One Piece

Why was Luffy interested in the personality?

You should be too. It's Rayleight who's a slut who'd bang everyone as long as they're the enemy.

Luffy is discovering what love is

Didn't Ichigo also have an ability like that? Being able to read his opponents feelings through their swords?
What a ripoff amirite

it affects morale. Which is how he compeltely destroys some enemy's morale and then they join him in battle. Some of that is the will of heavens though.

Wakey Wakey Dogtoothfags.

Probably similar to nen abilities where different personalities manifest different types of haki. Eg Sanji and Zoro

Probably connected to the "voice of all things" that Roger had, just a guess though.

Does Oda even remember or care about how paramecias work?

>el despertar del dios serpiente

>he doesn't enjoy a single fight that lasts 30 chapters where the MC gets stabbed, beaten up, blind in 1 eye, loses his teeth, face is swollen, bones are broken, limbs are crippled, lost 50% of their blood, but lands a "super punch" that he's kept secret for all this time and ends the entire fight with just that one punch

That's literally manga kino.

The ability to read your opponent's feelings by crossing blows with them has been a staple of shonen that dates back to the dinosaurs at least.

I don't think he gives a shit anymore
>paramecia can be literally any kind of weird, interesting power
>"lol ids the new world, all enemies are made of goo now"
Bravo Oda

I think his method might be the same as Luffy with milk and teeth. Hence why he needs donuts so much.

>You will never have sex with Smoothie
>You will never feel her grow slightly bigger with every bit of liquid that comes from your body
>You will never ride on a giant Smoothie's shoulder or take a nap between her giant breasts

because luffy reads a person like a book

The only reason Katakuri isn't a logia is because mochi can't be found in nature and logias only include substances you can find in nature.

So how does Smoothies power work? Does she literally juice up?

Oda said he's a "special paramecia"; ie, not-logia, because

As shown in Jaya and Amazon Lily, Luffy doesn't fight unless his life is in danger (and even then, he might just run) or his emotions are invested. Against people like Bellamy, fighting them over words would do nothing, so fighting was pointless.

Luffy doesn't set out to trash people's pride so much as assert his own truths about his strength to himself, and those who confront it. It was Katakuri telling Luffy his place, his area in the world, was lacking that Luffy took offense to. Katakuri criticized Luffy's fighting style in a mocking way, while asserting his own superiority and pride. Luffy responded by acknowledging his own improving Haki without trashing Katakuri's abilities. Luffy acknowledging Katakuri as a worthy opponent is exactly what Katakuri turns around and does, albeit for separate reasons.

There's a couple of possibilities
>Personality of the other fighter might give tells making it easier for him to use observation
>Personality of other fighter might allow him to try and upgrade his haki
>Personality of other fighter might increase Luffy's will
>Personality of other fighter might give reason for Luffy to not hold back on a deadly technique (the least likely)

idk shit

>luffy was just training his haki and letting it bloom we promise


what is love?

Are you saying that it's not true Luffy was doing that? I don't know what the context of this post is, but as a stand alone comment it sounds ridiculous considering Luffy stated his intentions.

of all the justifications for luffy still being in this fight, the one some retarded nigger posted last thread about him always being stronger than katakuri and intentionally jobbing to train his haki is by far the most autistic

There is pretty big possibility of her being spongewoman.

Who made this autistic shit?

the chinks, i scanlated it myself (lol)

fucking chinks

It seems that OP threads are promoting a clash between old readers x marineford babies. Marineford babies really don't realize that Oda's writing took a turn to the worse after the timeskip, and this fight is a good example of this drop of quality. Even though One Piece had it's share of bullshit fights before (Rob Lucci and Moriah comes to mind) they were no way as ridiculous as Katakuri vs Luffy is. Kata has been pounding Luffy to the ground for more than 8 hours to no avail, even tho Katakuri's punches have been established to be stronger than Gear 2nd and maybe even G3. Katakuri have no reasons to see Luffy as an equal, except for the fact that Luffy literally can't die even after being assaulted for a much stronger opponent for so long. This is just a "challenge" to Katakuri for plot reasons. Not only this fight is unnecessarily long, it's also nonsensical considering the standards set by the manga. Criticizing current OP writing isn't "shitpost", as some marineford posters want to pretend it is.

