Why do people like Tatami Galaxy so much?
Why do people like Tatami Galaxy so much?
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Majora's mask
Have you watched it yet? No?
Start there, and then come back and post OP.
I would tell you why I like it, but I really think watching it yourself without being poisoned by other faggots opinions would do you some good.
Yeah I've watched it
The ED and the last episode.
It's all underage hipster kids that got bullied in school.
the "I work out in the library" people.
anime for intellectuals
this pretty much, also the opening.
Most relatable character of all time. Made us realized how shit our lives are.
Unlike the MC though our lives will forever suck. We take some sort of sadistic pleasure out of thinking our cartoon self got a happy ending, unlike us.
>Most relatable character of all time
Lmao this is what Tatamifags actually believe
You're free to deny it. Doesn't make it any less true though.
Because you need at least a BA in Japanese Literature to appreciate it.
This, unironically. You need to be versed in Japanese prose and history to get the full experience out of this.
I'm pretty sure the majority of Sup Forums hasn't gone to college, so this is bullshit.
I don't get it, what do you mean? Is it as pretentious, or what?
Its a good anime about how, for example, your misery is your fault alone, even when the MC got time reseted by god, he was still living a shitty life, and only when he realized it was his fault, did he got a good ending, I wouldnt know why you didnt enjoy it or understand why people like it, but asking Sup Forums isnt really smart.
>being this wrong
I liked it because it was a well-executed, simple concept with interesting visuals, interesting characters, and a satisfying ending.
It also pretty accurately portrays university life, which I thought was impressive, considering the cultural gap.
I actually agree with this. I took a Japanese lit class last semester whilst rewatching the show, and there so many reference to pre-modern Japanese literature/poetry it's absolutely insane.
Even if it gets a little tangled in the middle, the ending is one of the most satisfying conclusions I've ever seen.
>most relatable character of all time
But OP, that's not Satou-san
Ozu, Higuchi and Akashi are God tier characters. Especially Ozu, he is my favorite character of all time.
>It also pretty accurately portrays university life
Lol no it didn't
but anons I don't know much about nippanese culture and I still enjoyed this anime thoroughly and consider it a masterpiece. for my own reasons of course, like the very satisfying conclusion, the great soundtrack, the great characters, animation, the way the story unravels through what seems at first like repetitiveness.. I like the quirky way of storytelling this show dared to do. I like how it's unconventional yet great. Also one of the best most subtle romance arcs I've seen in an anime.
Satou is an extreme case. Watashi on the other hand is pretty much your average loser and so it's more relatable to a lot of people.
I didn't like it all that much. Judging from what I've read I think I understand why, I didn't relate to Watashi at all and thus found the message worthless. Characters were generally shallow and boring, it wasn't funny, and it was way too stretched out despite only being 11 episodes.
Because muhh 2deep4u, muhh escapism criticism
>I clapped when I saw that reference
Pseudo intellectuals everyone!
>Pseudo intellectuals everyone!
Jealous inbred autists everyone!
Jealous of what exactly? Why is the inbreeding relevant to the argument? Why the autism?
Uchouten Kazoku > The Night is Short > Tatami Galaxy. I like them all though.
because i shilled it heavily in 2013 and then i shilled it even harder to Demo in early 2014
>Characters were generally shallow and boring
How can one statement be so wrong?
Personally i find it relatable, as almost all the people have similar problems, i always idealized some things and forget to see the good things in the moment i was living. All the people make these unrealistic expectations for things and forget to enjoy things. And sometimes you just have to talk to that girl maybe you will get a surprise, whether good or bad you will never know if you don't try.
Personally I find you to be a faggot.
it's yuasa just making "cool anime"
I'm thinking about picking up Uchouten Kazoku because of Kumatan. Is it really that good?
They're speaking just a tad too fast for me to enjoy it.. Shame since the premise is quite interesting from what I saw in the first episode.
Honestly this was the show that made me really learn how to read subs more quickly.
Pleb filter at its finest.
It's comfy
It's fun and intellectual, like me.
I agree with this. Uchouten Kazoku is definitely one of my all time favorites.
I didn't like Tatami Galaxy as much but it was still pretty good.
Why is Uchouten about the suffering of Benkei though?
Great art and direction, funny writing, and the plot twist is unexpected.
What plot twist?
Watashi was in a coma
>Characters were generally shallow and boring
Are you real?
Both Tatami Galaxy and The Night is Short (same book) have some of the most fleshed out characters of any series. Characters that add nothing to the story don't exist.
I think I'm starting to understand why people don't seem to like Yuasa's works.
They're fucking retarded.
They don't pay attention and make outlandish claims based on their bankrupt understanding of the story.
It's like these people have only ever watched cartoons that require no thought, where every detail is loudly spelled out to them, and then the first work they see that should need some bare minimum of thought of analysis is always Yuasa.
I shudder to think of what would happen if you morons tried to watch a Satoshi Kon film
I think Kon is easier to swallow since his art has very wide appeal. Also, it's easier to watch a full lenght movie than a 12 episodes TV show.
You still have a point.
I had the same problem, I kept having to pause and go back so I could catch everything. Ended up dropping the show because of that but I might go back to it. I liked the parts of it that I saw, just is a bit difficult to follow as a non-native speaker.
Just play it at a slower speed.
"Wow, he's just like me!"
well maybe if you actually read books that arent on a middle school you wouldnt have had that problem you fucking moron
this is for anyone complaining about it being too fast
>"The plot is too complex and the audience cannot understand except if you compare with Majora's mask because the average people never hear of time loops"
Mediocre animation, bad-written and terrible directed.
