> 14

Is that her IQ?

People told her she looks 14 when she was with Col.Trautman. She just never realized that she aged since then.
Honestly, she looks like 20.



I know right, so fucking old.

So was general Lancer banging her when she was like 10 or something?



She reminds me of Shouko here.

This scene was just great XD

Anyway it looks like things are starting to pick up! It looks like there's a small timeskip and it's already been months since the last episode and since then it seems like Violet is slowly becoming a very accomplished and experienced ghostwriter. I guess we're now inching closer to the LN content then?

Charlotte actually liking Flugel was actually a surprise to me! Judging by her reaction during the first few minutes when she was asking for Violet's opinion about the marriage it seemed like she didn't like him. It's nice to see an arranged marriage that actually has love and a real relationship in it. Too many times the trope of a loveless arranged marriage have been used so this was a great change of pace.

And that ending with Charlotte and her Maid was just lovely. She was professional the entire time but it was nice to see her crack and show how much Charlotte meant to her. Can't say I was able to hold back tears during that scene.

Oh and that final scene! I don't like how Dietfried is looking at Violet. It looks like there will be trouble next week.

Go back there, redditor.

reminder that violet wants to know what is love



My suspension of disbelief was destroyed when this retarded shit was said out loud with a straight face. She at the very minimum is 18.

are you sad that loving based violet is illegal?

>She was even smaller when fighting a war without a helmet against grown man

>Implying its illegal to love a cartoon
Are you pretending to be a stupid? I don't even particularly like this show but god damn was that shit so dumb I had to comment on it.

>People tell me I look fourteen.
What people? Blind people?

DtB did it better.

fma did it better

What a cutie

ToraDora did it better

Plastic Memories did it better

DtB s2 did it better.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Is Violet-chan best girl 2018?

Spice and Wolf did it better

Gaston did it better

Bioretto Everpuffy

In what fucking anime world that thing is 14?
Fucking dropped.

dark flame master did it better

That's like me trying to enjoy this series

In anime world.

Watch more anime, newshit.

Nothing about this episode made even a semblance of sense:
- why would you send an inexperienced, autistic robot on a job where a mistake could result in the resumption of war?
- why were they permitted to go off script like that?
Where was the oversight?
- 14?! Are you fucking kidding me?

Don't get me wrong - it was very cute, especially the part were the public was following the exchange and routing for them. I really liked that and was pretty disappointed when they didn't do anything with it - a PR stunt is really the only way that they could have justified the whole affair, and emphasizing the post-war healing aspect would have given this a lot of impact and importance in the overall story, but, inexplicably, they didn't follow through.

The implausiblity of it all was a bit grating; I was willing to overlook them not proofreading Violet's first letter a couple of episodes back, but now they seem to be quadrupling down on essentially the same error. They were, at least, good enough to show how Claudia's military contacts managed to get his company such a sensitive job, and why Cattelaya wasn't available, but that still doesn't explain how anyone thought sending an unsupervised Violet was a good idea. She's had a grand total of 3 jobs, one of which was an abject failure. No way in hell the palace would allow them to pull the stunt they did with public letters, let alone the government. I had expected them to do private letters on the side - that would have actually utilized Violet's 'talent' of being so autistic that the only way to get a letter out of her is to be absolutely truthful and open about your feelings with her, but I guess that would have been too logical.

Also, I refuse to believe she's 14 - she looks like she's around 20. They did have side characters make comments about how young she was in previous episodes, which I had though weird, so I expected her to be potentially 16-18 even though she doesn't look it. 14 is absurd.

Yeah, she's way too old to fap to

Simpsons did it better.

Congratulations, you've realised that this show is bullshit and the only thing going for it is the visuals, like any sane human being would.

Is this the thread where we try to force a meme?

Hyokoi did it better

BnHA did it better.

"Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia ( 全て遠き理想郷アヴァロン , Subete Tōki RisōkyōAvaron ?) is the hallowed scabbard of Excalibur, the embodiment of the utopia King Arthur seeks, originally stolen from her shortly before the Battle of Camlann due to the machinations of Morgan le Fay. It is a luxurious piece of equipment made of gold and decorated with blue enamel that seems more like a treasure to show dignity and nobility like a crown or staff than a weapon. No one knows what kind of Divine Mystery it is made from, but it was created by fairies along with Excalibur, an inscription written in Fairy Letters engraved on its center to show that it is not the work of man. It bequeaths limited immortality through constant regeneration, as well as preventing physical deterioration caused by aging."

it's like this author had a bunch of ideas for a lot of stories and character but dumped everything into one setting and one character. only thing missing is a cult that worships violet

Nice spacing

Saw did it better.

Coraline did it better

- This episode takes place months after the last and Violet certainly seems to have picked up some skill in the meantime.

- They were only allowed to go off script like that after explicit royal permission

- What makes you think the letters aren't proofread?

- Violet is most certainly not actually 14. The major only guessed she was 14 when he first found her. After that she just never taught about the fact that she would have aged after that.

An anime character is younger than she actually looks, crazy. Violet isn't even outside of the realm of possibility.

Thanks. I pride myself about being able to put line breaks between large chunks of text that would otherwise be more difficult to parse. I find placing the spaces between paragraphs to be the most effective approach.

Hiyokoi did it better.

Hidamari Sketch did it better.

teeth girl did it better

Random Youtube vid did it better.

So Violet is suddenly capable to the point of getting hired by royalty? Too bad that most of this development happened off screen. I thought this anime was supposed to be about her growth. Plus, she still acts like a total autist despite supposedly understanding emotions better now.