to be fair though it was very obviously ironic and just poking fun at zoro

Yeah that's retarded. It's true he purposely trained his haki and used this current fight to do it, but it was a huge risk and he knew it was a huge risk precisely because he was putting his life on the line. He knew he was inferior and thought the life or death situation would make his haki bloom. If he was superior to start, then he could always fall back on something and so wasn't really committed to whatever he was training. Makes no sense.



God damnit Smoothie is the ultimate Snu Snu option. Move over Aphelandra

Isn't it the opposite? You Marine ford babbies are the ones pissed a fight doesn't conform to your power level headcanon.

>marine ford
god i hope this is bait

>S-so this is what snakeman was...uff

>"just two years of training isn't enough for you to reach that level"
>"but fighting for just 1 day is, lmao"

it really makes you think

Problem comes from the fact that your complaints are incredibly lazy.
>haki should be completely exhausted
Come on man. Dumb ass complaint.

post more Luffy and Hancock please


My 5 favorite characters in One Piece :


How's my taste, lads? Also, show us your fave.

experience > practice.

I mean Trebol is mucus with an actual tangible body. He's just a skinny faggot.

how about
>luffy should be exhausted after being pounded into the ground for 8 hours

>non-marineford babies are now the ones complaining about the timeskip
lol, this really is a circle

Katakuri aknowledges Luffy as an equal because of his mental fortitude not because of his strength. Luffy is gonna lose this anyways.

Another dumb ass complaint. Why do you act like it's 1 day? Rayleigh made that comment before he left Luffy. From that fact alone you can speed up Luffy's progress because it didn't take Luffy 2 years to learn what Rayleigh was teaching. And you have no idea what Luffy's observation level was at in the first place. DUDE JUST TRAIN LUFFY. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE TRAINING WILL BE FOR, BUT TRAIN TO MAKE IT MORE BELIEVABLE.

he is

>8 hours
Another lazy ass shitpost. Where on earth did you get the idea that he's been fighting for 8 hours? Luffy left the Mirror world at 4 pm. 4pm - 12 am (current chapter) is 8 hours. So you're now saying that Luffy never escaped from the Mirror World?

so how does he still have stamina for gear 4 and to hypothetically beat katakuri anyway?
makes no sense

every other time luffy gets fucked in a battle he has to sleep for like 3 days or he has to eat like two gigatons worth of food, but i guess sitting down in a room is the same thing as recovery bro

t. falsefagging marinefordbabie

Why wouldn't he have haki for gear 4? We've already seen him with absolutely no haki, yet still run around, dodge Perospero & Amande's attacks, and use a gear 3 attack (which used to exhaust him). Haki is different from pure stamina. It's like you only just saw the Doflamingo fight and skipped to the last 3 chapters.

>tfw you will never swim inside her vagina and directly lick her g spot and then go inside her uterus to impregnate her directly

what makes think he doesn't?

How do you call this fetish? Cum expansion?

But this is One Piece, we know there have been a lot of fights that last for days and we've seen the crazy endurance people have in this manga. Maybe I'm just rationalizing the way this fight is going but it doesn't seem so out of place when you consider stuff like Ace vs Jimbe lasting 5 days or the excessive amount of damage Zoro has taken without dying.

Guess what, the Merienda happened at 3:40 pm. Luffy ate a shit load of mochi and shortly left the mirror world at 4 pm. Maybe 15 minutes after. So he did eat. And he did escape.

He returned to the mirror world in chapter 888, which is when sulong appeared. The very next chapter it is stated that the time is 9pm. So even adding time to that, Luffy only re-entered at 8:30 pm.
>sitting down in a room is the same thing as recovery bro
Ahh, so the whole dialogue about how Luffy does not want a long drawn out battle is now gone? So you're now saying that Luffy did not purposely wait in certain towns in order to get Katakuri at near peak levels of observation? Luffy only needed 10 minutes last time for his haki to come back after Gear 4th. He sure as shit was away from the mirror world longer than an hour.

