>not listening to Walkure on loop
what are you even doing with your life, user?
I love Freyja
That anime went to shit so hard during the second half. I would have dropped it if it weren't for Freyja
Macross Delta was literally the worst to be honest, by the second half I was dead as shit, hopefully the movie fixes the core issues. I don't even know why Mirage existed either, it felt like a hamfisted love triangle since she did fuck all but fail.
The Walkure tracks weren't that bad, Freyja and Mikumo solo's were the best though. Also AXIA
macross delta never had a love triangle which is why hayate and freyja are the best macross couple in the history of the ip. doesnt even matter if thier show was shit.
it all falls under walkure anyway since they are all members of it and the albums were labeled accordingly. god bless you is the best track by the way
>have to wait a week for the new single
I'm glad I bought minori's album, otherwise I would probably go insane.
>Implying that I'd listen to Walkure over Fire Bomber
Also Delta's songs don't really stand out compared to the rest of Macross. Plus it doesn't help that Delta is pretty shit so I'd rather not be reminded.
>God bless you
I don't really like the dialogue part. The live version is insanely good tho.
>unironically listening to what is bar none the worst macross music ever
7-tards need to leave
Mikumo solos were disappointing, it was clear that Freyja had the better singer when the solos came out.
7 was probably the best Macross but there was only like 4 or 5 good songs worth listening too. By the time the anime ended damn near every track was burned into my memory anyway so I loved them regardless. Submarine Street a best though.
>7 was probably the best Macross
Fuck out of here, Holy Lonely Night or whatever was the best track hands down in 7.
Shhh Satan, I would have said Frontier but Alto was a complete shitter and Ranka didn't win.
And here we have a great example of somebody who has never actually watched the original SDF Macross.
well, sdf isnt the best either. dyrl is vastly superior to it, so is plus. one could even make a case for zero. orguss is better than sdf as well, fuck you.
He's right, Ryo kun. 7 is an exponential curve of FUN.
I'm still mad Delta tried to pull the Instrumentality thing
Why did he eat the leaves again?
It unironically was, Basara was basically the best MC, not only that but the plot was still interesting. Overall cast was fun, it was the epitome of Macross.
>Sakamoto Maaya gives lyrics to one of the songs
>sings it twice and vows to never sing it again
The curse of Macross
How many epithets will you fags throw at me for liking Plus
Freyja a cute
I liked Plus too.
The BD looks fucking amazing.
I literally listen to makina's song everyday even when they only put it for like 2mins in the anime
How can I when you don't post any songs from it?
>sings it twice and vows to never sing it again
Fuck off imbecile, you might as well have no brains at all.
She only sang it at a fan event and, apparently, really struggled to reach the high notes. Afterwards she said that she'd leave it for a younger girl.
Also, this happened the day before Freyja seiyuu's birthday. Maybe it was a gift?
>Freyja and Mikumo solo's were the best though
My nigga
I dropped the show around 20 something, did Freyja win or was it some classic bullshit with nobody winning? Mirage obviously didn’t win, kek.
Miragefags got BTFO so hard they became the personification of a gay angel who fucked you're husbando's doggo.
Holy hell, this pic. I had no idea people can be this delusional. She was the main girl from the start, there wasn't even a hint of her no winning. What the fuck are they on?
Plus has amazing music.
God I wished they released a Freyja solo for Hametsu no Junjou.
I wonder if that one user actually did eat a Mirage poster
>Basara was basically the best MC
>"hurr some fighting just sing LMAO"
He's pretty much just Minmay's cousin.
Macross is ded
There's a movie coming out in spring and a new series afterwards.
To say nothing of the multiple events all over Japan and the release of 35th anniversary figurines for all shows.
Your granny is dead, this series is not.
But they announced something new for 2018, right?
The movie has a premiere on the 10th, all the tickets are gone by now.
>The movie
Yes, I'm talking about this though.
Every single thread someone brings it up as an amazing song, but it's easily the worst.
>what are you even doing with your life
Cumming inside Mikumo and Kaname!
They'll probably announce/tease something at the end of the movie.
I've seen some pretty extensive shittaste in my time but this one takes the cake.
Is Delta only getting one movie? They must be changing a lot if so, no way they'll be able to fit everything in if they don't.
I could say the exact same thing to you, faggot. AXIA was by far the worst vocal track in the anime.
I can't decide if it's Delta or Frontier that is the worst Macross, give me your votes Anons
Both are pretty weak. F had better finale, Delta had better girls and music.
>7 was probably the best Macross
>no way they'll be able to fit everything in if they don't.
They could always pick a specific portion to adapt and change around just like DYRL only redid a slew of episodes.
Zero is easily the worst. F is great and while Delta shits itself towards the end it's still fun.
>Mylene is now voiced by the biggest whore in the industry
Fits her
>F is great
The movies are. The show shits itself just as hard as Delta.
