What makes Asuka so good that she still reigns supreme after all these years?
What makes Asuka so good that she still reigns supreme after all these years?
Good character (like Rei and Misato)
Strong personality
A lot of mental issues
Fucking gorgeous, I cannot name more than 3 characters more beautiful than Asuka
Not that guy but Asuka
>bullies and assaults Shinji
>tried to rape Shinji in episode 15
>doesn't like doing teamwork in piloting
Not a whole lot to like.
She's my waifu
>tried to rape Shinji in episode 15
>Not a whole lot to like.
I love her, but she is unlikeable
Some of us don't like crazy.
You're just trying to get responses out of me now.
Give it a rest already
She's loveable
Crazy is the blue haired one
Rei never tried to hurt Shinji though.
Asuka was friendly until after 15, and by that point in the series it makes perfect sense for her to be bitter and resentful considering how much of a fucking disappointment Shinji ended up being.
She clearly asked if he wanted to kiss her and was a good team player after 9.
>She clearly asked if he wanted to kiss her and was a good team player after 9.
Asuka mocked his mothers death on the anniversary into coaxing him into doing it, she's not a good person.
asuka thread
>12 posts
>7 posters
yep, that pretty much sums it up
That was just some banter user her tone gave it away
Evafags are annoying, what else is new.
>excusing everything bad Asuka has done as friendly banter
this is what its like to be a waifufag
Shilling AMVs, because I really liked this one
>user gives one example of something bad Asuka does
>reply that the intent of that comment wasn't to hurt Shinji's feelings but just to provide some banter to goad him into kissing
>i have now passed everything bad Asuka has ever done off as friendly
She's a young person and under lots of stress. Perfectly understandable.
The harsher the tsun, the sweet the dere.
I’d help her relieve her stress, if you know what I mean.
sweeter. god damnit
>kicks Shinji in the face when training
>kicks him again in the face while crawling a vent in power outage episode
>laughs when he gets absorbed by Leliel
>shouts that she can't stand to breath the same air as Shinji
>only one example
Decent taste, but why the last of us girl? Urusawa's characters are of-age and top her anyways
Asuka isn't tsundere though, she just has PTSD and self confidence issues.
Asuka is clearly not best girl but if you aren't baiting you don't understand her character.
>goofy slapstick taken seriously, as if the character had seriously been emotionally or physically harmed in that moment
If Asuka's sporadic abuse was of genuine consequence to Shinji's mental health, it would have been shown as such. It's not a big deal, and besides, she doesn't even try assaulting him after episode 11.
>laughs when he gets absorbed by Leliel
Typical Asuka covering up how she really feels about the situation. Look at her face. She's fucking crushed.
>shouts that she can't stand the breath the same air as Shinji
Asuka wasn't in a good mental state by this point in the show, even by her standards.
I'm not gonna tell you that Asuka's a good Samaritan, but she's not a particularly shitty human being. Most of her bitchiness comes later in the show, and I feel like it's merited due to how much mental agony she goes through by then.
Also none of these were used as examples initially so yeah it was only one example
I'm surprised that one autistic Reifag hasn't started spamming yet. I've been rewatching the series with my roomate (4th time this year since finishing it last April), and it still hasn't gotten old to me, even slightly. There's always something to analyze.
>Look at her face. She's fucking crushed.
It should also be worth mentioning that she checked up on him in the hospital.
>tfw you will never be that one autistic Norwegian Reifag
Imagine still being SEETHING about Asuka and Anno since 3.0 came out.
English dub is better despite the moderate amount of flubs early on desu, Shinji and Asuka's VAs are much better than in the Japanese edition
Misato > teh rei > aSHITka
Shinji's English VA can't scream like this though.
Great scene. Just as she hides her feelings for Shinji, she hides from his view, only allowing a peak into her heart.
>can't stop talking about Rei even in your containment thread
>shit taste
somehow I'm not surprised
Honestly user the Japanese screams were top-notch, but the English ones were pretty fucking soul-crushing too
I want to heal her.
>can't even crop his image
>complains about the English dub when thee VAs actually sound like the characters as opposed to Jap Shinji sounding like a trap and Jap Asuka sounding like nails on a chalkboard
the fuck
Well Sup Forums, do you?
i'm an Asukafag but
I thought Asuka's Japanese voice was cute.
Why did Asuka say those things then? Was she trying to prevent herself from feeling guilty about his loss?
You have shit taste. youtube.com
What a shit opinion, Asuka's jap voice is amazing. Can't stand the english dub which makes her sound like a random stacy.
And half the lines are botched in english, pic related is one of the most jarring examples in the differences in tone.
>Look at her face. She's fucking crushed.
Talk about misrepresenting the truth. This still is after Rei asks her if she only pilots Eva for the approval of others.
Because she is becoming dependent on Shinji and she is trying to convince herself that she is not.
Asuka's crush on Shinji isn't hard to find out.
that's a long neck
What if Shinji actually held her?
I never realized how much widescreen botches the proportions. Oh well, I guess I have an excuse to watch it again now
No one mentioned Rei herself, just the autistic reifag that ruins good threads. You would realize that if you had any reading comprehension.
IMO Asuka's Japanese voice is really fucking aggravating, it's incredibly shrill and annoying and the way she delivers ANTA BAKA makes me want to slit my wrists.
