I want to trust him, i want to believe in him


these two are just way too adorable

>likes abusive relationships
This is why Sup Forums is trash.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are abusive.

>Sup Forums is abussive nd like abusive relationships.
Sup Forums has some serious daddy issues.

hes really fucking dumb, annoying anime

This is what makes it so unrealistic. I could understand that she likes to make fun of him, but her affection makes no sense. She's clearly way smarter and more mature than him.

It's like watching a 30 year old in a body of a child bullying a retarded kid. Just makes me feel bad.

Their relationship is a long way from abusive.
Have you ever actually seen a real abusive relationship?

This is just the start. Imagine what it's gonna be like when they are adults.

How is this an abusive relationship? She just teases him lovingly. He's just too dense to pick up on anything.

or you could just read the manga where their little girl gets involved in the teasing

Is this show actually fun to watch? The characters look cute, but if this setup is played any more seriously than a pure gag comedy like Tonari no Seki-kun, I get the feeling that I'm just going to be mad at the characters non-stop.

Nah. It's more focused on romance. Seki-kun is pure comedy.
I'm enjoying it

>their little girl

They get married and have a daughter

spin-off manga set in the future

I see, thanks.

How can one male be so fucking oblivious?

she canonically makes him unknowingly raise another man's child

I made this thread because i have no hope that they wil formalize a relationship and now you tell me that hey actually end up together.

oh for fuck's sake just go read the manga

There's literally a side manga of them as adults with a kid

Not just that, but one of the latest chapters of the main manga is another flashforward to their kid in middle school herself.

Wait. What the fuck. I'm confused

The manga has one flash forward chapter showing them married with a daughter, this flash forward chapter got its own spinoff series.

excuse me what?


It has a second one now too. Focused on Chii herself.

there's a flash forward chapter and it shows her married and makes you think she's married to someone else, in the middle of this she casually tells the daughter the person she thinks is her daddy isn't really, and at the end it shows nishikata's name on the apartment. it's her ultimate tease

Firstly, read the manga you illiterate niggers. Secondly, this manga is the target of endless NTRfag tears because aggressive women in romance manga attracts NTRfags that want to make the leap from female dominated relationship to cuckoldry. They got BTFO so hard by the author (and I believe it was intentional on the author's part) in the flashforward chapter they now desperately try to convince anyone and everyone that listens to them that the flashforward chapter was ACTUALLY a cuck reveal when it was completely the opposite.

It wasn't a genuine NTRfag, he was just baiting them.

Never underestimate NTRfag autism.

This guy is so fucking retarded.
Is it really love she's feeling, or just maternal instincts ?

Chi being pretty much a carbon copy of Nishikata with Takagi's hair is hard evidence that she's his biological daughter.

Exactly. And the name plate on the house in the same chapter.

And that sly grin Takagi gives the audience.

in the japanese there was text down the side saying "how did it feel being teased?" or something along those lines referring to the fact that the chapter was baiting NTR before the reveal that Nishikata is the dad. I have no idea why the translator removed that text. Probably just another salty cuckold


hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha LOOK AT THE TOP OF HER HEAR

I want to fuck him.

I think I know what Takagi is doing. She's grooming Nishitaka so that when they are finally a couple he will hate-fuck her so hard we're gonna need multiple 'ahegao' and 'mind break' tags on that chapter.