And yeah, Zero is definitely the weakest, followed by Plus.
I can't agree with Zero being the weakest. It definitely sucked but at least it was graceful enough to be short and not make me suffer longer than necessary.
>F had better finale, Delta had better girls and music.
I can agree with that. I can't even remember what happened in Delta's last couple episodes, and I watched that way after Frontier.
>I can't even remember what happened in Delta's last couple episodes, and I watched that way after Frontier.
That's because they redid the Frontier cop-out.
Once again a big alien motership, mind control, all that stuff, ending with them destroying the control part of it and the alien power being used for good.
Easily Delta. F at least had great dogfights in higher density. Also the bad guys didn't speak, so they didn't have to waste any time fleshing out the bad guys, which seems to be the franchise's weakpoint.
>Also the bad guys didn't speak, so they didn't have to waste any time fleshing out them
That's a good point, now that you mention it. I hated the space gayboys way more than the space bugs. I'm swaying here.
Delta is hot garbage and has worst dogfigts. But Mikumo and ikenai borderland song are great. Mirage is best girl
do you remember me?
It's not even about more of the same. I feel like they've spend way too much time on build-up in Delta and the ending itself was a mess. They could make a real final battle, they could make a scene like youtube.com
Shut up, Messer.
>keeps bumping dead thread for dead series
OP you are stupid,
You just bumped it again, smartass
nice accusation. i literally just woke up.
But I always do that, user.
>that hair colour
>7 was probably the best Macross
I don't agree. It's not "probably", it's "definitely"
What's up with the unusually good taste here today
Look at the drop from Frontier to Delta.
Unless next series is absolutely amazing Macross is done.
Frontier movies are trash for autists. It's a 10x worse story than TV series with better CGI.
Delta was an absolutely abhorrent at being Macross. Like namedropping Minmay somehow redeems the whole thing.
Music was pretty good, though.
I can't listen to music from shit anime.
Delta's songs have no soul in them because nthe story is so shit. I might as well be listening to fucking garbage being eaten by a pig for music
>7 was probably the best Macross
If you have a high tolerance for Planet Dance and Basara's particular degree of madness, 7 is an absolute blast the whole way through.
>God I wished they released a Freyja solo for Hametsu no Junjou.
They did, user.
Why did people actually get mad about Mirage losing, she did absolutely nothing and was a bland character through and through. The Jenius family lore wasn't explored enough outside of her being a shit pilot, and in general she was annoying.
You're right user, I'm listening to it right now.
Bokura no senjou -Freyja Solo gets me so pumped.
>Delta is my first dive into Macross
>Actually really enjoy it.
>turns out everyone hates it and finds it as the worst one.
The Windermere aging issue didn't go anywhere sadly, she may as well have not aged at all towards the ending. I guess it doesn't matter since Hayate won though.
actually no. the worst one is bar none 7. delta and frontier might be lackluster, but at least their respective visuals and songs/acoustic detailing make up for it.
The Frontier movies were pretty fucking shit, the only redeeming aspect is the fact that Micheal didn't die, the man was so based.
Shouldn't you be happy you had a good time with the worst one, since that means you only have up to go from there?
You say that, but IMO, Michael's death scene in the TV series was fucking great. I fucking adore how they used Diamond Crevasse throughout that episode.
I always like 7 because Basara was on good terms with basically every girl. The alien chick chilled with him multiple times, Biker girl with the motorcycle gang fell for him, and of course Mylene even though she was annoying. Pretty sure he also got the girl and some whales in Dynamite.
he actually shouldnt since he probably liked it because of the characters and visuals. 7 has a dogshit cast and looks atrociously bad, hence he will enjoy it less. frontier has a dogshit cast and a narrative that is just as jumbled as delta. ranka is almost as unlikeable as the original cast of SDF. people might shit talk delta but at the end of the day it still has the best visuals and cast ever since plus. the plot might be garbage (i mean there hardly even is one), but the only macross entries that have reasonable storyboarding and writing are dyrl, plus and, to a certain extent, zero anyway (due to how it approached the backstories).
Delete this.
Half-windie baby is the true ending.
Delta was on the path to being one of my favorites. Too bad the ending was pretty shitty. The music is just too good as well.
I mean the scene had impact and it was heart wrenching but it was so late in the anime that it didn't have major consequences or effects on everything. Maybe I need to re watch it but I only remember Klan losing a love interest and being devastated for the final battle, and Alto and Luca being bummed out.
>you will never fuck space whales
Kawamori needs to go back to 0048.
What could happen in the movie to improve Delta for you? After the second ending and Messer's death, things went downhill. The Windermere's in general were probably the worst antagonists in general though so you can't redeem that aspect. Keith and his brother were literally the only notable Windie's. Also I guess the other 2 girls in Walkure could get more screentime, the hacker didn't do much.
Any chance the nips will at least post summaries or will we have to suffer waiting because we're westerners?