>- This episode takes place months after the last and Violet certainly seems to have picked up some skill in the meantime.
Possible, but this is the sort of thing you need to actually indicate somehow. Not doing so is failure.
>- They were only allowed to go off script like that after explicit royal permission
...and that doesn't make any sense. Not plausible.
>- What makes you think the letters aren't proofread?
No oversight was shown in the show beyond the first formal letter its hard for me to believe that they would have been able to get approval. for the informal one. Plus, we have precedent from Violet's letter writing job debacle.
>- Violet is most certainly not actually 14. The major only guessed she was 14 when he first found her. After that she just never taught about the fact that she would have aged after that.
Possibly. but none of that is in the show. It's pure speculation.

Remember to ignore shitposting like this.

>why did they not send Catteleya
yeah I asked myself the same thing, then I watched the episode
Violet clearly is at this point their second best ghostwriter it seems
>why were they permitted to do that
Violet said the mail company couldn't be held accountable for that, and who could have stopped them?
yeah that's ridiculous, I'll just go and pretend she was 14 when she fought in WWI and she's now 18-20
maybe, as mentioned here, they told her she was 14 when they found/captured her
>why don't they proofread her letters
the maid proofread her letters, it was pretty clear when she read the letter Violet just written out loud
>I expected them to do this differently and I would have done it differently
you're an armchair director then, congrats

9 years old

Everyone is sperging out because of character's age. Is this what Sup Forums has become?


This is not about her age, it's about a bunch of very upset anons smearing everything VEG/KyoAni related.

So she was a JC basically. I wanna teach her what love is gently.


>branding genuine criticism as shitposting
The absolute state of Kyoanifags.

>entire episode dedicated to show how violet got a hard-to-get certificate proving she is an elite writer
>complains about violet being inexperienced

How did they determine this? Did an army doctor test her cunny stretch?

No one does facepull smiles like LeFou.

Do NOT reply to speedwatchers.

I'd bludgeon that. Nobody's gonna believe she's not legit anyway.

Timeskips were one of the many things that killed SAO.

Re:life did it better.

Miku did it better

But officer...

Rei did it better

I don't know what kind of posts is this but it bothers me a lot.

I thought the obvious absurdity of it was the point, you were supposed to think that Violet doesn't even know her age.

>Violet clearly is at this point their second best ghostwriter it seems
Would have been nice to see how she got there; it would have been believable if we'd gotten more development, but this was way too soon
>Violet said the mail company couldn't be held accountable for that, and who could have stopped them?
Oh, I dunno. The governess. The palace authorities. The government. Anyone in the 14 layers of oversight that would have been there if this was remotely realistic? The letters were formally published, just like the initial one was. This was clearly all done with official approval - the problem is that that isn't really plausible.
>maybe, as mentioned here, they told her she was 14 when they found/captured her
She's autistic, not retarded. She understands the concept of the passage of time and knows how to count.
>the maid proofread her letters, it was pretty clear when she read the letter Violet just written out loud
Yeah. Only, there is no way she would be the only one reviewing them. This is a matter of national defense and foreign policy after all. I still can't see this being allowed unless it was a calculated PR stunt.
>you're an armchair director then, congrats
Even a backseat driver can tell when you're driving on the wrong side of the road, user.

>it's their fault that I didn't understand this, they should have been clearer
your IQ is too low for this show
>they were allowed to go off script after permission
>and that doesn't make sense
>also Violet might have fucked up
I'll make you a summary of what happened
Violet contacted Catteleya and had her convince the prince to write a more heartfelt letter --> the princess received a more heartfelt letter and she wanted to give a heartfelt reply
and how would they know that Violet might have fucked up, for all they know she's a very professional ghostwriter for an important postage company
if you think that doesn't make sense, you might have an IQ too low for this show
>you might be right but let's assume you're wrong because they haven't clearly said/shown that's right
surely you can do without me repeating myself

meant to quote

Death march did it better

Black Butler did it better.

>this girl is older than her

British Got Talent did it better.

My biggest issue is how the same company sent both mail writers, I can speculate there was something bigger going on but it's pointless with how episodic each story is.

Madoka did it better

I liked it better when it was called Key the Metal Idol

After the timeskip, Cattleya and Violet are literally the most popular dolls on the continent.
Who else was supposed to go, some average doll like Luculia?


No, a doll from another place? we also have no knowledge of them being so popular. It felt hamfisted to justify the ending, honestly.

Fate did it better.

Saw that episode. Remember what happens in it? Violet *fails* the course. She only gets credit afterwards when she successfully writes the letter - one single letter - for her classmate.

Violet is only shown to write two successful letters to this point, and she achieves success in both in the same way: she's so goddamn autistic that the only way the client can get a usable letter at all out of her is to break down and honestly and completely confess their true feelings, which is in turn what makes the letters so effective. Problem is, that this is the exact opposite of what you would want for a tightly choreographed public diplomatic display between royalty.

No way! Where was it confirmed?

Like they would communicate what doll they would both hire.

Cattleya's popularity is mentioned on episode 2 and episode 5. Violet's is left clear with episode 5.
Stop being so dense, they're not going to waste 10 episodes developing Violet as a doll when that's not the main plot.

I don't understand. Why not just have her be older? It's the same shit in every anime.

>After the timeskip, Cattleya and Violet are literally the most popular dolls on the continent.
Did I miss an episode, or something? Where do we learn this?

Violet Evergarden did it best.

Inuyasha did it better.