Spoilers. If you saw Eureka Seven Hi Evolution, what did you think?
Pic is my initial thoughts. A bit annoyed...
Spoilers. If you saw Eureka Seven Hi Evolution, what did you think?
Pic is my initial thoughts. A bit annoyed...
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The opening was hype, but the rest was literal just from anime, feelsbadman.
Did you see the preview for movie 2 though? Shit was wack
The original story was shit overall
The lead characters also managed to be the worst and most annoying duo of retards ever drawn.
Should have been aenemone and dominic set in the future with renton and eureka seen as villains that caused some great catastrophe they are dealing with
spoil me the film i don't want to waste money on this shit
Blame Kyoda. He just doesn't want it to rest in peace.
Are love triangle speculations turned out true?
The beginning is how the First Summer of Love happened. The rest was just Renton narrating about the times he spent with his adoptive parents, Ray and Charles. The movie ends with Renton running into the sunset, so he can find and 'earn' Eureka. Also, only the very first 10 mins were new animation, the rest was pulled from the anime, and was edited in jumpcuts. New fans were fucking lost, and I was betrayed to think it would actually be a new story.
We're not quite sure, but in the movie end preview, and throughout the film we see Anemone as an idol, with Dominic nowhere to be seen. So it's speculated but not confirmed.
well, they really fucked up, didn't they? they could've done an entire movie just with the history from the finding of eureka to the summer of love and it would've been 100% better but is BONES who we are talking about shit is 4am here
That was literally what I was expecting. Trailers
hyped it up, saying new content and new beginnings etc etc. But, yeah, was pretty pissed.
>we see Anemone as an idol
>originally a very tragic character who probably suffered most of all cast
>oops, she's idol now, we want aidoru audience
It's like they somehow came to hate their own work so much that they are ready to invest money to fuck it up harder and harder. That's some absurd shit right there.
I wonder if that was her in the fan-service transformation sequence.
Found the preview, and look at this glory
If they cuck my boy Dominic I will riot.
For what purpose? I know Hi-Evolution 1 got a shitty reception in Japan, what about everything else? Are all these E7 reboots/offshoots/sequels actually financially viable?
Not really. Their last movie was somewhat a success, 'Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers' or 'Pocket Full of Rainbows', and that film they reused animation from the anime while creating new content and story. So I guess they saved some budget.
All formats of the anime have been different, and everyone has accepted that the anime is the true canon. Manga, LN, Movies and the Sequel, the fucking Sequel 'AO' isn't canon. So Bones are just fucking around with the series.
I see.
I know that, but I figured that if Bones is going to try so hard to make a franchise out of E7 then it must’ve been making them money or something. I mean it’s been over a decade since the original ended and here we are with a shitty reboot trilogy not too long after the clusterfuck that was E7:AO
Thankfully neither Bones nor audiences in general give a shit about Xam'd, so I don't have to deal with it being subjected to the same nonsense as E7 has been.
We might be able to see a decent 2nd movie. But then again, just like what we saw in that Preview, we saw a shit ton of random shit. Like all the nirvashs, including endgame and AO playing fucking soccer.
So it's really up in the fucking air.
>no cute SOL ova that takes place after the series
>instead get whatever AO was.
At least AO literally erased itself from the anime. So, sadly, E7 still has no sequel, technically.
I want to believe
Can't wait for pretentious hipsters to call it smart and bold like they did with AO
Wasn't AO basically the 'Dewey' was right ending?
That's mostly a meme
Don’t forget “Ray won”
I was thinking who was Ray, then I just remembered and what her circumstances were, and I just....what a laugh, oml.
AO is pretty much is irrelevant because it erased itself from having any real meaning outside of Ao himself existing. Since he retcon his own existence for the sake of giving his parents a better ending. Although we will never see the result of his actions on how Eureka and Renton new life is because of that action since the show was mainly following Ao himself.
I swear, we're somehow gonna get Ao in movie 2, cause his Nirvash was in the preview.
It's probably just them re-using some ideas they got from AO and putting it in the movie. Ao himself I doubt is going to be there since his story is over and his existence doesn't bear any meaning outside of himself.
Did you watch the preview? It was crazy.