>most satisfying conclusions I've ever seen.
>timeloop, the final episode is the first episode
How far we ve fallen
The strong theme of regret and not being able to achieve some ideal life was very relatable to me and I believe to a lot of other people as well. Watching it while going to university myself made my personal connection even stronger. It also helps that it's very well made, such as every episode adding onto each other.
The final episode is not the first episode. The show was about being stuck in a time loop, the final episode is getting out of it. Its moving forward. How did you not get that
It has better writing than most anime
It has better characters than most anime because of the particular plot that is in this anime. Its a clever way to get a lot out of a few characters, especially the protagonist
It has a different look compared to most anime
It has a lot of motion compared to most anime
It actually has a message that the entire show is built around it. It is not meant for fanservice, for laughs, for gore, for action, or for animation galore. Nearly all parts of the show are built to further this message
I think most would enjoy the music, especially the OP and ED
I think most would enjoy the art style
I think most importantly its about a 20 something year old guy who is cowardly and through all the different ways it comes out, he is forced to change for the better. It ends with affirming life and rejecting depression. I think most people on Sup Forums relate to that
most of yuasa's stuff doesn't really take much thought though. he generally keeps things pretty straightforward, just hyper stylized.
Because it's quite good
I think he meant the time loop stuff
Because people like things, user. Stop asking stupid questions.
Tatami and Ping Pong were boring shit.
I don't understand people who like them. As far as Yuasa goes, Kemonozume is better than everything else.
too look cool in front of their hipster friends
too soon user, too soon
I really don't understand how you can not enjoy the hell out of Ping Pong the Animation. That show was such an amazing ride from start to finish.
It made me not want to kill myself, so that's nice
I also like the characters and art style
>An device used in the arts to refer the viewer to another piece of art for the sake of comparison/contrast is actually just so that way pseuds feel smart.
I think you meant to post your bait in /lit/ you absolute uncultured faggot.
Because they're just average. It's a meandering show written on the level of a college failure who constantly juggles pseudo intellectual ideas. The western counterpart would be "Dude, what if... [something retarded]." I guess there's a character arc somewhere in there, but I hated the dialogue with passion.
The ending was probably one of the more satisfying endings I've ever seen. And a good amount of those who watched it were in college, so they found it very relatable.
Yes it does. Don't know what bumfuck uni you went to.
because it's really good. incidentally, have you ever been in love?
>have you ever been in love?
No, actually. I'm not a normalfag.
That's what I thought too, but then you read these threads.
I'm betting a large amount of people missed the film club president's spiel about Watashi making garbage movies that were essentially masturbation, and just thought that he was an asshole.
It really makes you think about what people mean when they say "two dimensional". It's usually "I can't pay attention" rather than "lack of depth"
99% of the time I see people criticising this show they always talk about the fanbase and not at all about the show itself.
That's really the only argument anyone can make.
>b-but it's like by hipsters and normalfags!
>It's like these people have only ever watched cartoons that require no thought, where every detail is loudly spelled out to them
that's most anime, so...
If you didn't get such an obvious joke then I don't know what to tell you.
Even if you've seen it and didn't like it, I think it should be really easy to see why some people would like it a lot.
good story, superb execution, relatable themes
because ping pong is for faggots and university life is for chumps
A lot of intellectual bashing in here lol, I guess shame on people for trying to look deeper than the surface of a story. It's a little deeper than a lot of anime, and in a way that I wouldn't say is unapproachable unless you exclusively watch moeshit and have no real interest in real Japanese culture. It's got a pretty good handle on the concept of regret and how easy it is to screw up in minor ways and miss chances. I enjoyed it a lot, and if people don't like it that's fine too.
user don't believe what other anons say, I feel you.
Even tho Watashi was so much better than Senpai in yoru wa mijikashi arukeyo otome, I felt him so much closer to me than in yojou shinwa.
Best description.
Why is being relatable so important?
If you put importance to it then you are narrowing yourself away from great things. Why create a bubble to yourself?
But user is right.
I watched this 9 years ago when I was 16 and laughed at his situation and the people on Sup Forums that related to him. Now he's literally me and I want to die.
Closest thing to an objectively correct answer in the thread. There are countless things to love about Tatami Galaxy, but if I had to guess at the general appeal, it would be the theme of trying to find your place in the world and how awful it can be sometimes. Everyone has some dream that didnt work out, or some regret that haunts them. It's a show about becoming an adult and accepting that life is full of disappointment, but also full of some pretty great stuff if you put in the work.
I feel like my generation more than ever (im 25), struggles with the exact problems Tatami Galaxy deals with. Depression, anxiety, fear of failure to the point where you just dont even try, all things that millennials seem to struggle with for whatever reason. It looks at these issues without making excuses for or demonizing them, it simply presents them in an amazingly creative way that ends with one of the most uplifting moments in anime.
Well stop acting like faggots then
I disagree. The ending was really unsatisfying
In what way?
dw about him he's just feeding the little contrarian inside of his belly
This is why no one likes Tatamifags.
>mfw there are people who don't like based Johnny
have you ever been in a shounen thread general? it's 99% faggots who legitimately have 0 semblance of reading comprehension and the ability to read between the lines or infer things from context. it's actually infuriating to even talk to them sometimes
I don't think many of us can relate to having a cutie trying to save us, user.