Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Episode 5


i just missed the last thread, but someone spoil me
does lady karina ever get in on the harem? just started volume 12 and it's painful to see how they both want it but satou's being retarded as usual.

They keep cutting the only way to save the adaptation.
She becomes as much a part of the harem as anyone else does eventually. Which means she follows Satou around and Satou doesn't do anything, even if he prefers her body type. Maybe something will change after the current WN god trials.

>They keep cutting the only way to save the adaptation.
What do you mean by this?

The fanservice. Though this time they also cut explaining Arisa's powers along with the fanservice. I have no idea what the director is thinking.

>another reincarnated is that weak
>please feel bad for these slaves who are still pure because satou harem can't be used goods
I'f fine with latter but the former is just to make satou more overpowered for no reason.


I'm sad we won't see Karina.

i picked up this series just to see how animators could make an unremarkable shit somehow "shine" in whatever way
so far it's been intredasting to some level that i don't mind the eps, so i guess i'll see the rest
also the ed has a decent mood to it

for lewd butt things

>with cute animal tails
There's nothing better than this in life.

she's part of the group of girls that travels with him now, but she's still clearly in last place. He still treats her far worse than any other girl.

Nice proportions

Its pretty rage inducing how much she gets shit on. I was bored and actually tried to reread the whole wn this past weekend, but ended up stopping when he dumps her in volume 10.

So who's the wettest for Toosa?

>Zena first girl(?) he ever meets there, happens to be cute and becomes his wife
Sure I guess.

She has more personality than some like Aze, which helps her stand out, but it's not a good personality.

Another stupid Isekai

So, did MC died in his sleep while overworking like the wage slave he was?

Zena, Karina, and Arissa are the most agressive ones.

Aze is just a device to keep him from going from any other girl. Terrible way to keep the harem from progressing.

>Game just released
>Girl had the time to be reborn and return to 10 years of age
Plothole or the time flow is different?

>has literally godlike powers/items
>doesn't anything with it


Time of flow is defniitely different. Remember in the first episode he was complaining about someone who used to work with the company but bailed leaving all the bugs for him to fix? She ended up being reincarnated 100s of years before he did and is the legendary hero.

But a great way to force him to become a god, which a goddess wants him to become. I just hope that becomes part of her plot, along with his missing memories. Aze seems too forced already, but that would at least give some reason other than the author not wanting progress.

Pochi and Tama are still the things I look up to.

So she became a hero without meteor? tough luck girl.

What chapter and volume was today’s episode adapted from?

So which slaves are still virgins?

Became a hero, founded the kingdom, introduced Japanese elements into society, then went to sleep for a thousand years so she could wake up and join the harem just to be ignored like every other girl he meets.

Never confirmed, so probably all of them. Arisa and Lulu have Arisa's magic to prevent anything from happening to them they don't want.

probably the beast folk, since most people find them repugnant.

This series is really stupid as fuck.
And MC is useless despite god mode on.
He is just in that world with 0 aim.

I hope this shit in the WN with the quests for the gods ends soon, literally ruining a fine story

she's already a better MC than MC itself

There can't be many more possible ways to have a trial focused on combat, maybe just an occasional enemy to be crushed quickly.

How many gods are there again? I assume each one will have 3-5 chapters till we get to the last one which will be the final arc. Once he settles things with Parion and becomes a god so he can fuck Aze and leave the harem behind, what else is there to do in the story?

I enjoyed Aoi Yuuki being a bitch(slot).
Due muh noblesmen politiks, he will marry topedo teats eventually.

No trial:
>God Tenion of [Solace and Love]
Trials passed:
>God Heraruon the [Top Seat of the Pantheon]
>God Garleon of [Strife and Victory]
Teials remaining:
>God Urion of [Trial and Judgment]
>God Karion of [Wisdom]
>God Zaikuon of [Passion and Change]
>God Parion of [Infant and Righteousness]

There are still questions about the demon god, the goddess in his memories that appears at times, and the creator god. He hasn't found his original world yet, if he isn't just the combination of every Satou in all worlds.

Except he's already a higher rank than her father and engaged to an actual princess. Marrying an earl's daughter would actually be a bad move politically for him now.

>have godlike powers and boundless wealth
>don't be an attention whore and keep a low profile so nobles/church/governments/moralfags/jews don't bother you with their stupid shit
>travel around the fantasy world and collect haremettes while not having to give even a single fuck

>He is just in that world with 0 aim.
That actually the main appeal of the PLOT. If you don't like Seinfield, you should go back to /DBZ/ or /OnePiss/

He should fuck his slaves. All of them.

What happens if you cut off their tails?

Satou would have to regrow them, then kill the one responsible.

Why do they sit their butts on the stone cold ground? Why not use the cloth at least?

>He hasn't found his original world yet, if he isn't just the combination of every Satou in all worlds.

Interesting theory. Maybe all the other parallel Satoos died so Dragon loli decided to save the last one by bringing him into her world?

Demon God is supposedly still sealed on the moon.

Its like people forget that he actually worked himself to death before getting transported. If that happened to you, of course you're not going to want to be a workaholic in your new life.

They can't henshin in sentai rangers anymore.

With the intermission dream chapter with the changing hair colors, those could just be different worlds. His missing memories could also be to help him keep his sanity instead of having so many conflicting memories. Something completely unexpected could also happen instead though.

