So is it any good?

So is it any good?

It's mostly for people that watched a cuple of episodes on TV more than a decade ago and want to pretend that they know the series.

Maybe, but it does not belong on this board.

It has some weak points, and Hellsing is better, but yeah.

If you're a teenager, sure. The first two arcs were funny back in the day.

It went to shit when Cell was introduced though. Their success went to their heads and they now treat it as a proper re-dubbing of Dragon Ball Z with a few in-jokes from Season 1 recycled every episode.

DBZA does this thing that always irritates me where they have lines that would never sound like anything that would ever come out of a person's mouth


Also they use curse words too much

There is this Tweet by kaiser where he said that he was inspired by marvel movies and said that he wanted to make abridged more like them

I remember liking some of the earlier episodes, when it still felt like an abridged. I started to lose interest when they seemingly decided to take it more serious. Also, I watched their podcast on anime and god damn they seem like huge plebs.
Doesn't belong on this board, anyway.

What board should Abridged belong to?


If anywhere, here.

It's still anime

Sup Forumseddit

>it's still anime
Youtube parodies aren't "anime". Go to if you want to talk about those since it's the designated garbage bin.

>It went to shit when Cell was introduced though.
Shut up. Cell is hilarious.

Up to namek it's entertaining, I stopped watching after perfect cell's appearance/Android13 movie.
Update too fucking slow. Just tell me when they're done with Cell games so I can just marathon the rest and drop it.

>unending snark just like Freeza

yeah, a laugh riot

Grow up.

Yes, though season 2 and 3 are definitely the high point.

Fucking Cringe

Honestly, if you've watched a few seasons and movies, and depending on whether or not you are open when it comes to joke, then dbza is alright. However, as episodes goes on and you re-watch their videos too much, it becomes shitty and uninteresting.

I remember namek saga being hilarious. I stopped watching in the android saga because it took too long between episodes. Anyone know if its worth watching again?

Imperfect Cell was funny. Can you honestly say "Wanna see me drink this guy?!" didn't at least get a chuckle?

I'd agree with this. Imperfect Cell was a lot of fun. But I'd also say the above user has a point that there's a definite problem with how much gravitas they give the later cell stuff compared to how they handled Frieza. It's played too straight and specifically too much like the original material and in the process it loses a fair amount of the comedic charm that serves as the abridged series's strong point.

The comedy never reaches the highs of namek and it drops the kind of risque, potentially offensive humor that is occasional throughout abridged namek arc (like the bulma rape joke for example). So what happens is that it feels a lot more restrained after going through the wild ride of namek. Which is understandable given they're trying to make a more widely likable parody brand, but still serves as a notable step down from namek arc in terms of the freeform and unapologetic style of comedy that made it rise to such heights in my opinion.

That being said, Abridged Cell arc is alright and I'd say worth a watch if you've got a free afternoon.

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could super saiyan 4 gogeta match beerus' strength

its because kaizer has a hard on for trunks, and the most recent episodes were trunks and gohan heavy so he filled them up with fan service and nods to the trunks special, all at the cost of humor

>tried watching parts of the first 10 episodes
Do people actually think this is funny? There’s too much obnoxious internet meme / other media referential humor. Later episodes at least has a better balance with more emphasis on self-referential humor that a fan can appreciate

I haven't watched it in about a year, so I can't remember specific examples, just the points.
I know they had a problem with comedic timing, where they'd sometimes stretch a joke too long. It's fine early on, but when you make a shitton of money for fandubbing, you shouldn't make mistakes like that.
A lot of the humour is also lame. I remember muffin button and bacon permeating the Freeza arc, and that's why the Ginyu Force section and everything without Goku was great. The whole speech parody was ruined by the bacon line.
The Saiya-jin arc was fun from what I remember. 10 episodes (technically 13) and it was okay. Fun amateur parody. Feels like there's heart to it.
The Android arc was okay. Again, the parts without Goku are the best, and the bacon joke is still terrible.
The Cell arc was top tier at time. Imperfect Cell was great, and I remember that Halloween short being a great lead in to one episode. Once Semi-Perfect Cell showed up, it dipped down, and the Perfect Cell introduction was great, but I don't remember laughing that much outside of his first episode.
The new animation inserted in is jarring. The World's Strongest parody was made terrible because of the jarring fan made shit at the end, when they could have subbed in scenes from the end of the Freeza arc and focus all their effort on the main villain. Or just commission somebody else to make it. Like an American.

I think the backyard old abridged of Dead Zone and World's Strongest were ten times funnier than the remakes. The both of them sounded like serious dubs compared to the old ones where there were some quality jokes.

You talking about old abridged series, reminded me of a fucking classic.
ARDBZ was perfection. It was so low quality that all of it worked, even the God awful 'Piccolo love Celine Dion' joke made me laugh.

Kaiser was always a low key asshole. Grant is the coolest member since he actually hates DBZA and just works there for money. Kirran and Lani are likable when they aren't being condescending and arrogant.

Never seen it, but I find abridged series to be crap

e-celeb shit doesn't belong on this board. Go and stay go. But yes it's good. It's one of the only good things normies have ever done regarding anime.

I'm sorry but no, it's not. All the fagots who said it is, should go kill themselves.
The actual deal with abridged is that it manages to deliver a few wittily written lines that only deliver a kick to people who are strongly familiar with the show. And even then, it's literally impossible to go through 4 seconds in total without cringing to the point of bursting a blood vessel, despite your best efforts to like it and enjoy it. You're forced to pause 20 times in one episode due to it's sheer autism epitomized by the exaggerated and annoying delivery of lines.
95% of lines are delivered too soon, and less said about the rest the better. As much as people want to believe the good voice acting and decent writing can save the show, it simply does not make up for it.
Also, gtfo with this entire topic please.

if you really like dbz some of it is funny but its really outdated comedy for teens of 2006