>Manga where the author goes to great lengths to tell his readers NOT to be a weak willed dipshit who puts women on a pedestal
>The readers completely miss the point and instead rage at anything even remotely NTR-ish and retreat inwards and away from reality instead of taking the advice and changing their outlook on life
Why do people do this?
Manga where the author goes to great lengths to tell his readers NOT to be a weak willed dipshit who puts women on a...
>Why do people seek enjoyment and escapism from a medium they're using for entertainment
Oh geez user, wow that's a tough one. Lemme think for a bit.
Exactly, why are weebs so mentally stunted that they can't even wrap their heads around a manga or anime that has an actual message?
Mate if weebs weren't mentally stunted, they wouldn't be consuming comic books and cartoons for most of their waking day
The character is an absolute cunt and we're emotionally invested in the story, that's why we're mad at her. Making us feel like that means the author did a successful job.
The work having a moral does not change that.
Don't try to sound smart when your understanding of art is so fucking retarded.
>The character is an absolute cunt
How though? Chiharu did very little actual wrong. Being invested in the story is one thing, but being so blind with incel rage that you completely miss the point of the character story arcs means the problem is on your end and not the manga. Thanks again for proving what I posted in the OP.
>>Manga where the author goes to great lengths to tell his readers NOT to be a weak willed dipshit who puts women on a pedestal
>>The readers completely miss the point and instead rage at anything even remotely NTR-ish and retreat inwards and away from reality instead of taking the advice and changing their outlook on life
>Why do people do this?
From what I've seen, only a little, yet mildly loud, minority did this.
The majority of readers where already disillusioned and got the message the first time, a thing that the mangaka seems to not have understood since he reproposed the same fucking message, the same fucking point, for the rest of the fucking manga.
Why do you think having a message automatically means people should act on that message? What if - hypothetically - someone told you to kill yourself?
The idea that everyone should change their lives around just because they read a book is just bizarre.
>a thing that the mangaka seems to not have understood since he reproposed the same fucking message, the same fucking point, for the rest of the fucking manga.
Ha, you're right about that. Everything post-Aoyama fight was completely unneseccary and it actually just hurt the manga. Way too many over the top hijinks and cliched bullshit in the Hana arc.
You don't -have- to. It's just a message, advice. The issue here is why there are so many otaku who are unwilling/unable to engage thematic manga on its own grounds. It makes discussion of manga/anime extremely tedious.
>blind with incel rage
You don't know me and you're strawmanning me.
>the problem is on your end and not the manga
I never implied there was anything wrong with the manga though.
>Chiharu did very little actual wrong
Now you're just fucking with me.
I mean if you're unable to list even a single instance of Chiharu being an absolute cunt then I'm pretty sure you are exactly what I described
How about when she faked suicide for attention or when she did her best to fuck up his relationship because she was upset at him being happy and succeeded ?
>How about when she faked suicide for attention
Chiharu was pretty clearly dealing with massive issues at that point in the story due to everything she had gone through just months prior. She might have faked suicide but she was very clearly not right in the head, which is why she did that other thing in your post.
Doesn't excuse what she did, but neither is that the behavior of an "absolute cunt". It's the behavior of someone who has been abused, toyed with and then discarded during a crucial time in her life. Remember, Tanishi was the one who went that Hotel with her even though he was supposed to be all about Hana now. Tanishi put himself in that situation just like he put himself in almost every single bad situation that happens in this story.
>The readers completely miss the point
>and retreat inwards and away from reality instead of taking the advice and changing their outlook on life
Evafags in a nutshell.
Because most people read stories for entertainment, not to be lectured on how to live their lives. This is not peculiar to manga or otaku.
It actually kind of is though. Books, movies, music and even comics have all become respected mediums due to the creator's and audience's willingness to engage with works that "lecture" them about various topics. The anime/manga mediums are unique in how lopsided towards pure escapism they are, and their fanbases even more so.
