Winter 2018

>winter 2018

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law

Yeah there's a lot of good shows to watch old man.


Pop Team Epic

Pop Team Epic

Mahoutsukai no Yome is a good time. Does it count for winter or fall last year because it's a continuation?

Mitsuboshi Colors, Takagi-San, new Cutie Honey on the horizon. It's still a fun season ignoring Meme Team Epic


I can't believe anime is dead again!

yuru camp

Is he still alive?

Reminder that Miyazaki was right about everything and the vast majority of anime released since the early 2000s are utter trash. If you think otherwise you are either a contrarian, degenerate, or have lowered your standards into the underworld.'s_law
Miyazaki may be correct to an extent, but I can't stand his reasoning behind it, and the dude comes off as such a pretentious blowhard about it.

Yeah Made In Abyss is pretty far down I agree
But I also agree that most of the things I've watched weren't memorable besides that one

Miyazaki was right about absolutely everything, the shitty Japanese economy forced out most of the good/experienced anime creators who were replaced with less experienced grease monkeys with no standards who barely knew how to make their shiny Otaku pandering trash, much less good anime. There was a clear and staggering decline in quality, creativity, and talent in anime that the industry has only started to recover from in the last 4 years or so.
>muh sturgeons law
The vast majority of all media is going to be mediocre at best but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned with all of a certain kind of media becomes significantly worse in a relatively short amount of time.

The vast majority of anime was always trash

People that don't like anime should fuck off out of Sup Forums. You're wasting your own time and ours bitching instead of doing something you enjoy.

Oh please, if you think that there wasn't the same amount of trash being released back then then you're simply a delusional nostalgiafag. Not that its even possible for someone in the West to have that kind of info because of all the stuff that's been lost to time/not subbed, but there has always been trends that the industry has capitalized on. In the 80s and 90s it was mecha, in the 2000s it was moe, more recently its been isekai, and who knows what it will be in 10 years. But fuck off with this idea that anime was once a bastion of higher quality with fewer bad/pandering shows, because that never has or will be the case ever.

>more recently its been isekai
Moe shows are still more numerous than Isekais though. We have at best 2 isekai shows per season with an average of 1 per season. That's way less than moe.

>spring 2018

Miyazaki is a hack. Violet Evergarden blows his mediocre movies out of the water.

>the industry has only started to recover from in the last 4 years or so.
lol what? the industry has become even worse over the past 4 years, the only hope is more collaboration with western corporations like netflix will lead to improvement

there is far more anime being produced in the 2010s than in the 80s and 90s, thus there is objectively more trash anime being produced today

also anime didn't start in the 1980s

Just about everything Miyazaki ever did had loads of moe. The fastest way for these arguments to end is some idiot to start throwing around the phrase like moe is a genre.

The only thing netflix does is provide budged, don't talk about things you don't know anything about.
>lol what
And don't type like a facebook nigger.

>spring 2018
>Lupin III new series
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes reboot
>Gegege no Kitaro new series
>Megalo Box (Ashita no Joe tribute series)

Classic anime is making a huge return and completely blows anything coming out in winter.

>what is ratio of good to bad

Thinking that something is good because of the year it aired is completely moronic. Thinking that something has to be good because it is related to something old is even more retarded.

This. The show is literally saving anime.

>Thinking that something is good because of the year it aired is completely moronic.
if something is a classic it has stood the test of time and remained highly regarded after the hype died down, this is a good indicator of quality

Tell me this when they come out. No one said anything about it being good you dumb fuck. Obviously we can't judge something that is not out yet. I'm simply saying there is more to look forward to in the Spring than anything else this year.

The people who make posts like this literally and unironically have Boku no Hero Academia avatars on their MAL accounts.

the 2010s would would have the worst ratio of good to bad because of sheer number

Popularity is not a good indicator of quality and you know it.
>Tell me this when they come out
Then don't say they blow everything else out of the water either.

Even if we were to get rid of 70% of the garbage that came out this decade, it would still have more trash than both the previous two decades.

>Then don't say they blow everything else out of the water either.
It clearly does in terms of expectations. No one is going to give a shit about whatever generic seasonal romcom that comes out. It's common sense to assume that the shows that already have a rich history and are already known for their high quality are going to generate more hype because of it.

critically acclaimed ≠ popularity

If you don't like Yuru Camp you are subhuman

Reminder that Miyazaki is a hack and he has produced no work of importance.

critically acclaimed = popular with critics

Nice try. Japs aren't known for having good humor especially in their cartoons.

>Miyazaki is a hack and he has produced no work of importance.
Sure, senpai.

I'm worried about Spring 2018. Really fucking worried.

Summer is garbage too. Only Golden Kamuy will be great.

critics are a minority

>Worried about the most fascinating season for anime in the past 3 years

Name me one decent season in 2017.

>ratio depends on total count
How did you get through school?


For all it's cringy setup, I'm still looking forward to what DITF does. The old man can't take that from me.

>summer 2024

>buzzword to hide his own lack of education


>All those physical copies
Good. I hope he is against paid digital distribution too.

>paid digital distribution
Isn't that basically what cable TV is?

Yeah he is still alive. He currently doing what is suppose to be his last film for his grandson apparently. It seems he knows his time may be coming up soon to go and wants to at least leave this film for his grandson before he pass away.