Shingeki no Kyojin

>Before: "I-I don't want to face an Ackerman again!"
>Now: Faces TWO upgraded Ackermans, walking like a chad, he is not even that far from them
To be honest you have to be 2/10 like Porco to not see Zeke is working with SL

Or he puts his country above himself.



I'm more curious how this will play out, we have basically 5 titans (Zeke, Porco, Pieck, Warhammer, posible Reiner or Falco/Gabi new AT) supported by Marley military against one Eren titan and a bunch of geared soldiers.
That's so uneven it hurts, if suddenly we won't get some reveal next with either Armin CT or Annie or new FT joining them from air or side, Paradise are dead there.
Obviously the lights are meant to where drop the Armin CT bomb, but what if it's actually mark where a winged new FT will drop Armin than a place?
We would finally have all pieces of Ymir Fritz persona in one place to fight it off so only one would remain and gain the true power.

Or Eren fucked it up they will get massacred and as his last moments he will send his mind to the past with his whole knowledge about marley and shifters to properly plan actions next and not allow Reiner and co to attack in the past at all.

Why don't they just attack from range? The long Hammer combined with Zeke's rocks and Pieck's guns should be enough to keep Eren and the SL at a safe distance. If any end up getting close Porco can just take them out.

Imagine being on the receiving end of this, those blades are absurdly thick and sharp as fuck.
I'd die from shock before he even gets to me.

Endgame right kokoda, anikis


>Anons have Porco-level intellect
That's really painful.

Your thread sucks dude.

Are Ackermans like Uchihas?

I want to see Zeke suffering ptsd and running away from manlet while screaming

But why would he be working with the scouts?


He works for Eldia since childhood
What's the point of helping Marley anyway?

>Annie is dead

He played catch with his bro.

Take your shit coloring with you and fuck off back to l_eddit

>Armin goes into Pieck machine gun

This would be so glorious.

Why does he look like a huge tool?

It's because he has 30k army with him.

But none of it matters once Armin gets there.

Read the manga


>The Chad Beast
>The Virgin Manlet

So is Armin some like fearless killing machine now? He use to be so timid and shy, but now that he's a Titan (and a fucking OP one at that.) I'm guessing he's more edgy? I mean hell, like at Eren. Eren's edgy as fuck.

Wasn't 102 the end of the chapter?

What will the next chapter be called?

>The CHAD beast
>Doesn't seem to remember that Levi beat his ass already

Levi doesn't fear him.

Marley arc is clearly the best arc.

>He thinks anything can stand protagonism powers and Hackermans.

We will see Eren's wife next chapter?

We already saw her.

Magath also remembers Zeke's words about the Ackermans and notice his strange confidence and reckless approach towards the battle. No doubt Pieck will deduce that he's a traitor, she'll probably bite Porco out of his nape and flee with him and the Panzer unit before Colossal Nuke happens.

I think so, I wonder how the anime only fans will take too it though.

Porco is like the incarnation of speedreading.

That's Ymir's wife and she might be with Hanji, assuming she is even at Marley.

That's just because he got caught by surprise.
We never got to see them evenly matched.

Annie's not dead and is making piece with her father while this fight is going on before she jumps in to help eren, I know that might seem hard to belive but the foreshadowing is already there. The truth is Annie is actually in love with eren, He's the only man in her life to ever bring her some kind of happiness. Even her and her father have a toxic relationship. Yet this cute oblivious boy she met brought her joy and help shift her world view, with his ignorant yet passionate ideals.

His enthusiasm and dedication for getting stronger as well as going against the current ,against all odds had a great impression on annie.
She thought it was especially cute how excited he was when learning a new move, it made her smile
She had wished she could be like him but admits she's a weak person at heart, scared to oppose the marley empire, yet she wishes for the courage to do so.

When she wakes up next chapter, she'll learn that eren possess the founding titan and humanity now has the colossal titan under their control. Meaning opposing marley is now a viable option and not just stupid optimism. She'll then join eren and the walldians to help save the eldians and destroy the marley she hates so much. So that the eldians stuck in marley, weak people forced along the current, can be considered people too.

The 30K are stationed all around the borders of Liberio, and the lights are being put inside the town.

What's with Isayama and turning everyone from EMA into trannies?


