UQ Holder! 145 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)

>UQ Holder! 145 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)

Are any of the two dump anons here? I can't do it right now.

Is it just me or do people care less about UQ then they did about negima at the end?

That's because some people see that UQ holder is a sequel and choose not to pick it up. You never had to worry about reading a prequel when you picked up Negima. I picked up UQ before I knew Negima even existed anyways.

we finally got a negima ending, such as it was, which I'm sure was what a bunch of people were reading it for. plus worst girl kyrie winning probably drove even more people away

Glad to see Kirie flag is still strong and in the lead.

That, plus I think the Anime didn't help.


cutlass going with the total baseline trolley problem is kind of boring, this was always my favorite

Thank you.
Also a few chapters ago, Cutlass knew better than to get into a fight with Eva. The second Eva shot her, she should have at least tried to run the fuck away instead of engaging.


Thanks for the chapter. Would dump, but I'm on my phone.

How am I suppose to read the chapter when its locked behind a cbz.?

Man, I hate Kirie and her power.
With a software which can read .cbz Sherlock.

>he doesn't know the secret password

>cutlass gets absolute zero'd and shattered
how is she gonna asspull herself out of this one?

Literally the first time I've came across it.

I'll just have to wait (although its unlikely because anons -always- somehow are unable to dump as if to say they dislike this manga) dumps the chapter.

here have the trolley problem, you can think upon the moral ramifications while you wait


Dude, just type .cbz reader on google and download it.

Is Cutlass gonna be daijoubu?

Well I managed to sort it out myself in the end. Glad the nigger dies.

subzero wins.

I know freeze>shatter is overused to the max since Mk1, but it is always fun.

>mans up
>choose the pragmatic choice
>but believes that they'll meet again in life
ad it been Negi, he would tried to pick both and surely fumbled.


So is this good? I liked Negima a lot back in the onemanga days but I never bothered with this one.

It's extremely polarizing and kind of a love it or hate it thing.

it's only okay, but it's worth reading to the negima ending it finally gives if you were a negima fan

Yes it's good. As long as you are not a nostalgiafag.

Hmm, I'm craving shounen shit right now so guess I'll start it
I have tons of nostalgia for Negima and I'd like to see some of the old faces. I know that Evangeline shows up, but what about the other girls?

like 120ish chapters in but when they do it's pretty good

How will Santa save the day? He looks like he has a plan already.

The series is 80 years in the future so don't expect to see many familiar faces unless it is in a flashback, Of course some of the girls are still running (or rolling) around but they don't have a big impact in the story (yet)


This chapter was really good, desu. I have the feeling that somehow Cutlass survived and Kirie is gonna die soon.

But he's the only one that stayed calm while everyone else was arguing with Cutlass.

So is Touta going to be the one who marries Evangeline?

Fucking Akamatsu, he only ever has one type of heroine.

Dumpin. No one cares about the cover page so fuck that.


Problem is easy, teleport thebomb inside Karin, it blows and she screams. Tongue bath her toes for a decade to make up for it.


Yes. Kirie is goona "die" soon.


ahh the memories




It would be nice if that's still the case. Seeing Touta do his best to make Kitty happy was one of the main reasons I picked up the manga in the first place after all. After all this Kirie faggotry though, it's starting to look like a lost cause.








Its Negi x Chisame all over again.


Eva wants Negi and Touta and Kirie have mutual affection for each other now. So the answer is no.



I don't care who wins what bowl, I just want Eva to be happy.

Would you suffer to please your sadist waifu?

Fuck her


Believe me, I would if I could.


Mind of Steel time, boys


You're gonna carry that weight, Touta.


Akamatsu needs to do more yanderes



The yan is strong in this imouto.


>Eva wants Negi
Oh thank god. I was worried Akamatsu would use the time travel thing to make Eva want Touta.



>Eva didn't blow her up four pages into the chapter

Seriously, it took her long enough. Nice to see some more verbal love confirmation from Touta, I'd love to see Kirie win right from the (relative) start.

"If it still doesn't work, the invincible Kirie-chan will use her powers to go back and fix it!"
UQ Holder in a nutshell


Had to wait until Kirie-sue was actually in danger from getting killed, user.

Now I can't wait for the reaction Touta is going to have now that Eva finally killed nigluss.


Having any winner before the end is better than one in the last chapter or none at all.


I know, I like it. It took so fucking long for anything to come out of Negima that I'd really like to see the romantic elements get set in stone now and just stay that way, fuck the harem shit.


A harem could work also, if it's an actual decision to have a harem and not just an unending competition for a single winner at the end.


Ken wouldn't dare, the Naru expy has to win every time. No sharing allowed.





Touta, please. You're going to kill her by making her heart burst.




Not anymore, she's not.