>probably all of them.
Most likely. The oldest (non-elf anyway)Yamato was miko back on earth too? I can't remember. She should have remained pure judging by nippon tropes surrounding holy maidens. In DM world, she got the cheat ability "friendship". Implies that everyone gets friendzoned around her.

All the noble girls don't fuck around. The fallen noblewomen who work by Satoo Corps might have a few non-virgos. There were hundreds of them I think?

So you're actually telling a guy with a cute loli-harem that he's not living his life correctly?
You need to rethink your life, user.

they should just sit on mcs lap

They do more than that, but don't expect it to be animated.

>travel to a dungeon city
>make your harem into legends
>sponsor a race for food for orphans(yes this happened)
>make at least five different businesses
>make up ten different identities so you can run these businesses

this is before the space jellyfish too

And even with max level skills, people still start seeing through his disguises and acting. He is just powerful enough now that instead of wanting to use him, they fear angering him.

Does he even age?

yo i heard you like slaves

So the slave part of his harem are not virgins?

Non virgins in an anime based on a light novel? Not happening
There's probably some excuse to why they are

Let's be real here. How many of those slaves would he have kept if they were actually male? Not only in this show but also all the other isekais where the MC basically goes around and collects girls for his harem. I doubt he would've bought 2 slave guys even if one of them told him that he's from his country.


As usual I have to wonder what this sad nip used to eat if he's enjoying chitlins.

Pretty much all of them are more or less confirmed to be virgins in the LN. Beast girls because they're beast girls, Lulu because she's ugly and Arisa because of her magic.

No they aren't, because the MC fucked them all except the dog girls.

>How many of those slaves would he have kept if they were actually male?
Nanannanana adopted 2 young organisms(male).

Westeros food is exotic in Asias, and usually priced higher than local variety.
Doujins when?

it really pisses me off how she is mostly ignored
>strongest hero besides the protag
>can accomplish things without help
>childhood friend
And yet she doesn't even get to follow him around that much, every other girl has more screen time

he would keep them if they were traps, I guarantee

This is one series where instead of picking a girl you hope wins, you just choose which one you want to be pissed off about.

Is Arisa a reincarnated cougar grandma?

That story could work very well actually. You have male slaves that you treat well and they are completely loyal to you. That makes for a pretty cool dynamic. More shows should use it.

I don't even care who wins, I just want him to pay attention to his fucking childhood friend who literally waited 10000+ years for him
come the fuck on
at least have her follow him along the other girls

how much lewder does lulu's thoughts become?

>waited 10000 years for him
Did she know he was also going to be reincarnated or what?

I don't have anything to contribute except to say Lulu is my favorite (WN) and the ED captures the feeling of the story masterfully.

the goddess told her

when she was given the option to return to her old world some god/oracle told her she'd need to stay in the isekai world if she wants to see him again

Otaku fujoshit from a parallel japan where showa animes continued to be popular.

Authorman probably inserted her as a plot device for explaining how Shiga Kingdom was founded, and as a way to tie up loose ends regarding MC's hero persona "NoName/Nanashi".

This harem is getting unwieldy

im not liking this new nip prostitute but if i see the black haired one wearing a pantyhose and a sweater i can die happy

>Male japanese guy are seen as attractive, even by that world females
>Female japanese girl are considered ugly

Usually I don't allow isekai to trigger me, but this triggered me so much. Its a whole new level of bullshit.

Stitch when?

This inn wench is quite forward.

>Male japanese guy are seen as attractive, even by that world females
Did they say that? Haven't all the girls after him been either saved by him, and thus understandably attached, or been Japanese themselves?

>New loli is a unpure slut.

How hard did they mindbreak her to crave dick at age 11?

Uh, did Arisa erm, play with herself ever since she was a babby then? She's in a young body that likely isn't giving her hormonal problems yet still has weak control over an "existing urge".

>what the director is thinking
He thinking WebNovel sucks and he right, its sucks. WebNovel its worst i ever seen
Manga better than webnovel.
Light Novel dunno.

She's not 11. Her mind is 40+.

it's an hold hag with the skin of a loli dumbass

It's a woman who hasnt fucked in at least 11 years since her new body is barely entering puberty

You get the idea?

Did she become a slave so that she would get dicked by old men?

She's into younger ones.

Never as much as Arisa, but more than now.
>"That's right! I think not allowing me to take a bath together after I became of age is cruel! I also want the opportunity to appreciate Master's collarbone!"
If you think the anime harem size is bad, the WN is even larger.
Things that were in the manga got cut as well. And you haven't seen enough web novels yet.

is it only moonlanders who have transferred over?

>And you haven't seen enough web novels yet.
And what? Its still sucks. Just horrible shit.
If Manga maybe 6/10
Web Novel 2/10

>If you think the anime harem size is bad, the WN is even larger.
I mean. I knew there we a lot from the ED. But having them always with and dependent on him is making it feels like he's chaperoning a class from a girl's school. It's just awkward.

That's your opinion.

I still can't get over how bad opening is
Especially the sequence with mirrored images of characters standing inline. And don't get me started on that song.

Finally my wife Aoi's character

god I want to grope the cute butts

>travel around the fantasy world and collect haremettes while not having to give even a single fuck
fucks whores while having a harem

>Skill acquired: [Homosexuality]