Hanji is with Armin and others stealing a zeppelin

Mikasa somehow will kill Eren at the end... tragic love story

They will probably won't get too attached to Marley characters because of being weekly

But she will touch her belly and Jean will take care of her and Eren Jr

Eren should be behind manlet

Armong was always a girl and Mikasa was always a man

The lights must definitely be a sign for them. If Hisu is really there, it would be interesting if Ymir's memories are going to mess with Porko's mind and give him troube fighting agains the SL. Well not like he seems really that much of a threat so far anyway.

Too bad she's going to die a horrible Gaby induced death or something.




What a fucking scrub, imagine having this spinning top come at you, esques his now doing a corkscrew flip while spinning like a mad man.

the worst thing about this chapter is how apathetic and lazy eren is.

I mean being calm and expecting mikasa save him one time at the end of chapter 101 is ok , but spending basically the whole of 102 being like
>Oh the titans not dead... mikasa dodge its blows while carrying me for a while so I can figure out why
>oh, I spent too much time looking at the war hammer titan crystal and I got snuck up on from behind ... but it's ok for me to be that complacent and let this happen because I predict that levi will rescue me in the nick of time
>oh now the war hammer titan has respawned and skewered my titan form again... mikasa save me and carry me around again...

all the while seeming totally apathetic and sluggish and not bothered or having any adrenaline or urgency.

It's really weird , bad writing.
Even if you're now so dark and damaged you don't mind starting a way the way a war was started with you, you would still feel adrenaline and urgency in that violent, dangerous situation where all your plans very nearly went to shit.

You'd take some responsibility for looking after yourself. even if you're so damaged and dark etc. if you cared about your plan and revenge enough to plan this you'd genuinely care and feel urgency about the fact that your plan very got thwarted 2 times within about 60 seconds and was only saved by luck that the mikasa and levi were close enough to get there at the right'd know that if you get eaten or killed then paradis is doomed so you would show urgency and adrenaline.

So yeah erens behaviour this chapter was an example of bad writing.

That's not how shifter memories fucking work.

I get a light sammy, just waiting for this shit to be animated.

Hisu might be in Paradis, maybe they are planning to take the shifters to Paradis. I would like to see Porco reacting with Hisu

Yes Gaby a shit, but she's obviously set up to be the next gen of Eren in a never ending fueled war in the land of not nazis/jews.

She's going to shoot Sasha in the back and be eviscerated by Connie.

The bad writing is how he can bever accomplish shit just so the Hackermen get to have a cool 3DMG scene.

We have so few best girls left I don't want them to die :X

I'm just waiting for the Armin nuke now.


By the end of the story I just want Reiner, Colt, Falco, Sasha, Connie and Jean to survive and tell the tale.
Everyone else can die in a ditch.

>I would like to see Porco reacting with Hisu
Or Hisu reacting to Porco, because of his titan form.

You mean that little shit will live til the end? no wayyyy I want her death so bad

Gaby seems more like her own character than something that is meant to be a parallel because she's competent and was already motivated and involved in subjugating paradis rather than motivated by revenge and I don't believe her family are dead yet but that might be something I missed while speed reading each month.

Dont forget Hisu chan

Yeah but just look at how the story is setup. Eren's crew is on a total revenge path and doing the reverse of the intro in a way.

In any case the other nations of the world who are slowly building up anti-titan tech should jump at the opportunity to invade Marley now.

>the worst thing about this chapter is how apathetic and lazy eren is.
Erens calm and composed demeanor you mean, and it's fucking great seeing him like this, especially compared to his old fights.

It looks like he has a dozen back up plans already.

>oh, I spent too much time looking at the war hammer titan crystal and I got snuck up on from behind

I didn't get that vibe at all, seemed more like the two panels shown staring where conveying like a "time stops" moment, the next page isn't actually a large passage in time but rather us seeing what eren sees in those bottom two panels.

>It's really weird , bad writing.
Nothing about it constitutes bad writing, it just lets the viewer know that eren is obviously composed and calm for a reason, the set back after set back mirror that of all of his fights and his reactions to those where all over the place.

This is just a nice juxtaposition, the set up is all there we just need to see the pay off, why is eren so composed, what's he planning.
It's makes the viewer wonder and ask questions, now if there are no answers then i'd agree with someone of what you said, but as is, this development is great.

