Nah, sorry, the shiki were completely in the right from the beginning...

Nah, sorry, the shiki were completely in the right from the beginning. They wanted to form a community where they could live peacefully. Bringing a handful of humans into their fold was a necessity. Everything would have been fine if they had just been allowed to exist. The doctor ruined everything.

You made this thread already and nobody gave a shit Fuck off idiot.

Don't be autistic.

>these bloodsucking monsters who eat people just wanted to make their own family
>they was goin to church and college, getting they life back together
>they dindu nuffin
No, they all deserved it. What made them think that humans as a species would ever be okay with a colony of monsters that eat them living nearby?

They were both fighting for the survival of their species so they were both right. The ones in the wrong were race-traitors like the monk.

>kills people
>right from the beginning


Shiki didnt kill people, they granted them immortality. They usually sucked people with high chance of turning

The monk was a werewolf though

>Shiki didnt kill people, they granted them immortality. They usually sucked people with high chance of turning
They killed them... with a CHANCE at them coming back to life. That's not a good thing. They didn't ask permission, they just killed people and if they turned, they turned. Remember that multiple people turned and their entire families died, which is not a good outcome for anyone.

>They didn't ask permission,
Do you ask the pigs permission before you eat it?

>Do you ask the pigs permission before you eat it?
No, but you don't pretend you're doing the pigs a favor either.