Shingeki no Kyojin

Will Gabi kill someone? Is Reiner alive to suffer even more?

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>The cape, however… it serves no practical or tactical purpose. It doesn’t make Levi stronger in battle or protect him from harm. Wearing the cape is Levi clinging to something from his past for purely sentimental reasons.

>Gabi snipes Sasha
>Connie shoots Gabi
>Reiner sees it happen and has a mental breakdown

Reiner will cover Eren from Gabi's shot and finally die.

Where is this from? he might be wearing because he is autist or the bosses wear one. Maybe Hange or Armin are wearing one too.

>reiner didn't die with falco in the debris
Come on lads, don't be delusional. There's no way Reiner will survive something like that.

Now I wish Sasha had black hair

Reminder for all to read the new translation.

>Willy thought he was smart making the festival for Paradis attack
>Meanwhile, a deal between all countries attending the festival and the asians allied to Paradis was made
>The leaders of the other countries would send some politicians they wanted to get rid of
>Paradis would attack and defeat the Marley titans
>Marley would be destroyed and divided among all countries part of the deal
Willy was playing 3d chess while Paradis was playing 4d Go.

Rageturd is the real threat to humanity now, if Reiner wants to redeem himself the he has to do something that will stop the monster he created.

Manlet taught him well and he is obedient now

She does in the picture and that's what matters

Connie a lucky man. I swear if Gabi fucks this up...

Literally why? It would ruin her village girl look.

>The leaders of the other countries would send some politicians they wanted to get rid of
I know this is fiction but this is not how things work, if there is an event of this magnitude only the people who call the shots attend.

But I agree with the asians, they are "good".

That moment in the roof was a death flag for one of them.

I thought it was fan service
>Let's go, SASHA
>CONNIE, excuse me ...

>"I have come here to throw rocks and kick ass...and I'm all out of rocks


>Zeke will job
>Zeke will win

>Zeke will fight for Paradis
>Zeke will fight for Marley

"Master Plan":
>Zeke is helping Paradis and collaborated with Eren and the SC
>Zeke is a triple agent and pretended to help Eren so he could double cross him
>Zeke is fighting for Marley
>Zeke and Eren has their own plans and they are playing with both factions to reach a higher purpose

Place your bets.

>implying Reiner didn't just sacrifice his upper body to shield Falco and transfer his conciousness to his fat ass to cushion them from the impact

>Reiner not surviving things
that's his gimmick: He fails spectacularly but lives.

The titanlet will job


1 (purposefully lose)


>master plan


Zeke picked up Jaws and throws him at Cart

>chop reiner's head off
>break his spine
>cut off his arms and legs
>oh whoops he transferred his consciousness to his pinky toe so he'll just regenerate everything :^)
Isayama is a hack.

>Zeke and Eren has their own plans and they are playing with both factions to reach a higher purpose
This is the only way i could see a happy ending.

Kruger somehow convinced Zeke of his plan to send Grisha to paradis so he can retrieve the founding titan , then Zeke would retrieve the founding titan , but it turns out to be his little brother owning it.

That's also the reason why Eren is so distant from any of this , because he has to hide his real intentions and believes he does the right thing.

He tried not putting Eren's name in big letters and some people still didn't get it until chapter 98

Honestly it's hard to say.
They didn't trap Zeke in the same trap as Pork and Pieke.
But they also seemed to want to take the WH down before he showed up. If he was one their side you have to wonder why they'd care.

>Reiner transfers his consciousness to his ass
>Eren eats Reiner's ass

There should be more art of Gabi in her undergarments.

Put her through the face app, she needs a smile.

>Eren eat Reiner's ass
>Reiner has an orgasm
>turns out Reiner quickly transferred his conciousness into his sperm cells

Neck yourself pedo


What's the problem to be fond of something?

Do you think Gabi's had her period yet? Has she grown any pubic hair? What do her nipples look like?

She's 14, so it's definitely possible, if not likely. A little. Budding.

Imagine if Eren used that cord of flesh connected to maid-chan's crystal to spin her around like Annie did to that scout.

He's sentimental about something that can cause an issue in combat. It could be grabbed or snagged.

Come it's Hackerman we're talking about.

Shameful false-flagging

It's a shame that genkiposting is being targeted. RIP. You are a stone beside the road, user, when me and the other Gabi user rev up our Gabi folders. I want you to know that

He's not doing for sentimental reasons. If that was the case he'd be using their former cape, Isayama gave it to him to make him look cool for fucks sake. There is no depth about it.


Just making an observation.

That was my second post in this thread. This was my first. I'm not saying he is, I was only making an observation based on this I don't think Levi is a sentimental person.