>>The readers completely miss the point and instead rage at anything even remotely NTR-ish
the point of that scene is you're meant to feel furious with snaggletooth artist girl for being such a treacherous slut who would betray a man fighting for her honor over a man who treated her like garbage, made her lose her job, knocked her up and insulted her and then have the nerve only to worry if the man who treated her like garbage had been hurt at all infront of the man who was fighting for the sake of her honor.
You're totally delusional if you think that anger is not what the author intended for the audience to feel at that point.
Your two points aren't even sensible opposites of each other.
Yes the author is teaching the audience not to put women on a pedestal or assume them to be benevolent because they're cute and he does this by telling them a story intended to make them feel rage at times, and this page is one of those times.
>the readers retreat inwards and away from reality instead of taking the advice and changing their outlook on life
this is purely you projecting. what nonsense.
Sort of. It's true that themes and messages are an important part of literature. It's not true that the average audience member cares about them. How many books, TV shows, songs, and what have you does the average person experience? How many of them have a message they care about? A vanishingly small fraction.
I'm not saying it isn't important, just that it's absurd to complain about people "missing the point" when that's overwhelmingly typical.
>It's the behavior of someone who has been abused, toyed with and then discarded during a crucial time in her life.
aka an absolute cunt, you're not very smart user
>the point of that scene is you're meant to feel furious with snaggletooth artist girl
Only if you didn't pay attention to any of the critical plot developments in every page before that one.
>who would betray a man fighting for her honor
Tanishi was the one who betrayed Chiharu. She didn't betray him in any way because she didn't owe him anything. She asked him again and again not to fight Aoyama, yet tanishi did so because he is a mentally stunted otaku who puts women on a pedestal.
>and then have the nerve only to worry if the man who treated her like garbage had been hurt at all infront of the man who was fighting for the sake of her honor.
Why shouldn't she have the nerve to? Tanishi never had an actual relationship with Chiharu. His desperation and naive outlook on women caused him to completely fuck up what he had going with Chiharu before it even got started. Once again, Chiharu never asked Tanishi to fight "for her honor". That's exactly the same kind of delusional virgin garbage which this manga beats down into the ground again and again, yet you, as I called it in the OP, completely missed the point.
>this is purely you projecting. what nonsense.
But you just proved everything I said. Going on about how Chiharu is a slut and completely missing everything that lead up to that. You are the perfect example
>Chiharu did very little actual wrong.
she allowed tanishi to fight for her honor against a man who insulted her, got her knocked up but didn't have the decency to accompany her to the abortion clinic, maybe didn't even help pay for the abortion (can't remember whether he did or not I read that part like 4 years ago) , got her fired from her job and generally treated her like garbage but still betrayed Tanishi by telling the man who had treated her like garbage what Tanishi planned to do in the fight so and didn't tell Tanishi that she had revealed his secret strategy before the fight and then when he consequently was beaten to a pulp she had the total lack of respect or concern for the man she allowed to fight for her honor that the first thing she said to him wasn't asking whether he was ok but whether the man who treated her like garbage was ok.
That's what she did wrong. she betrayed tanishi after allowing him to fight for her honor and then showed total disrespect and lack of care for his well being by only asking if the guy who got her fired and treated her like dirt was ok.
So yes she was a complete cunt in that scene and the author obviously meant for the audience to feel rage at that scene. Claiming that the author did not write and draw that scene intending and knowing that most of his audience would feel anger at chiharu is totally delusional and too moronic to be anything but a troll.
See You are wrong and going in circles.
Sure it's silly some people are getting worked up over a fictional whore. But to have some virgins unironically put a fictional cunt who is written as a cunt specifically on a pedestal and white knight her is beyond unreal.
You're either the biggest virgin on the block or a woman. Holy shit.
Can't actually back your incel rage over Chiharu so you pivoted to calling anyone who looks at the manga critically a white knight. Very smooth.
im still pissed off at i am a hero ending
>It's another roasties who identify with the biggest whores in entertainment media call people who don't worship their fictional self virgins thread
I can smell your cuntflaps through the screen you disgusting whales
this isn't about chiharu and tanishi's romantic relationship failing.You're trying to strawman my argument and act like I'm saying that tanishi is entitled to romance with chiharu but that isn't what I'm saying.
