Why does Sup Forums hate yuri so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate yuri so much?

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You must be confused I love yuri

because >muh gays are degenerate
also the minority of extremely vocal yurifags trying to push their ships in a series where two female characters may have talked twice at most is exasperating

Sup Forums has always loved yuri. It hates /u/ (the cancerous community) not the content.

Sup Forums is just another form of /u/.

It's only degenerate in real life.

Only self-insert retards and nigger gangbang fetishists do.

Nigger gangbang is good but I still love yuri.

>also the minority of extremely vocal yurifags trying to push their ships in a series where two female characters may have talked twice at most is exasperating

Sup Forums always says that but never saw it happen.