Tfw your character gets changed just so the MC can win
One Piece
Katafags about to be BTFO
>Completely, utterly exhausted his haki over the longest fight in the entire series
>Critically injured
>Lol no GEAR 4th ASSPULL
This fight is the biggest pile of bullshit we've ever seen. This is even worse than Doflamingo and Ace's death combined.
It was already bad with Luffy somehow surviving a 12 hours long curbstomp but now we're going all the way to the bottom of Oda's asshole.
t. Daifuku
Why is Katakuri just letting Luffy go gear 4th when he didn't before?
Why is he yelling at him to get back up, like he's cheering for him to win?
What was the question Luffy was going to ask and what was Katakuri's answer?
t. retarded roastie/soyboy
I love katakuri but can you even excuse this bs? Luffy getting hit a hundred times, with powerful haki-coated blows, and just being fine with no injuries; not only that but having PLENTY of haki in store, when we're supposed to believe haki is a finite resource that runs out. But it also blooms during battle. Whatever, Luffy's just going to win the fight with only 4 proper hits anyway.
Doflamingo was clearly superior to Katakuri
Real non-shitposting thread.