
>kimochi warui
what did she mean by this?

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reddit catchprase thread #897987987

She found out he jerked off to her in the hospital while she was unconscious and found out about his every dirty little secret.

What did the master mean by this ?

I think Shinji fugged Asuka

No, she is just pregnant and she has morning sickness.

is this a real theory?

yeah been floating around for years, personally don't buy into it, but there are a few clues for some peoples.
But it always basically revolves around interpreting that she doesn't have her period in episode 22 but actually morning sickness. Which I don't buy since it's pretty clearly her period and that pretty much discards the theory entirely.
That is of course except if you also believe the theory according to which Asuka and Shinji had sex, but not the classic one stating they banged in episode 15 (too simple, not deep enough you see), but in fact around episode 23 after or before the coffee fight (which is another interesting theory itself).
Other arguments for it include the slight bulge on her belly when she's naked in the bathroom in episode 22 (which is also discarded if you buy into the "sex between eps 22 and 23" theory).
This post was brought to you by Evangelion : 20 years of autism and counting.

And I forgot, the thing that started this theory was a declaration of Asuka's seiyu in an interview saying she imagined the feeling of morning sickness to find the right tone to deliver this line or something like that.

thats what he meant