Dude; wtf?

Dude; wtf?


And I thought it was ending this week? What happened Gorilla? So last arc ends but 30 chapters left to wrap shit up?

What's the deal yo?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that Kondou's child?

Did the Gorilla win Tae? Srsly?

The fucking Gorilla won?


Was there ever any doubt?

>gorilla finally got his tae
My nigga

Kagura's child?

Maybe, and she is asking if he is her father by any chance.

Whst the fuck is goin on?

Only 2 years timeskip so it can't be her child.

That could be the joke, but in that panel she really is asking if "Glasses man" is her papa.

Aliens grow quickly, there done it.


Long ago, yes. It’s been more obvious that he’d win her over since the Love Potion arc, though.

Oh shit, time skip troll end incoming!


Yahnk goodness it wasnt an ending just like the beginning.


i dont speak gook, what is going on?

A timeskip that isn't a joke this time around.

It’s still a joke even though it’s real, though.

Pretty surreal to see Otae pregnant via Kongo in both of them.

But wait I thought this was genuinely the last chapter?

No offense but I highly doubt even someone like Oda would have the clout needed to have the publisher run a false cancellation/ending notice so no way the Gorilla does.

I don't remember any ending notice. Not in the ToC threads or the end page blurbs.

I can't wait to see this animate

You should have learned about listening to Yonkou after he called the end of Bleach wrong.

Well, there is probably just 1 chapter after this. 2 tops.

There were no ending notices. As always you trusted a rumour.

It doesn't need a notice now, it is ending one way or another; time skip and children popping up are always the signs of the end.

No shit, stories usually end with their final arcs.

Didn't Jump always gave ending notices several weeks before a long-running series ends?

They don’t specifically say when the final chapter will be until the week before.

The say a long runner is ending weeks prior, but they don't say the exact chapter till the last minute, Bleach I recall got its exact ultimantum 2 weeks before the final chapter



Nope, the exact ending chapter definitely wasn't known 5 weeks prior, it was announced that Bleach was about to end, people were scratching their heads when the final chapter actually dropped.

Catherine can't be that old after only two years.

It's obviously a ruse parody bad ending.

Everything will go back to normal last chapter.

Cats age faster than humans.

The colourspread with Jewbakka face clearly stated "X until the end". So only idiots were confused.

Shinpachi taking up Gintoki's mantle looks pretty serious this chapter, erasing that will be very cheap.

Everybody having a bad ending for no reason is weird.

I see some obvious happy outcomes there.

>Naruto ending

When this shit will finally end?

I Wonder who is that child in the last panel

>mfw Okikagu fags will be BTFO and the backlash will be glorious

Kagura's daughter, or a gag to make it look like she is.

The kid comes in and says that place is where her mother used to be, then she asks if "Glasses Man" is her perhaps her papa.

Any summary about gintoki part?

What happened in this part ? Does Kondo really ends up with Tae?

Bleach ended like 8 weeks after the initial hint of the manga ending, then they said it would end in less than 10 chapters, 7 coming out with a break before the finale, maximum shitposting and ichiruki ultimately BTFO

Kondo is practicing to be a house-husband for his Gorilla wife and child, and he cooks for Otae. Otae just got fat from the food

My guess is that it’s Tama’s daughter.