>Only if you didn't pay attention to any of the critical plot developments in every page before that one.
your delusion doesn't trump the author's intention.
the way he drew and wrote that scene , especially the huge emphasis on tanishi's reaction showing that there is weight and significance to what just ahppened all indicate that he wrote the scene to make the audience feel anger at that moment.
no human being could genuinely believe that the author intended otherwise . the idea is moronic and outlandish.
she betrayed him as outlined here >She asked him again and again not to fight Aoyama,
she could have objected more strongly but did not . By the night before the fight she had accepted the idea and so positioned herself as being on Tanishi's side. That's why it is a betrayal of Tanishi for her to reveal to aoyama tanishi's fight strategy that tanishi told her in confidence. If Chiharu had stated that she would root for aoyama in any fight he had and was on aoyama's side then it would not be a betrayal for her to tell aoyama what tanishi intended to do in the fight , because then tanishi would know full well the risk that chiharu would tell aoyama and would know not to tell chiharu that expecting it in confidence. But that isn't what happened . she positioned herself as being on Tanishi's side yet still revealed his weakness to his opponent.
>Why shouldn't she have the nerve to?
Because she was happy to accept tanishi's help and support when she went to get an abortion and accepted that he was fighting on behalf of her honor. so yes he is entitled to more care and consideration for his well being from her than a guy who treated her like dirt and got her fired from her job.
>this isn't about chiharu and tanishi's romantic relationship failing.
Once again proving that you are incapable of looking at a piece of work over anything larger than a page. What do you mean this isn't about Chiharu and Tanishi's romantic relationship failing? Every single thing that happens in this manga came as a result of that. All of it. Are you seriously this idiotic? I think I'm arguing with a teenager now
>the way he drew and wrote that scene , especially the huge emphasis on tanishi's reaction showing that there is weight and significance to what just ahppened all indicate that
Tanishi felt extremely hurt at that time. A non-retarded reader would be able to look past the immediate things in those two panels and be able to put them into context with the rest of the story. A non-retarded reader would be able to realize that the actions which got Tanishi into that situation were all his doing and nobody else's.
>she could have objected more strongly but did not
What does this even mean? Are you retarded? Tanishi is a grown man. What was Chiharu supposed to do? Break his legs to physically stop him from doing so? I was joking before but you really are mentally stunted hahaha
>she positioned herself as being on Tanishi's side yet still revealed his weakness to his opponent.
Chiharu being a gossip is nothing new. She gossips about every single thing in her life, which is how she got her work idea taken from her by Aoyama. Also, all she did was make him food (most likely as a thanks for him signing the abortion paper). She never, not once agree to the fight or encourage Tanishi in any way. That's all in your mentally ill brain.
>Because she was happy to accept tanishi's help and support when she went to get an abortion
She only asked him to sign the abortion form because she needed a male's signature to do it. She didn't ask him for anything else. Tanishi was the one who got himself further involved by inciting a fight with Aoyama. Try again
t. Cuck
How can you say in the same breath that you shouldn't put women in a pedestal while defending the idea that womyn can do no wrong
Fuck you buddy, not even getting my (You)s
I like real stories, not escapism bullshit with no artistic value.
Not him but I can't see anything in his post defending women or even Chiharu's actions specifically
>the idea that womyn can do no wrong
The only one putting fort that idea is yourself. This manga is about Tanishi's terrible choices and everything that results from that.
that's demonstrably not true since Tanishi gets a happy ending , doesn't he? If the manga was meant to be about just how terrible Tanishi was then he would end up alone.
More accurate would be to say that this thread is about you projecting your warped interpretation onto the manga and assuming the author shares your view.
Infact some of Tanishi's choices are downright despicable , like when he picks up chiharu and takes her to a hotel when originally trying to find the deaf girl.
