upgrade to his creation in reality in every way, including being only passingly similar.

anno is an anti-waifufag

ironically in trying to make girls too extreme to appeal as decent waifus he merely expanded the window and unintentionally created the archetype of the super-kuudere and abusive tsundere we see today

Be humble, sit down.

>being only passingly similar
A little more than that I would say, both fill the same archetype. Mysterious and aggressive/assertive foreign girl with a tragic past who is far better than the rest at piloting their respective mechas. Oni mainly differs in that she is more direct in her hunt for Hiro's dick and they need to pilot in pairs.

What if that was his plan all along? He was simply testing how far he could go before we stopped calling them waifus.

Not an upgrade but If I remember correctly Anno originally wanted an all girl Eva pilots. This show just adds extra layers with boys controlling girls controlling mechas.

>Mysterious and aggressive/assertive foreign girl with a tragic past who is far better than the rest at piloting their respective mechas. Oni mainly differs in that she is more direct in her hunt for Hiro's dick and they need to pilot in pairs.

Pretty much. First thought that came to my mind the first time I saw zero two was "Oh look, it's Asuka"


pv out yet

>First thought that came to my mind the first time I saw zero two was "Oh look, it's Asuka"
Maybe it was an inside joke or a lucky coincidence, but it feels like they weren't even being subtle, mainly red outfit, 02 and not really interested in following rules.

PV is cancelled

Love it or hate it you cannot deny the impact it had on the industry




PV is out.


hiro dying as expected

What the fuck the eating scene was so cute and then they show you Hiro has a fever.

Suffering begins

The Pillows would be great in this scene

Wait, so Sup Forums was right? Hiro is only taking less damage from riding with her but getting hurt nonetheless?


What's the twitter again. These videos still tell us Americans to fuck off for some reason

Nana said that they've never seen a sample being hurt so little, so that implies he did get some damage. I hope it's just the PV's typical misiderction.

>but it feels like they weren't even being subtle, mainly red outfit, 02 and not really interested in following rules.

Lets not forget the A10 nerve clips or "horns". I'm starting to think it was intentional to almost make her look the same.



>Mitsuru is on meds
>Hiro is dying
>but cute Hiro/02 eating scene
I'm conflicted.


right, she giving him diabetes and now hes sick


Is Mitsuru taking PTSD pills or what


dropped after first episode

Inb4 he just has the flu and isnt damaged by riding with her.

looks like a pretty episode

Catching the Japanese cold is a death sentence anyways.

It's not even out there yet.


Goddamn, I hope they don't rollback her character, she respected Hiro's decision and moved on in ep4 and now they want to make her look regretful. ZDo they have to make the two best girls lust after MC?

That's what I'm thinking. Hiro also looks pretty much fine when he's washing his face.

What the fuck. How can I watch this with a VPN?


Respecting Hiro's decision and having to see him being fed by 02 the day after is not regressing her character. It makes sense, she's also keeping it to herself.

It'd be a pretty decent misdirection since it will just cement everyone in the show thinking something will happen to Hiro after his third ride.

There was a website that you could change a few words in the youtube url and view any region blocked video, anyone remember what it was?


Still blocked. Fucking Sony.

Yea, it's also weird that Hiro seems to have a fever. Is that even something that 02 can do to people?


Hiro caught the Oni AIDS and is going to die. Should have just picked Ichigo, she's perfect for Hiro.


Once in a while, Hiro gets these really feminine close-up. Heh.


can anyone translate the title?

Didn't they mentioned that pistil and stamen blood gets mixed during the piloting process or i'm imagining things?

He is the heroine of the show, they need to show his beauty to sell the BDs

give me one reason to watch this piece of shit
there is literally none

>Hiro is sick
>Mitsuru taking pills
Wew lad I’m scared

Oh cool looks like they made went through another ceremony and made Hiro an official Stamen. Hiro and Mitsuro are still dying from 02 poisoning though.

Yeah it's cute.