I wanna break my fingers off in Galko's butt

I wanna break my fingers off in Galko's butt.

Me too

I want her to kancho me

Her butt is reserved exclusively for handsome black actors.

Why does Otako bully Galko so much? Is it something sexual?

I want to titfuck Galko.

I want to eat cookie dough ice cream out of her ass.

>that man hand


Two things:
>hand is pressed up against glass
>artist probably just used a model hand for reference
These would probably explain why her hand looks like that.


>that title
>it's only Otako
Whew, that could've been bad. Stupid gender-bending shit. I hate how anime/manga have taught me to be wary of it.

The color one make it look much better, Suzuki is just playing with the perspectives in the image.

Remember that Galko has large hands in universe though.

She is pressed against the glass.

Look at her breasts.

But she likes white English men too.

>that lower half of her body

Where is my S2?

As far as we know Galko only "likes" good fathers, so basically pic related is Galko dream.

Why would Galko want such an ugly girl?

Because it's her friend

Shut up!


who dis?


Well endowed

JAV actress and friend of Galko-nee.