Other times however he acts admirably and the negative consequences are compounded by people being shitty and treacherous to him.
the page you posted is an example of that.
>escapism from a medium they're using for entertainment
>using escapism
>thinking that the entire medium has to conform to just entertainment and escapism
Stupid fucking nerd
Or, get this, Tanishi grows as the series progresses and manages to get himself a happy ending. Did I just blow your mind with that one? Ever heard of character growth? Tanishi making better decisions towards the end of the manga doesn't invalidate all the terrible choices he made before then.
>the page you posted is an example of that.
It's actually not. Picking a fight with a guy who everyone told you would beat the shit out of you isn't admirable. It's specially not admirable when you consider the fact that he did this over a girl whom he had no relationship with at the time. It's super duper not admirable when you consider the fact that said girl did not want him to fight the guy at all and that she would get no satisfaction for it.
>What do you mean this isn't about Chiharu and Tanishi's romantic relationship failing?
This argument you dipshit. You've been responding to me as though I have been claiming or implying that chiharu is a bitch because she owes tanishi sex or that she's a bitch for dumping him after finding him in a room with a prostitute and then dating aoyama afterwards. This is a total strawman since I've never claimed those things and focused my judgment and criticism of her to the episode of starting from when she goes with tanishi to get an abortion until the page posted in the OP.
a non-retarded reader would have the emotional intelligence to be able to derive obvious author intent and be able to tell when he emphasises panels in order to generate emotion in the audience. Any reader, manga editor or the author himself would be able to tell you that that scene is meant to be an "ohhh shit" moment and hit the audience with emotion.
You being like
"aha I can tell the author drew these pages in an emotional way to emphasise impact in order to portray the emotion of tanishi but not provoke any in me as a reader apart from detached contempt. yes I truly understand the author's intent ho ho"
Is so clearly retarded no one could possibly have that as a real opinion.
You can have a hope of trying to justify a moral belief system in which you think that this is all tanishi's fault and chiharu did nothing wrong to tanishi , but attempting to argue that the author shares it and that is the author's message is patently retarded. If he did believe that then he wouldn't give tanishi a happy ending even though he still put the deaf girl "on a pedastal" in the second arc. so your claim of the author sharing your view and the rest of the audience not getting the author's intent is obviously proven wrong.
Again, you're going in circles. Repeating yourself over and over won't make you any less wrong. You are out of your depth here.
>real stories
>no escapism
>artistic value
These fucking delusional retards who try to force their own idea of artistic merits and standards onto others. Don't fucking throw around the word 'art' and 'artistic value' as if doing so makes you superior to others who approach and use media in different way. You may like super didactic ultra realistic stories but that doesn't make you automatically any superior so cut this sanctimonious preaching you braindead chimp.
it's true. every medium is full of basic bitches who can't handle something which challenges them or makes them feel something other than "HUEHUEHUE COOL". it's this mentality which leads to capeshit and moetrash being so prevalent.
>reading Hanazawa's manga for escapism
but he still "puts pussy on a pedastal" with the deaf girl so your central claims in and that the whole manga is about tanishi making terrible choices and not to put woman on a pedastal and that you're not meant to feel angry during the OP's page falls apart
Tanishi does grow during the manga but he does this by becoming more formidable in general. His core values and moral compass and behaviour of fighting for a woman's honor , idolising women he desires, involving himself in the affairs of women who reject him and sleep with other men don't change. so your claims are refuted.
Infact the manga is a fucking petri dish experiment proving your interpretation of it wrong is wrong.
In the first half tanishi gets close to a woman, fucks it up, involves himself in that woman's affairs , attempts to defend her honor by fighting a lover she chose who mistreated her and the woman betrays him and shows more concern for the former lover than him. You describe this as the manga trying to teach a lesson not to put pussy on a pedastal and that the outcome is all tanishi's fault and meant to be seen that way.
