Is this the most misleading cover in the history of manga?

Is this the most misleading cover in the history of manga?


I want to storytime another of his doujins. Should I do it here or in a new thread ?


















So, which is it ?


This one is from 2011, even older than REC.

Maybe Im just dumb but I couldnt find any clue or hint at all.

>that cut to the man watching the video on his phone

Page 14.
Glasses went silent, and then he said sorry.
black hair asked for what ?
glasses answered : I'm sure you know too, I won't be the one (that she accept, yet I still confessed to her anyway.)

That's my take on it

Dansanjoshi shouldn't have been my first manga from this guy. All I can ever see are nipple hair growing contests, ball grabbing demons, hairy idols and old man butt drums now.

Why do I find tears so erotic?

What the fuck?

I think she picked glasses guy because in page 5 she refuses the other dude to treat her so she won't "stray on the wrong path". That's my theory anyways, I could be wrong.

IMO she dates them both. The whole story was about doing things in interesting combinations that might not be viewed as ok.

You are.

Huh that actually makes sense.


NTR: The Manga

Stop using words you don't understand.

Are you a genius?

What was their problem?

I'd say it's that fucking HxH doujin with Komugi

Nice conclusion

Girl is top cute