>Zeke and Eren has their own plans and they are playing with both factions to reach a higher purpose
I want this badly.

I actually think Piggy and Shitke will die first.

If Eren ate every titan could he control an Female collasal armored titan who walks on all 4's while being able to jump arround and forge weapons while he chills in some crystal underground?

Everyone would be shitting on him when he missed his chance to eat her.
Maybe there IS a reason for the cape. Like he's hiding something beneath, or they're made of titanium bamboo and act like an armor to protect him from the machine guns.
Levi didn't use his cape during most of Uprising so Isayama has no problems with that.

I wonder how far he could fling her. Or if she'd do some bullshit like crafting wings on the crystal and gliding right back to the battle.

In the uprising none of them wore the SL capes because they didn't have time to change into their uniforms. Good lord.

Ymir was fucking overpowered, especially considering her time

>Eren licks Reiner's cum off the hand that he used to jack him off
>another victory for Paradis

I mean the Attack Titan didn't get Freida's tits when Grisha ate her so who knows what traits are carried over. We'll know more if Eren manages to eat Warhammer or one of the others next chapter.
I'd like to see what all shifters together would look like though. Colossal in size, long arms with claws on the end, partial armored partially hairy body, jaws ugly face. Big tits.

Are the Eldians physically superior to the Marley?

Are the spikes still covering the ground going to play a role in the upcoming shifter battle?

>This is how we finally get a flying titan GUYS WE CAN SAVE LEVI SQUAD

Please post lovely Mikas

Maybe Levi wears the cape so his clothes don't get dirty with blood?

no, but they have the waifu gene in them and Marley hates them for it.

It could be cold , especially in harbor towns.

Maybe it would make him look like baphomet.
>Cart titan makes it look like a four-legged goat
>Beast makes it hairy
>Female gives him tits
>Colossal makes him big
And the rest of the titans make it look even more of an abomination.

Sad that both blondes are dead

Can we save Carla?

That'd fit with the idea of the devil Marley teaches about

What if she tries escaping through flight while Eren's still holding onto the cord? He'll be like Mary Poppins.

She is not going to lose the shifters party, she is probably orgasming in the sky waiting to drop the Nukemin

>SNK is currently and has for some time been better than Berserk

Man this fucking timeline. And to think what started out as literal bic pen scribblings on the back of a math book-tier art and autistic Mika dialogue is now so good

It's nice that we can save Mina.

I love that picture.

You like blondes too? Zofia or Annie?

but i want Petra to connect with nature

>SNK is currently and has for some time been better than Berserk
>Better than Berserk

Post cute straight couples.

Yes but can we kill Armong?

>Petra surviving just to be cucked
C-can we save Mike?

Zofia is a kinder, cuter Annie. Or she was, before Eren got to her.

Jesus christ Eren is literally a girl.

You need to back the fuck up, user-kun

SNK is far, faaar better than Berserk



I kinda of agree with him though. Berserk is still good, but it has lost the punch that Golden Age and Conviction had.
It doesn't help that Miura has a ridiculous release schedule.

I'm currently more hyped about SNK than Berserk.

LM soon.

I wish I could save Ymir.

Would the series have been better if Eren really were a girl?
Would a story about a ragetard girl who wants to kill all the titans be good?

Gabi has multiple death flags at this point.

It would be trash because everyone would only talk about fucking her(him).

I dunno, but at least Isayama isn't a lazy pedo who don't deliver on schedule.

He wears the cape because it looks fucking cool. Also heroes wear capes and he has the biggest hero complex out of the whole cast.

I prefer Annie, but Zofia certainly was kind and cute.

She outgabbles them all.

>Would a story about a ragetard girl who wants to kill all the titans be good?
Just wait to Gabi to have your answer


Eren's basically a girl anyway what's your point?

>Eren as a girl
>Basement scene
>Reiner, you son is missing his daddy
That would be some really good shit.

*your son

Now that Zeke showed up will Eren go after him or will he first try to eat the WHT?

Do we have an answer to what happens when a guy becomes the female titan?

>Bert's son is missing you

>Has the strenght of a ape if titans where compared to humans
>Better limbs then humans which allows him to throw shit with high precision,destructive impact and for long distance,and also do delicate tasks
>Eyes are made for combat since it's hard to notice which direction he is looking at
>Hardening and Royal Blood
>So heavy that he can cause impact tremors duo to his mass
>Biggest non Colossal Titan
So,are we finaly gonna see Zeke's Beast Titan fight capabilitys?

Nothing odd I assume. They'd just have a female form when they turn into a titan. Like how heaps of mindless titans made from women have a male form. Or how Ymir Jaws, Cart and WH have roughly male forms.

He grows blond hair