So he broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him? There were 3 people in that scene where he leaves her...

So he broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him? There were 3 people in that scene where he leaves her. And a common motif in the video is that things are repeated 3 times.

ex: the guy has 33 on his shirt, suit
3 characters
3 people in the before mentioned scene
3 ME!s

Other urls found in this thread:

I see it more as he got bored with her and left, the three people in that scene were him and his girlfriend in the stereotypical "this is a flashback" faded pallet, and the third was him in a normal pallet

fits the idea of "otaku abandons 3dpd and regrets it"

truly deepest lore as expected from the master's studio

Here is the scene

He got dumped for being a hikki manchild.

yeah that could be it too I guess.

then why is it him leaving her?

It's a flashback. He's looking at himself and at Hana and regretting it.

He left 3D for 2D, now he’s a 2D junkie. That scene is him remembering happier times.

Apparently some of the staff for this are working on the new Cutey Honey anime.

That's an egg being fertilized right?

She didn't cheat you pathetic misanthrope. His flashback showed how he let his own hubris get to him and he dumped her thinking he didn't need her.

You're not redlettermedia or some other tv/film analysis expert. stop larping lmao

This guy actually watched the whole video and wasn't in discord or flipping through 20 different tabs at the same time.

I think he perverted her sexually too much, and they may have done something they both regret, causing them to split. But she became a monster for him because it was a reflection of his own desires that grew in her and changed her.

lol dude, you sure got me

>So he broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him?

>not having already fapped to it 30 times

Read the lyrics you dumb ape.


>mah criticism of otakus
Read the damn lyrics.

maybe they had a threesome

It has the same animation director and character designer, dipshit.

Sorry, didn't realize you were dyslexic and retarded you stooge. There is no implication of HER cheating in the lyrics. The lyrics are told from his perspective of what he thinks SHE is thinking. He is alternating between pitying himself and ostracizing himself throughout the song.

Thats a negative ghostrider. This OP making stuff up. Just read the lyric translation. Its pretty clear as day what the overall theme of the vid was.

Have you checked the other videos connected to it?

this is the only place I can think to ask, but does anyone have subs for the db version of robot on the road? I was hoping the BDRemux would have subs already since it had official subs online, but apparently that was not the case

It's not about cheating it is about how any man that dumps a woman is pathetic scum, hope that helps.

> The lyrics are told from his perspective of what he thinks SHE is thinking.
They're from both their perspective. You got tripped up by the fact that Daoko is singing both parts.

> Its pretty clear as day what the overall theme of the vid was.
Dealing with a cheating slut.

Does lying on the internet feel good?

> the same animation director and character designer
That's all. He was also character designer for Dragon Dentist. One guy.
The director for Universe did the Ultraman short in the Expo, so you shouldn't expect similarities between the new Cutie Honey and MEMEME.

I'm not lying. My apologies if the facts run contra to your idealised understanding of women, or Hana from the music video in particular. There is a reason why she transforms into a monster you know. The music video shows both her sides: the cutesy, innocent front that Hana used to show the protag, and the whore that she is on the inside.

>you shouldn't expect similarities between the new Cutie Honey and MEMEME
Well, the character designs and animation style already look really similar from the PV, to be honest.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

>animation style already look really similar
Not really. It's just the designs.

Just what you'd expect from the master, Mr. Anno.

>愛して返して今までのぶん全部-I sing as a distraction
>消すことができたなら-In this daily life made out of foam
>深い底へ 落ちていく意識に-You are no longer a “sparkling moment” for me

Is this the line you're trying to say implies that the girl was cheating? cuz it isn't. It implies that the MC feels like he was unfaithful.
To the girl.
With his otaku lifestyle.
Which has always been the whole point of the video. If not correct me on specifically what lyric cuz I'm starting to get the feeling like you're just sum bored summerfag who forgot to sign up for classes this semester.

Care to point me to some good translated lyrics/subs, anons? Many hits are leading to misheard shit from 3 years ago.

Check out the body language in that PV again.

Sigh. The point of the video was that the inexperienced virgin male scored a curvy cutie, but that said cutie became to transform to too sexually active and aggressive, to the point that the male started to fear her and intimacy, that is why he is shooting down her in the end, because he knows what he did was wrong and it hurts the both of them, the girl being loyal and all. In the end it starts to loop because he thinks of what could have been, instead of what it was, and why it was.

yes, his inner desires to breed is creeping up on him.

*proactive instead of aggressive, fixing that typo

I'm so happy Sup Forums has so many intellectuals. I feel frustrated when nobody understands my passion for this video is not unfounded. I even told my friend about it in bed and he just laughed at me.

I'd tell you but that would be spoon feeding.

You said that I reflected the true ‘you’
You, filled with sadness, filled with hatred
began idolising me
This 'idol’ you praise isn’t me - she doesn’t exist
But back then, she was convenient for you
A patchwork of memories

^ = Hana

>that is why he is shooting down her in the end
He shot her down because she was so "sexually active and aggressive" that she slept around with other guys. Stop trying to doctor it.

Bet you chuckled to yourself putting that in your post didn't you? "aren't i clever"

I'm convinced you're just making shit up because nobody could fail to get the obvious representation of guilt that the "evil" version of the girl is.

Also this is the first time you've referred to the female character by name. "hana" so I'm guessing you took some time to actually google to do some research on the video in between these posts. Refresh your memory so as to not look like a complete tool.

comedy gold. Oh well. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy your (you)s

The scene - our memories of those times
beautiful memories stacked on top of each other
Wonderful - fantastic - that girl was so much fun
You hated that girl

= Hana after he found out she's a slut


Someone is upset. Let me guess, you have a vagina?

Galaxy brain over here.

She cheated on him, then come clean about it and was dumped, the guy was idolizing her just as if she were a 2D girl with no flaws so he broke down when he realized she was cheating, so he tries to save her by defeating the sexual monster inside her but ultimately fails to as seen where he can't grab her hand.

>> 168250394


I'll take that as a no then

>leave 3d for 2d
>never regret it
What's the big deal anyway?


Will these threads ever be anything but pseudo-intellectual wankery?

Will you ever not be a brainlet?

>you're a brainlet if you don't want to over-analyze a six minute music video with tits and ass
I guess not.

No one is overanalysing anything.

That's what most anime is nowadays since it can't just be entertaining.


That's not true at all though

Doesn't this video confirm that the guy or the girl cheated??

Your post reeks of cognitive dissonance.

Stop it. You're triggering the evageeks retards and their
>akshually it's a critiq of otaku kvltvr

The PV is extremely reminiscent of MEMEME.

How exactly.

>the lyrics
The lyrics actually match up with that, though.

Not at all.

He was the unfaithful one, no?

I'm not entirely sure but the "prequel" video shows the idol fixated on the girlfriend.