Isayama is just making shit up like it pleases him. Eren saw Frieda without being in contact with someone and for whatever reason Hisu saw Rod's past without even touching him. Also in the forest BR and Ymir talked about not being able to rememeber who they ate, but apparently Porco can suddenly remember this part very well.

>It's really weird , bad writing.
It's not, Eren never was a mastermind, or even very smart, and Mikasa has always thousand times better a fighter than he is. And that's just his autism taking control.

>no wayyyy

I wouldn't say that, It feels more like isayama is saving erens moment, whilist actually make things not a cake walk.

No character in this show has ever been able to accomplish any sort of feat. without the help of other characters, it keeps things grounded, the protagonist aren't to strong and need the help of others to win and vice versa.

Mikasa wasn't the only one to help eren with her re-introduction, SL took care of the artillery squad that was waring him down.

Mikasa is Madara?

This. When Eren is on his own he's competent. When he's with the Scouts he gets constantly sidelined so they have something to do.

Zeke is fishy as fuck, and Pieck seems dubious

how Erwin commanded battles is how to do composure well. He remained composed but you could see that he felt urgency and he wasn't 100% calm or unphased during occasions when his plans very nearly gets ruined and only hang on by luck and very narrow margins. Also he doesn't come across as sluggish or apathetic.

Connie is 100% getting killed by Zeke next volume.

He's just too dependant on others to save him. I actually like that he doesn't give a fuck about anything anymore but I would like to see some confrontation between him and the SL. I would like Mikasa to stop saving him as well. Isayama is making it softy mostly because of the fans. I wonder how would he react when he sees Armin again.

Because Erwin had a heart to the day he died, even though he was depressed with guilty. Eren is like "civilians died, wew."


It's pretty obvious Gabi will successfully kill on of them. I'm thinking that she'll kill Mikasa while her guard is down. Sasha is a high possibility too

No one is going to die except the reddest of red shirts which is Flocke by now.


>Eren was about to eat the whole WHT crystal
>people still think Annie isn't Eren-food
Big reveals next chapter:
A Colossal Calamity!
Furious Fists: Eren Has The Crystal Power!

my complaint is not that eren should be a mastermind or a better fighter, my complaint is where is his sense of urgency? why does he seem apathetic and sluggish and unphased when his plan very nearly got fucked twice in the space of a minute and only remained viable by a very lucky rescue? why isn't he taking more responsibility for his own safety when he is vital for his plan and the future of paradis?

Is this just meant to be eren's personality now after seeing his dad's memories? I assumed that that he seemed spaced out after he accessed his dad's memories as a temporary result of experiencing the memories of his father.
But now he's simply permanently spaced out? and never shows urgency or adrenaline over anything?

please no. It really doesn't make sense to be like that when you have a plan you really really care about and your plan very nearly gets foiled from unforeseen threats twice and you only survive by lucky escapes.


What do you mean ? Eren knew he is backed up.

Eren is just aware that, as the main character, he can't die unless it's at the very tail end of the series. So he knows he's safe.


wasn't eren already able to do hardening but just wasn;t as practiced at doing it precisely during dynamic blows as annie?

Also Eren is able to generate Wall-material like when he held up the cavern underneath Reiss' palace.

You'd think that with 3-4 years of training he'd be able to control those powers and use them to fight the warhammer titan, but apparently nope.

absolute kinography
>manlet and mikasa
>manlet and armin
>armin and mikasa
>jean, sasha and hanji
>hanji and manlet


>sasha, jean and connie


not even trying
>six nameless fodder

>when you have a plan you really really care about
He don't care.

>I have come here to throw rocks and kick ass...and I'm all out of rocks

ok,we have these options:
>Zeke is gonna job
>Zeke is gonna make the SC "sit"
>Betray Marley
Place your bets.

Eren did nothing wrong

Was Reiner eaten? I'm guessing so since he hasn't shown up yet and Eren seems to be committed to eating WHT, so he'd probably eat Reiner. Then again it's Reiner

>Eren punches Zeke
>Everyone becomes the Shingeki no Kyojin

Reiner is deep into shock state trpped with Falco's body. He's just, not on this planet anymore.

Probably because she remembers he went off with the soldier.

I miss Armin.

He got shifter AIDS and is dying soon, he doesn't care anymore