>Before: "I-I don't want to face an Ackerman again!"
>Now: Faces TWO upgraded Ackermans, walking like a chad, he is not even that far from them
To be honest you have to be 2/10 like Porco to not see Zeke is working with SL
Shingeki no Kyojin
Or he puts his country above himself.
I'm more curious how this will play out, we have basically 5 titans (Zeke, Porco, Pieck, Warhammer, posible Reiner or Falco/Gabi new AT) supported by Marley military against one Eren titan and a bunch of geared soldiers.
That's so uneven it hurts, if suddenly we won't get some reveal next with either Armin CT or Annie or new FT joining them from air or side, Paradise are dead there.
Obviously the lights are meant to where drop the Armin CT bomb, but what if it's actually mark where a winged new FT will drop Armin than a place?
We would finally have all pieces of Ymir Fritz persona in one place to fight it off so only one would remain and gain the true power.
Or Eren fucked it up they will get massacred and as his last moments he will send his mind to the past with his whole knowledge about marley and shifters to properly plan actions next and not allow Reiner and co to attack in the past at all.
Why don't they just attack from range? The long Hammer combined with Zeke's rocks and Pieck's guns should be enough to keep Eren and the SL at a safe distance. If any end up getting close Porco can just take them out.
Imagine being on the receiving end of this, those blades are absurdly thick and sharp as fuck.
I'd die from shock before he even gets to me.
Endgame right kokoda, anikis
>Anons have Porco-level intellect
That's really painful.