High School dxd

This is the new Rias Gremory. What do you think?

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Couldn't tell it was her without it being tagged as her.

Where'd all the soft go?

You can keep her.

Where is Koneko?

She looks better.



Way too many folds, down syndrome face and shoddily applied red spots.

Aging like milk.

>That glossing on the tits' uniforms



Akane's ass is too big.

No it's not.

To be fair, the artist isn't the same as the Anime/Character designer.

Those magazine often copy the official art?


that's a big picture

Its oficial art from the new season.
IMO looks closer to the novel designs so im ok with it, Rias seems to be the one affected the most by the change so far because the rest of the girls look great to me.

She looks borderline anorexic

Who the fuck is akane?
and no user its not too big, you are just too gay to appreciate it

This new art style makes everyone except rias look better.

I mean this picture of Rias. Yes, it is the new look, but drawn by koikawa shinpei. But by futanari artist.

New PV when?

I don't give a fuck, Koneko is the real star. And also looks the best in this style.

Is Xenovia still being voiced by Risa Taneda or is her throat still ded

Not a fan.

What happened to this anime?

Koneko is so great

What do I think?

Will the magnificent Ravel be back this season?

The new one looks like Rennai Bokunshit

New one looks like shit in comparison.

previous director fucked it up so bad that they had to get the author of the LN to write a side story to retcon S3 and erase all the shit they came up with from the anime canon and LN canon.

The publisher then decided to not only switch directors, but studio and designers to try and get as far away as they could from the cluster fuck of S3.

will never smash that

Is Seven animating this? Looks so much like Baku Ane and Otome-dori.

So the new season isn't continuing off of the end of S3? I admittedly barely remember what happened, but didn't it end on a semi cliff hanger?

Grayfia needs to become a mother again.

I want to commit acts of infidelity with her so bad!


Akeno looks way better desu

Honestly, why does anyone care about ecchis? hentai exists, it's like ecchi only without blue balls, ecchi is like a porn without sex...

Why do you people watch this fanservice bullcrap. You're the cause of what's wrong with the state of the industry

DxD is fine. Its equally a convoluted magic battle light novel as it is a boob fest. Titty shows are basically dead nowadays anyways.


>You're the cause of what's wrong with the state of the industry
I too only watch deep psychological animes for deep individuals such as myself and avoid anything """fun"""

Will hero succeed or will it be a flop and basically kill the battle harem geenre?

Down syndrome Rias looks ridiculous kinda shit for me cause ill already hated the old one


Made for anal

The new design sucks
looks way too bland and generic

If this change had been made for season 2 i would have been annoying, but actual rias doesn't have the older mature women personality she used to, she doesn't deserve to look like that anymore, this style is more fitting for her actual childish personality

i ain't calling bottom one better, but how can call that top pic is shit as well.

Rias looks bad, somehow I don't mind it as much for the others.

>those vagina bones


I wanna paizuri Rias and Akeno

Fuck off Ireland.

>show about titty monsters
>flat dandere is best girl

If you really think this is killing the industry, then you need to lurk some more.

>all these faggots shit talking the new designs as if they are not planning on fapping to all of them once the anime airs

Threadly reminder that best girl comes next season

>i can't fuck a 7/10 and complain that its not a 9
strive for greatness

I just want a Rosswife. A Ravel would be nice too.

Irrelevant im waiting for new Ravel. Thats what matters.

Rias is honestly the only one here who looks worse instead of better

The old was a solid 5/10. The LN was the only part of DxD that had good art.

koneko and akano are the only ones who look better. asia and rias have downs now

stop posting

I bet she'll be cute

who cares, show is bad

I have never watched this series but
>mc in situations like this daily
>is probably still a virgin
please tell me I'm wrong

He knocks all of them up, everyone wins.

The new designs look goofy and slapstick rather than sexy, just can't do it.

You're exactly right. Fans will sometimes try to tell you otherwise, but they're lying.

It's a case of "If the anime went on for like 5+ more seasons, it would catch up to the part in the LN where they are all actually fucking"

This gave me a good fap, so I approve

Just imagine these in thigh highs

He has time travelling kids

bare legs are better, FIGHT ME

I am twelve and what is this

Plot armor doesn't exist, it's more like a plot chastity belt

Xenovia needs sharper hair.


>mfw imagining the skindentation
God bless Miyama telling Uno Makoto to draw thiccer legs

Is Queen Bee animating this?

So what type of sexy pantsu will Koneko wear this season? She always has the best.

google is your friend

Hoping for some striped ones

OP/ED announced for S4
OP: "Switch" by Minami
ED: "Motenai Kuse ni(`;ω;´)" by Tapimiru


The OP singer has a nice voice.


Oh fuck yes

I want to fuck a bird and/or a cat.

this is from pink pineapple, right?

what went wrong?

The top looks atrocious. Rias always gets gimped in the anime.


Rossweisse is my favorite.

Still nothing new on Ophis?

She shouldn't be in S4 so dark times ahead my fellow Ophis user.

Koneko is for anal and hugging.

As are Xenovia & Raynare.
Fuck the rest.