How many chances we have to not have a break after 895?

you're retarded, aren't you?

Not a chance. Imagine if he doesn't show off Snake man next chapter.

Sudden realization, jack might have had advanced CoO and knew all the minks were full of shit.

if i remember correctly the initial g4 power up was on break for a week or 2.

Anyone is hyped for Sanji vs Oven man?

Who gives a fuck about Sanji. It's not like he will ever be able to redeem his entire existence after how much of a failure he's been this arc.
His only accomplishment is giving us the opportunity to meet the BMP thanks to his getting kidnapped.

You mean Sanji vs all the Charlotte kids in Cacao island, right.

Snack and Oven are probably the strongest there, but they will all get raped by Sanji.

I'm hyped for the interaction between Sanji and his family

He can find out what Animal they are afraid off.

Dolfy = afraid of D no need to transform
Katakuri = Afriad of snakes

It ended with Luffy saying Snakeman, it's impossible Oda doesn't show it to us

Why didn't Luffy just have a Rayleigh flashback and stand up?

What could he possibly learn that would be applicable right there?

Boundman = Attack
Tankman = Defense
Snakeman = Dodge

What's next?

Is there someone here who made a collage of every moment we were shown the time after the wedding? I'm a bit lost regarding Luffy vs katakuri duration

Aww. Cute.

Snakeman is going to be a counter attacking form. So quick to dodge and at the same time attack.

He was gangbanged right there.

if i remember correctly, this is up to chapter 888 or 889

learning to dodge for one thing

He's already pretty well covered combatwise, but maybe Mobility?

I hope there is a good Katakuri's filler next episode

When will he show up to fix things?

It was around 2:30 pm when they started their fight. Merienda was at 3:40 pm. Then Luffy ate the mochi, worked off the weight, and fought in gear 4th. He left around 4:15 pm as the chapter showed the time with Sanji. That's when he escaped as that is when Brulee was talking to Pudding and that is when Luffy captured Brulee.

In chapter 887, it was a little past 6 pm as that is when Sanji left Cacao Island. That is when Luffy is telling himself that he does not want a long drawn out battle otherwise he won't improve his observation haki. The next chapter is the sulong + luffy re-enters chapter and it's stated that it's 9pm in chapter 889. This chapter it's now 12 am.

>mfw patiently waiting for Bonney to join

Nice, hope it gets completed with the more recent chapters. It should have been better if the one who did it put some other info on what other characters were doing at the time (if we know), like Luffy

It'll just be Sanji vs a bunch of jobbers, then Germa will bail him out

Katakuri next nakama confirmed

Luffy doesn't need help dodging regular attacks. He was doing it to Katakuri. Katakuri was doing counter attacks, and changing the future by attacking Luffy right as he attacks or when he's in the process of attacking. So Luffy was then at a point where he can't initiate the attack or he's fucked. That is why he needed to upgrade his observation.

That snakeman form would be super effective against Sanji. How did Kuma know exactly where to send each strawhat? If he switched Sanji's and Luffy's place, they'd need to find a new cook.

I look exactly like Kata. Teeth and all.


>all members
>no sign of Carrot
fake and gay

I work at donut shop in London. Will give you free sample, if you come.


So two of Operas brothers attacks defeated him but dozens or even hundreds of Katakuris didn't because he was developing his observation skills?

Does learning Haki makes him punch resistant?

I'm not sure if it's good decision to make him appear earlier to be honest. The appeal of a character is often decided by his character establishment scene. Nothing Toei will do will top Katakuri shooting a guest with a jellybean and predicting his lines.
But sure why not, more material is always a good thing. I wonder if Galette or Mont d'or will welcome him inside the chateau.

What's literally going on in this picture?

Did Luffy lose a chunk of his sides?

He looks fine in this chapter.

Why did his hand turn black?

Make a new donut for him and name it after him.