In the second half the same thing happens and tanishi behaves the same way with the deaf girl he still idolises her ,he still involves himself in her business after being rejected , he still tries to help her and defend her honor except this time the author rewards him and he gets the girl.
this is a near perfect narrative controlled experiment showing you are wrong. The thing that is the most conserved between the two situations is tanishi's behaviour of putting women on a pedastal and getting involved in their business after they've rejected him and said they don't want his help.
What's different is 1. the girl : chiharu is a bitch and a shitty person while the deaf girl isn't and has integrity 2. tanishi is a more strong and determined.
However in terms of the values and behaviour which you are criticising and claiming that the author wrote the manga just to show that tanishi is wrong for doing those things and deserves to suffer bad consequences as a result of that "woman on a pedastal" behaviour, these remain parts of Tanishi's core character in the two arcs
so you must be totally wrong. If the manga was about that and the author had that intent then the second arc would have an unhappy ending for tanishi instead of getting the girl.
In fact this is slightly amazing.
It's rare in literature for a person's interpretation of the work and assumptions about author intent of the author's intent to be so directly, totally wrong and for the piece of literature to provide the evidence to so conclusively prove that that opinion is utterly wrong.
You're quite a rare and wonderful example of pure incorrectness.
you can think that there was nothing admirable in Tanishi challenging aoyama to a fight, but your sense of morality is twisted and does not reflect that of normal, upstanding people , the audience or the author since the behaviour you criticise in Tanishi of defending the honor of a woman he likes after being rejected by her despite her saying she does not want him defending her honor remains a core part of his personality and moral compass and he repeats the behaviour again in the second arc with Gen and the deaf girl but instead is rewarded with a happy ending.
So basically you can eat shit and continue delusionally ramblind to yourself and telling yourself that the manga is about telling the readers not to put women on a pedastal and that every bad outcome is a result of poor decision making from putting women on a pedastal when the manga itself proves that you are wrong about the manga's intent.
You're done. You're out of your depth
>In the second half the same thing happens
It doesn't. You completely glossed over the simple fact that Hana actually did have a relationship with Tanishi. Tanishi was also much more honest and straight forward with his feelings when he dealt with Hana than when he was going after Chiharu. This is why Tanishi and Hana got together so quickly.
Tanishi was not putting Hana on a pedestal, he was simply defending his lover from an abusive (soon to be) Ex. He also did not go out of his way to pick fights. Every single fight he had in the second half was to defend Hana. This is completely different from his fight with Aoyama, which he did for his own selfish pride (and not "for her honor" as you keep incorrectly claiming).
>tanishi behaves the same way with the deaf girl he still idolises her
Wrong again. Hana's -entire- point was to show that women are people just like everyone else. Hana had absolutely none of the fake girly act which Chiharu put on. She was violent and very straight forward with her feelings. She never wore feminine clothes. She wasn't putting on an act.
He is not idolizing her, because there is nothing to idolize.
I don't care about your turbo virgin morals though.
Here are the facts:
1. Chiharu never asked Tanishi to fight Aoyama. She was against the fight right from the beginning and never encouraged him.
2. Chiharu was not romantically involved with Tanishi
3. Aoyama himself tried to dissuade Tanishi several times and explained to him very calmly that the had zero reason to fight him
It is a *fact* that his fight with Aoyama was entirely his own doing. Keep your mentally ill white knight fantasies to yourself. It has nothing to do with this discussion.
Is that artist who couldn't write endings to save his life?
ops a cuck
>You completely glossed over the simple fact that Hana actually did have a relationship with Tanishi.
lol no you're the one glossing over things .
1. Tanishi had the start of a relationship with chiharu too.
2. Tanishi no longer had a relationship with hana at the time when he decides to get involved with her business again with Gen.
Do you think that people reading this thread have not read the manga? You're not being honest at all.
in both arcs he gets close to the girl. in both arcs he fucks things up with the girl and the girl rejects him. In both arcs he decides to involve himself with the girl's business and defend their honor when a lover that they chose mistreats them at which time he is not in a relationship with them at all.
