Flying Witch

Flying dog chapter.



No. Enough is enough. You have overlord II and killing bites right now. Go yiff your kitsunes somewhere else.





>kid rushes to Wa-chan
Kid's going to be a furry, isn't he?

Wait for it.








Reminder that the age of furries will come before the age of onee-sans.

Why is it all in hiragana?

Even I can understand this.

Isn't it wonferful?

Thanks for the dump. Also fuck furfags. Why is she choosing to stay furry just for that kid?

Kids "talk" in hiragana in quite a few series.

>Why is she choosing to stay furry just for that kid?

She realized that it was too soon to tell him that santa doesn't exist.

S2 when?


Furigana is great, we're even worse than japanese grade schoolers.

Poor Inukai.

Furries leave.

Even Oda is doing it now.

She's not furry when it matters, so it's fine.

Why do people like to pretend they're offended by this? I don't understand.

It used to be that furries would shitpost everywhere in an exceedingly obnoxious manner, this started many flame wars and garnered a lot of hate. They've calmed down now, but the hate remains, so posting furry stuff can still start shit, which itself perpetuates the animosity.

Because people confuse wanting to DO Inukai day and night until you're exhausted with wanting to BE an anthropomorphic animal.


I remember that jump issue.

Cool thanks. Will wait for translation though. No offence just not as clever as et al.