Characters that remind you of yourself

Other urls found in this thread:

Edgey autistic manchild?


Don't open if you don't want to get hurt.

Umaru, except she's much cuter.


So when are you guys gonna fight?



I, too, wish to kill my self.




Mob character B.




>So when are you guys gonna fuck


this is quite literally me. i would pick fight with anyone at anytime. i am aware of this shortcoming but i cant change it. if at any moment i feel the person is annoying i fight them. even now, if anyone replies poorly to this post, i will fight them. i often get my shit kicked in but i cant change.

I have none of the genius or good looks but all of the autism.



every chapter hits me in the gut so bad I always contemplate my life choices after every chapter.

You did it first but I'm posting it anyway

Who is this epitome of awesome?

bestiality is wrong you sick fuck



These threads make me doubt the lucidness of the people here, being such delusional faggot, that you must have other acknowledge your childish wims .

there is only one answer.

Kireifag here, I like him when I realize I'm piece of shit who know what is good and bad, but are those matter and decide to do whatever I want.