>Tanishi was also much more honest and straight forward with his feelings when he dealt with Hana than when he was going after Chiharu.
So what? yes he grew more confident in himself and straight forward, but this doesn't have anything to do with putting women on a pedastal or the behaviour of defending the honor of women who have rejected him which you have been condemning.
>Tanishi was not putting Hana on a pedestal,
putting a woman on a pedastal means idolising them and is often used to allude to white-knighting, defending women who did not ask for it and whom you are not involved with . this was precisely the case with Hana after she dumped him for going to the hotel with chiharu.
> he was simply defending his lover from an abusive (soon to be) Ex.
>What if - hypothetically - someone told you to kill yourself?
Are you fucking stupid?
>Wrong again. Hana's -entire- point was to show that women are people just like everyone else. Hana had absolutely none of the fake girly act which Chiharu put on. She was violent and very straight forward with her feelings. She never wore feminine clothes. She wasn't putting on an act.
>He is not idolizing her, because there is nothing to idolize.
This is especially retarded even for you. You're claiming that because Hana was did not put on a fake girly act that it is impossible to idolise her. This is complete garbage. Of course it is possible to idolise someone who is genuine.
verb: idolise
admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively.
You must know that you've been proven completely wrong.
Don't you have that feeling in the back of your mind? Why are you still responding when you must know that your claims and about what the manga about, i.e. author intent are wrong.
I've clearly won. If you still respond after this it's only to try and save face by being the last person to respond.
Any rational person who read the manga and read our posts would see that I'm right and you're wrong. Even if they agreed with your moral values and thought that Tanishi was a delusional white knight who did the wrong thing by idolising women and putting them on a pedastal and whiteknighting them after they dumped him , any person with a brain and intellectual honestly would agree with me that the author does not see those actions as bad things since he gives Tanishi a happy ending in the second half for behaving with the same idolising and sense of moral compass and values that lead him to white knight a woman he desires but is not involved with and has been rejected by in the second half as in the first half.
>1. Tanishi had the start of a relationship with chiharu too.
No he didn't. They were never an actual couple. Before they even got to that point Chiharu found Tanishi with his cock hanging out hiding in her best friend's closet.
>2. Tanishi no longer had a relationship with hana at the time when he decides to get involved with her business again with Gen.
So you say Tanishi no longer had a relationship with hana at the time and then later in the same post say he was never her lover? Which is it? Let me help you out. Here's where Hana says yes she'll go out with him.
Now can you post the page where Hana breaks up with Tanishi? Let me help you out there too, it doesn't exist. They had a fight, then they go back to the city and Tanishi goes back to the gym after his cast is taken off. Tanishi still had a reason to get involved with the Gen business because 1. they actually had a relationship whereas with Chiharu they never had one 2. Hana still clearly wanted him around and cared about him otherwise she would have told him to fuck out of the gym and 3. Hana did not want Gen back at all and simply wanted him to divorce her. Chiharu was massively in love with Aoyama at the time of the fight and did not want Tanishi back at all.
>So what? yes he grew more confident in himself and straight forward
No shit you stupid fuck? The only people who put women on a pedestal are those who lack confidence in themselves and view women as something super special. Can you really not connect the dots here? hahaha
> this was precisely the case with Hana after she dumped him for going to the hotel with chiharu
Completely wrong. See above.
It's been hilarious completely destroying all of your points because you don't even know how to read manga.
I mean you're fucked. Your argument is totally fucked . The plot is written so that the situation almost 1:1 maps onto and parallels between the first arc and the second and the only significant differences are the integrity and quality of character of the girl involves and the overall more formidableness of tanishi (which does not affect his core moral compass in terms of the behaviour you criticise in this thread has not changed.
You're so fucked boyo.
It's not usually possible to prove someone so wrong so thoroughly in literature discussions about author intent as this.
>You're claiming that because Hana was did not put on a fake girly act that it is impossible to idolise her
Again, you show your inability to contextualize events past what you are currently reading. You are very clearly a third worlder who does not have a grasp on the language this manga has been translated in.
