Anime is based on light novel

>anime is based on light novel
>it stopped being good after 6 episodes, or roughly 1 volume of source material

>6 episodes for 1 volume
What the fuck are you watching? Modern light novel adaptions are 2 volumes per episode.


>Modern light novel adaptions are 2 volumes per episode.

What the fuck are YOU watching?

What the fuck

>anime is based on light novel
>it was good for 6 episodes
This doesn't happen anymore, nice try.

>LN adaptations
>good at all
Well memed.

6 episodes, or roughly 1 volume of source material
>Modern light novel adaptions are 2 volumes per episode.

Modern anime adaptations are 80 light novels 60 manga and 40 VN per half episode
What the FUCK are YOU watching?


probably grancrest

>being good
nice joke.


Strawberry panic

If a show can keep me excited for 6 episodes that's a win in my book


shh it's fantastic watching the newfags out themselves

>shit art online


Is this a light novel thread? Or is it strictly related to anime adaptations only?

>anime is based on light novel
>it isn't translated

>good at all

"All LN adaptations are bad" is a meme from MAL and r/anime.

It's a shitposting thread, do whatever you want