English Asuka is still high-pitched and annoying, but it's dialed down enough so that psychological warfare isn't being waged against you just for watching. Also, her vocal range is fantastic, "What are you, stupid?" is more satisfying to hear and the German speak is much better.
Great thread bro, almost 20 posters and only page 4. That must be pretty good for you guys, right?
Lack of competition, the only other character she has to contend with is an autist.
No, still kill yourself.
> focuses on anta baka
> forgets everything else
The dialogues in the dub are awful, the lines are terribly written, and again, half of them are delivered in a tone completely far fetched from the atmosphere of the scenes.
Which completely sucks the tension out of pretty much everyting, I mean you have no sense of dread when she's about to die, no sense of sadness when she's supposed to be sad or hide the pain, pretty much nothing aside from catchphrases really.
The German is slightly better in english sure, but for the grand total of 10 lines she delivers in german in this serie that's not much.
and anta baka still sounds better in jap, also this youtube.com
No mention of Mari yet? I'm disappointed.
Biggest question in the serious, imo. Here are my favorite theories:
1. She completely flips her shit, calls Shinji a "baka," but secretly gets a confidence boost. Shinji gets really depressed because he feels rejected. She still has a depressive episode later, but the impact is lessened by the embrace.
2. She freezes up, not knowing how to show her feelings in return. Things go back to normal but she teases Shinji relentlessly about how he thought he had a chance. Privately, she will have affectionate time with Shinji (i.e. flirting, making him meals,confiding in him) but she will never tell Shinji about her feelings, causing Shinji to not fully understand what's going on.
3. She returns his feelings for her and they enter into a secret relationship.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>not using the catalog and sorting by replies
>being insecure about how many posters are in a thread
Why do the most vocal Reifags publically wank themselves over Rei but not only don't understand her character, but also love to start shit, which is the polar opposite of how she acts? Rei would dislike you, but mostly not have any strong feelings about you faggots at all.
keep trying, you'll make good bait eventually
Militant Reifags are mentally ill.
>68 posts
>20 posters
>"I have no rebuttal, so I must shitpost"
Yeah, no, fuck off.
Why are they all so small?
Is this what you consider a successful thread? You guys have it worse than I thought.
You want a rebuttal to
>amount of posters doesn't matter if you ignore it lol
You're embarrassing yourself pretty well, I don't think I even need to intervene.
Also, you're all welcome. This thread would be long dead if I wasn't here.
> amount of posters matters
> threads are made to be posted on only once
why ?
What are you smoking?
>bad dialogue/lines
I'm not gonna say you're full of shit but this complaint only really applies to the earlier episodes, by the time Asuka shows up it's not a big issue and by episode 15 it's perfectly fine.
Magma Diver was never an emotionally gripping episode. I usually end up skipping it anyway because Fatsuka disgusts me so much. If they wanted her falling in the volcano to seem like an actual death scene, it would have been much more tense than it ended up being.
>tone delivery/no sense of sadness when she's supposed to be sad or hiding pain
I don't know about you, but Asuka does a great job of sounding like she's in perpetual fucking agony when the moments arise. The Arael sequence is a great example of this, but you can also see this in parts like when she's rooming at Hikari's place. Asuka is generally very good at conveying how she feels.
>I-I'm not mad, you are!
When (you) singlehandedly save a rare endangered asukafag thread
Best version.
Best girl.
Well, probably difference in sensibilities or somehting.
I personally wasn't a fan at all of the Arael sequence in english. It's not awful sure, but I didn't find it as moving as the jap dub, far from it actually.
I never said that Magma Diver was supposed to be an emotional episode though, just pointing the huge gap in tone between english and jap on this particular line.
Rei looks like a toilet
I wouldn't call it a crush, its just the effects of histrionic personality disorder. Shinji isn't handsome either.
Yes, we all know how shallow Asukafags are. Why don't you try having an original thought?
She likes Shinji due to the fact that he's the amazing pilot that Kaji kept mentioning to her.
I think Shinji is average to maybe slightly-above average. Garbo personality though.
That was at first in "Asuka Strikes!" but becomes an annoyance to her later. She was starting to like him (become friends), but then he brought out her weaknesses.
For an anime lead, he's kind of average looking. He's no handsome devil and he posses no upstanding manly qualities.
> girl wants a bit of attention and respect because parents abandonned her and no one ever said "well done" to her
>histrionic personality disorder
>What makes Asuka so good that she still reigns supreme after all these years?
I don't know, she is just special.
>Shinji isn't handsome either.
>Mother is smoking hot.
>Dad is a total playboy.
>Three girls and a boy have it for him.
Shinji is a born lady killer.
Asuka has all of the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder
>Self centered, uncomfortable when not the center of attention
>Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
>Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
>Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
>Overly concerned with physical appearance and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
Sounds like Asuka, I think.
He's had too much soy.
But Shinji isn't a vegetarian, Rei is.
>Three girls and a boy have it for him.
Because Shinji is the self insert for the Japanese audience, the bishounen fujoshi bait and the 3 other cute girls MUST be attracted him just because.
Asuka= histrionic
Shinji= avoidant
Rei= schizoid
That doesn't change anything.
No. That's only the case because Kaji died and they felt that there is no one else.
I want to be yelled at by Asuka-chan.