Hana does not exist in a vacuum. She is the complete opposite of what came before, Chiharu. In the first part Tanishi takes months to work up the courage to even talk to Chiharu, and only does so drunkenly while on a company outing. He then proceeds to neurotically obsess over every little action he takes wrt Chiharu and even resorts to the advice of a competing company's employee to woo Chiharu because he was so unsure of himself. Compare that to his confession to Hana which happened in literally a manner of days and which he did all on his own. Guess which situation would classify as idolization, you retarded third-world monkey?
I stop reading this shit half way because it got boring.
Can someone spoonfeed me why everyone got triggered by this image?
>They were never an actual couple. Before they even got to that point Chiharu found Tanishi with his cock hanging out hiding in her best friend's closet.
They liked each other and had gone on dates and hadn't made it official
>So you say Tanishi no longer had a relationship with hana at the time and then later in the same post say he was never her lover? Which is it? Let me help you out. Here's where Hana says yes she'll go out with him.
Oh my god you total fucking retard.
a lover is someone you are in a sexual relationship with.
Tanishi was not in a relationship with hana at the time Gen appeared, she had dumped him.
Furthermore, she was never his lover , they had never even had sex.
So claiming that he was her lover and he was defending her lover from Gen is totally wrong in 2 different ways.
agreeing to start going out officially makes you boyfriend and girlfriend, not lovers.
>Now can you post the page where Hana breaks up with Tanishi? Let me help you out there too, it doesn't exist.
LOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL yet another howlingly dishonest statement.
I'll let the people in this thread who have read the manga judge the truthfulness and validity of your claims.
if you're serious about this and not trolling then how embarrassing
>hadn't made it official
I know I'm right.
>a lover is someone you are in a sexual relationship with.
a person having a sexual or romantic relationship with someone, often outside marriage.
Having problem with English, you third world monkey? hahaha
>she had dumped him.
No she didn't. See >LOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL
Got backed into a corner and this is all you got now?
You'd get the basic idea if you literally just read the thread
Hahaha you're the one actually lacking understanding of idiomatic english and arguing as though english is your second language. If someone says "they're lovers" or "he's my lover" that is used denote that they're a sexual relationship.
Saying that 2 people were lovers when they had never had sex would be considered misleading.
The word you should have used was "girlfriend" not lover, since girlfriend does not have the strong connotation of the people having gotten to sex with each other.
Ask me the next time you need a lesson on how the english language is used.
and yeah, ok buddy. It's impossible to dump someone unless you say to them "I dump you". Sure thing. Do you think you've managed to dodge being totally btfo now?
haha, loser.
You're done. I'll leave the record of posts for people who have read the manga to see you getting proven wrong and losing.
You can get the last word since that's the only semblence of winning or saving face you're going to get.
>third world monkey is so BTFO that he's literally arguing against the dictionary
>has zero arguments left
I mean if you had just admitted that you are an incel retard like I immediately called you out for being like 50 posts ago, you wouldn't have had to suffer this much embarrassment over me destroying your pathetic arguments.
Stick to posting reaction pics because you are clearly very bad at actually reading and discussing manga.
The same thing happened with the ending of Natsu no Zenjitsu. The manga literally ended in the only possible way that would maintain the thematic coherence of its narrative but otakus were still furious because they wanted a happy ending, simply because they self-insert as the MC.
Nothing matters in anime/manga for your average otaku as long as they are "comfy".
the description of this manga says its about a man becoming a pro boxer and there barely any of it
Yeah that's actually another good example. Natsu no Zenjitsu's main characters attraction for each other was completely artificial. Based on looks and cringe worthy navel-gazing. You really have to be one deluded idiot to think that type of relationship would last.
It's funny because these very same otaku accuse normies of being shallow, but then they turn around and rage when the super model-looking waifu gets dumped by the male lead (or vice versa) because the relationship had no real foundation.