There is literally no reason to watch new anime with subtitles anymore unless you want to watch something as it airs in Japan and can't wait a year for a localization. The industry has a standard and translations and voicework from American studios has quality control. It isn't like the 1990s when translations were inaccurate and performances were phoned in.
There is literally no reason to watch new anime with subtitles anymore unless you want to watch something as it airs in...
Other urls found in this thread:
Agreed, fuck Japan. Americans have always been superior
There is literally no reason to respond to bait, yet here I am.
But anime already dubbed.
>it isn't like the 90s when translations were inaccurate and performances were phoned in
Reminder that Dragon Ball dub is still crap.
shitty bait thread, sage and move along
Seems like an honest mistake, but of course, being the shitty neckbeard loser who's never worked a day in his life that you are, you'll whine and complain about it endlessly anyway
The Japanese VAs are usually better and hearing the translations read in English often sounds cringey anyway.
I was looking forward to watching the CCS Clear Card dub but for being a dub in 2018 it's pretty garbage.
>watching shounen trash
>using reddit
you need to go back
You have to at least try.
Dub will always be inferior to sub because even if your japanese is very basic, the easy phonology of the language allows you to hear and compensate for much of what gets otherwise lost in translation. For example, it's not difficult to tell whether sentences end in 'desu' vs 'da' or 'shimasu' vs 'suru' etc, which tells you about formality/register but is mostly ignored in English. Then there's the plethora of kinship terms like 'aneki' vs 'oneesan' vs 'neechan', all characterizing the speakers relationship to an older sister; but again mostly ignored in dubs. Then there's stuff like 'senpai', 'sensei' (the latter is broader than 'teacher') that may get left in the dub or omitted, both suboptimal choices because one reduces information and the other increases akwardness.
The only downside to sub is that you have to move your eyes for a fraction of a second to read a line. There's still imperfect translation problems, some intrinsic, some due to incompetence, but overall the sub is going to get you much closer to the intended meaning than a dub. And the fact that you're always reminded that the original is in Japanese softens the occasional cringe-effect when lines just come out akward because you can always blame (true or not) language differences.
Is that real?
>There is literally no reason to watch new anime with subtitles anymore
Stopped reading here, I agree wholeheartedly.
If you haven't learnt Japanese by now, you must actually be fucking stupid.
Did Funimation ever give an explanation for this?
Good lord...
"Funimation". That should be all the explanation you need.
>There is literally no reason to watch new anime with subtitles anymore unless you want to watch something as it airs in Japan
why arent you watching english dubbed anime
Come on. You have to be lying.
Why does this thread exist?
This should be a capital crime.
>not wanting to watch anime with Sup Forums
>thinking a bunch of neets around the world can organize something beyond 'sora no woto every New Years'