What are you watching?
I'm still reluctant to continue onto Sailor Moon S after getting over R.
Pre-2000 Anime
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Say hello to Nammers.
I love the paint smear in this shot.
I just finished Mellowlink last night, dragged a bit in the middle but that final arc was really intense and satisfying. It has one of the best ED songs ever as well.
On top of that I recently watched Dirty Pair: The Affair Of Nolandia, which was fantastic, with some great sakuga and psychedelic sequences, great writing and directing, and most importantly Kei getting molested by tentacles.
Working on Attack no.1 and Cobra slowly and may pick up Urusei Yatsura and just watch an episode a week.
Probably going to rewatch Genmu Senki Leda tonight if I have the chance, it has been a while and I am in the mood for some fun floof.
Today I am watching Future Boy Conan. For a 1970's series it is very pleasant and well-paced. Within the first 10 minutes alone we have just witnessed the main character Conan encounter a shark in an extremely well choreographed and executed underwater scene for that era. This series also has some noteworthy people on board, which are worth pointing out. Probably the most famous is Hayao Miyazaki, who is the director.
is this the birth of a new meme?
Can't get enough of Dirty Pair
Yes. I made it just for you.
So much fun. I ended up picking up the novels since I heard good things about them.
This aired on a local tv channel years ago. Hold sup pretty well
Watching pic related. Later i want to rewatch Peterpan no Bouken the only thing that remember from it is that the second half is some dark shit (or something like that, maybe my mind is playing with me lol).
Trying to find that one obscure character.
Currently most of the way through the first season of Cardcaptor Sakura
Fuck off.
Finished Utena last week, loved it.
Best girl.
S is the best season
Oh is this for the musical?
Yeah, I tried finding the Dual cast, but either I'm blind or they're not there.
What show has all the purple haired girls in the sixth row up?
Dirty Pair started as a light novel series in 1980, with illustrations done by the Gundam character designer.
Oh, I thought you meant the comics
Nothing but tears for me today. ;_;
>Keit-Ai with landlines
>meaning mobile
Are you fucking stupid?
this webm clearly shows sthat shes mobile.
You see that cord? I could pick up my computer tower and walk around the fucking room but that doesn't make it a laptop.
depends on the length of the cord i guess
stop avatarfagging with the 2nd worst macross girl
wrong way round moron. shes the undisputed best macross girl
If you can handle a change of art and a bit of edgy, the Adam Warren Dirty Pair comics are actually pretty good reads.
At least the early volumes.
Is Sailor Moon worth watching if I don't really care for magical girl stuff? Cardcaptor Sakura was the only one I ever actually enjoyed and sat through. Unless G Gundam counts
Latter day Warren Pair has similar writing, but the art gets atrocious.
Jesus christ, I've never seen anyone so autisically dedicated to posting this stupid bullshit.
What the fuck that's hideous
Sailor moon has plenty of slice of life hijinx, romance and comedy to offfer along with its magical girl stuff. It is pretty good.
Why is there Chinese on the cover?
why did this happen?
He had some of the least offensive weeaboo art from the time peroid and now his stuff is heinous.
where would you find these?, Ive been looking for scans of these everywhere
I guess Toren Smith was keeping him steady. After he died or left the project, is when the art seems to go off the rails.
I wish I saved it, but someone on /m/ posted a link with several volumes a while back.
Actually, it may be a couple or a few years at this point.
Fuck, time all blurs together here.
Humble reminder to discard any idiots who tell you to watch Ideon. It's complete garbage.
I need to finish Maison Ikkoku. I just haven't been in the mood to finish it. I watched the egg episode and that about did it for me.
Sailor Moon S is a completely different anime to R. The formula goes back to a monster of the week format, and the direction is leagues better. SuperS is a give or take for some people, I liked it. Then there's Stars which I'm almost done with and having R-like withdrawals over.
1st season Sailor Moon is a classic. R is a rough patch, but does start out strong. S is my favorite, SuperS is close. It's an enjoyable anime and one I never really gave the time of day until about a year ago.
Orange Road is such a crappy anime but I did enjoy the watch though.
S is better honestly. I consider it the peak of Sailor Moon.
Guess I'll give the first season of Sailor Moon a watch sometime then. I need a change of pace from all the scifi I've been watching lately.