What happened to Sup Forums typesetting ch24 it's been over two days since the last thread died?
LHT got their "translations" out first...
Go Toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Check trello
Yeah, that's fine.
>Heart mark
They can't even put a fucking heart in there, seriously?
They literally couldn't just type
Is it on a break this week?
I've noticed they're working on quality control.
Yeah. That's the current progress; still in typesetting but typesetter is fixing stuff here and there.
I haven't heard any news of a break. Chapter 24 (English) is currently being worked on and if the trend continues, Korean scans will be out tomorrow for some more reddit scans
In other news, the cover of Volume 3 is confirmed to be Nino!
And it's releasing on the 16th of March according to Amazon.
Also, check out pic related
>the cover of Volume 3 is confirmed to be Nino!
I hope there's a lot of Nino in chapter 25.
The covers are all depicting the same exact scene (the girls lying on the ground looking pretty) but using different angles
The author is using the order shown on the first cover, going counterclockwise
>Yotsuba for volume 5
Oh fuck.
Just wait, chapter 24 has more 4Dchess at work
Volume 5 would be around chapter 40 and up at this page count
They could have also used Paint.
Your 4D Grandmaster seems to be triggered by the almighty cock. Like Carlsen gets triggered by not winning.
Someone should pixelate Nino's hair bun .
When Sup Forums version comes out.
That's not fair user, you know you: Can't beat the cock.
>LHT translating Ichika as Ikka
What the fuck
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, you can't expect a translator to read furigana or remember the names of the main characters. What are they, slaves?
You also can't expect the proofreader to get the names of the characters right either. Especially when they've been mentioned in every single chapter to date.
Why not go all the way then?
Ichika = Nancy
Nino = Stacy
Miku = Ashley
Yotsuba = Annie
Itsuki = Rollanda
Don't forget to upload the chapter with "HQ" once is done to keep people away from LH's shit
Is this another fat joke?
>Itsuki = Rollanda
The great thing is, our raws are better than public raws so we can actually justify using the HQ tag
To be fair, 一花 can be read both as Ichika and Ikka
They could go with this for full consistency:
>Ichika (一花) -> Ikka
>Nino (二乃) -> Jiai -> G.I.
>Miku (三玖) -> Sankyuu -> Thank You
>Yotsuba (四葉) -> Shiho
>Itsuki (五月) -> Kanna
Spoilers of 25 from 2ch, Part 1.
第25話 結びの伝説 2日目
飯盒炊飯中、一花と二乃はそれぞれクラスで株を上 げてるが 四葉は薪割り一辺倒、五月はスマホのレシピ見なが らおろおろ状態 そして三玖は隠し味に味噌入れようとして他の子た ちに止められる 風太郎が炊け具合を確認しに来ると、隣のかまどに コラさん・前田がいる 前田のひがみ話をスルーしてると、そばで二乃の班 がもめてる カレーの出来がよくないらしいが、二乃は笑顔でブ チ切れ状態 普段を知ってる風太郎は見てわかるが前田にはさっ ぱりわからず 四葉は肝試しの手助けをしてくれる 自分のキャンプファイヤー担当の仕事もあるが 風太郎は一人なので、そっちは友達に手伝ってもら うことにしたという 前田にはご飯の番を押し付け、肝試しで受けて立つ と言い別れる
Part 2
クラスの女子連れてきた前田をあっさり追い払った お化け風太郎は 包帯姿の四葉と一緒に次を待つ 私 嬉しいです いつも死んだ眼をした上杉さん の眼に生気を感じます お化けに生気を感じるのはどうかと思うが ともかく次が来る……ネタ割れしてる一花&三玖ペ アでした その金髪染めたの? カツラだ ちょっとした耳打ちも、三玖には嫉ましくて仕方な い
五月がやたらガクブルしながら二乃に引っ付いてる 何もなかったから良かったものの… 二乃は昨晩、風太郎に襲われる心配をしていたが この物言いはつまり、五月には今朝の人影が二乃で はないということにつながる が、そんなことを考える間もなく風太郎のガチ脅か しのため五月は逃げ出す あいつら… どっちに行った?
一花は フータローのことどう思ってる? 三玖と一花の直接対決の裏で、五月に逃げられ一人 になった二乃は 暗闇の中、追ってきた風太郎に会う 見つけたぞ 二 嘘… キミ… 写真の… ■二乃を助けにきた金髪風太郎!しかし、二乃 は"写真の子"と勘違い!? 次号、二乃デレる? つづく!
Sorry for my shit formatting, I'm on mobie right now
RIP Miku
Is this a very verbose depiction of ones feeling of euphoria at the pleasure of being cummed inside?
Is this the new eoten?
Oh shit, I might do that chapter
>Nick Tucker is a poor, antisocial ace student who one day meets the rich transfer student Rollanda White. They argue but when Nick realizes he is to be her tutor, he tries to get on better terms. While trying to do so he meets four other girls. How will Nick fare with all these high school beauties? Find out on "The One Bride" (because polygamy is illegal)
>The 25th legend of the knot 2nd day
>While Ichiban cooks, one flower and Nino each raise the stock in the class, but the four leaves are overwhelmed with firewood, in May the recipe of the smartphones is seen and the state is kept and then Miku is trying to put the miso in the hidden taste The other child When Kotaro stopped to check the condition of cooking, when I was going through the story of Maeda who had Kora-san and Maeda in the next furnace, the side of the two teams is getting stuck with curry Although it seems not good, Nino is smiling with a smile and knows usual way Kotaro knows by looking but he does not mean Maeda, but he does not have to take care of his work Campfire is also responsible for his campfire Because there is only Kotaro, so you can say apologize to the Maeda that he told his friend to help him, press down the number of the rice, receive it with a liver test and stand
So Nino and Ichiban are raising fucking cows in class, while this Ichiban dude is cooking a flower, and Sup Forums is overwhelmed with firewood
What am I reading?
Meant for , obviously
>I'm glad I'm glad to hear the ghost of the ghost Taro who rushed out Maeda who brought out the girls who brought the girls barely
Hmm, I see, yes indeed
Seems like a Nino chapter next week
>Just as the beef cooking challenge is about to start, Nino realizes that Itsuki got mistaken for one of the cows
Okay Negi that was going too far
Don't give Viz any ideas you lunatic.
No, I didn't insert the chubby part, that was all Google
Yeah google translate isn't helping for shit. Can someone translate this to actually make sense?
>although ITSUKI got chubby and gagged
>nino dere
That alone makes up for this fucked up translation
>ghost Fuutarou
So is Nino losing to the cock after all?
>after all
You could see it 20 chapters ago.
why is there a big ass miku cut out there
Thankfully Viz won't be able to get there hands on this series. Unfortunately we'll be stuck with Kodansha though.
If she sees his dad or sees him with the blonde wig. Then yes, she will lose to the dick.
It's worse than worse than nothing.
1. Miku's the most popular
2. "Take responsibility, okay?"
Jiai is cute
How am I able to tolerate a girl so stuck-up and snarky and see how cute she can be?
Wow, do the publisher setup the displays? Or do the store clerks do it hot pockets?
>>Miku (三玖) -> Sankyuu -> Thank You
Holy fuck.
>LHT got their "translations" out first
Is that a game to you?
>a game
A pissing contest.
Fuutarou's had a hard life.
(Spoiler image is of LHT's ch24)
Well, it depends on how you look at it. But I won't deny that we're sniping them.
because ai is love?
I haven't read this but
4 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 2
>ITSUKI got chubby
>一花は フータローのことどう思ってる? 三玖と一花の直接対決の裏で、
Is it happening?
I've been thinking of picking this up, but I'm waiting for Sup Forums to finish retranslating it. I was wondering how long you think this series can last for? I've been dropping a lot of series lately and I'm looking for something that will hopefully be around for a while.
Also which girl seems to be the front runner right now?
well you picked out best girl just fine, but the rest are a bit off
Itsuki gets all the main girl moments but it really does feel like it's at least trying to set up a harem end with how heavily the "all 5 of us share literally everything" idea gets pushed.
>share everything
>Ichika is already stealing him and abandoning gotoubun
It's all a misunderstanding.
Negi seems to have a lot planned so at least 70-80 chapters probably more
early on because of getting the first development arc 3rd sister Miku was considered in the lead but with development of the others oppinion is much more split
personally I like Nino (2nd daughter butterfly ribbons) and Yotsuba (4th daughter rabbit ribbons)
from the MC perspective romance is a distraction from studying and paying off the family debt so his little sister is the best girl
Her panties tell no lies.
>Negi seems to have a lot planned so at least 70-80 chapters probably more
It got popular, he might milk it forever.
>Ichika happy AND blushing at the prospect of Fuutarou being a wolf
Poor Miku never stood a chance.
Anons were mentioning in the last thread that the series is popular in Korea and China.
In japan too. We're getting spoilers now and it is selling well.
>not sure if want (she does)
>not sure if want (she doesn't, yet)
>sorta want
>do want
>do not want
Even Google is in on the jokes.
>losing to LH
Just goes to show that Sup Forums's best days are gone.
Oh, eat shit. The whole point is quality not speed.
To be fair, this chapter is a bitch to typeset.
Ignore the haters. I appreciate the work you anons are doing.
this looks nice.
>To be fair, this chapter is a bitch to typeset.
I can see. That must have taken some time to make it look right.
LH version.
Are you fucking serious?
Miku brought it upon herself.
I haven't been in one of these threads in a long time, are anons redoing the whole series or just new chapters?
Why though? She has done nothing more than study yo improve her grades and work on becoming a better girl
They plan on redoing the whole series but it'll probably take a while. They recently dumped a HQ ch5.
The whole series. We're currently looking for proofreader
that's great news thank you anons doing it. do you think a live-tl type thing might work? the user doing danchigai has been posting chapters when he's done and getting anons to check them over before he uploads
To* * damnit
>Yotsuba helps Fuutarou in the test of courage. She is glad that Fuutarou looks lively
>Itsuki pairs up with Nino in the test of courage. While Itsuki is wondering whether the person she saw in the morning was Nino, she is scared away by Fuutarou. Wearing the wig Fuutarou goes to help Nino who is alone in the dark. Nino then realizes he was the boy in the photo
>Miku pairs up with Ichika in the test of courage, and confronts Ichika by asking her how he feels about Fuutarou
i'll admit i was confused for a sec at what "to fuck me" was a correction for
As in like, translate a chapter, dump into one of these threads and ask everyone else for corrections? Tried that once. It was mess. Never again.