>that moment when your favorite lollies turns into cowtits sized women, so even original artist starts pulling full oppai servise with them
What is your reaction to that?
That moment when your favorite lollies turns into cowtits sized women...
It's a very good thing. It's why StrikerS was the most successful Nanoha series by far.
>Nanoha grew up into a busty milf dyke with a hot wife.
Living the dream.
I hope they never stop making busty Nanoha and Fate doujins. They're always so good.
I marry her.
Feels terrible.
They both pretty much became cowtits.
Who wouldn't become a titty monster dyke if you got to have Feito as your wife?
Now there's a Nanoha for the loli fans AND a Nanoha for the oppai fans. More people liking Nanoha is always good.
Too bad we never got to enjoy teen Nanoha.
Hayate got some good melons too.
Some artists do go overboard.
Most people don't see it that way. They stupidly bicker over which one is getting more screen time no matter how obvious it is that the success of one leads to more of the other.
I want to put my face where Vivio's left arm is.
>What is your reaction to that?
I like em big and fluffy.
God Vivio is beautiful
Can you believe there are people out there in the world who dislike Vivio? Makes me sick to my stomach.
They have their reasons.
There isn't a single reason I can fathom for people disliking Vivio
Maybe YOU don't have a reason to dislike her...
What are you trying to say? Stop speaking in riddles.
>age progression
Still the cutest.
That's not true at all. Go be wrong somewhere else.
I like it too and all. But even I felt like they went a bit overboard with Strike after they'd previously said that Corona didn't need an adult mode.
Wait? when did they give her an adult mode? I don't remember that.
What the fuck.
It was one of the OVAs. There weren't really any great shots of it.
lick lick
Lolis love lollies!
Why every single girl in this franchise is growing into cowtits? There must be something behind magical girl stuff.
Can't wait for them to grow up.
I assume by "them" you must mean Corona's tits since we already know that Rio and Miura both turn out flat.
I want to put my face where Vivio's panties are.
What are you guys talking about? Corona was in adult mode plenty of times in VS.
I want to see long haired retired Miura's cute love story of how she met her bumbly husband.
And I love to give lolis my fat pink lolly!
>how she met her bumbly husband.
You mean Vivio?
>It's why StrikerS was the most successful Nanoha series by far.
Good meme.
Vivio already beat the Ace of Aces and the Prodigy of a Century. She's ready to take on the world I don't think she has time for smallfries like Miura.
Then who will she marry?
It is. Thanks to A's popularity StrikerS made some very impressive numbers. Then all went downhill eith FORCE/ViVid and the franchise never fully recovered.
You people are sick fucks
The things I would do to this girl... God damn, I love Vivio-chan so much. Why can't she be real? She'd be literally the perfect woman for me.
She's like Nanoha-mama, the perfect combination of frailty and strength.
She's real and she loves you user, hold her tight and never let go.
My life would be completely different if Vivio-chan was my girlfriend!
I love everything about her, both her lewd and her pure side.
Then ask her to become your girlfriend, she'd be very happy I bet.
Do you even love her adult mode?
I'll ask her. Fingers crossed.
Also I do, but I'd prefer it if she didn't use it a lot.
What about 6 year old Vivio?
Cute. CUTE!
Me on the left
Why can't we have a decent Nanoha figure, though?
All of them sucks.
What's wrong with alters line?
Best Bibio.
The damn eyes for a start.
She's such a cutie. I love Vivio-chan! さすが俺の嫁!
She's a dumbass.
Best of luck user. Meanwhile I'm improving my flirting game to impress my love Sieglinde.
She's perfect and I want to protect her.
Just saw reflections and it was pretty shit compared to the first movies. The animation, fight choreography, music, and story was all significantly worse than the previous movies, and even inferior to the games.
>and even inferior to the games
I don't see why is this any surprise. The Portable games had a well structured story. The movie has the Eltria Team shoehorned into the continuity with elements from Nanoha FORCE splashed in.
New to this series.
Aren't movies just a recap of each season?
Vivio in adult form is one of the most attractive females in the franchise. Nanoha in adult form is hotter as well. Loli Fate is massively superior to her adult form though.
The first two are re-tellings, the new ones are new.
Retellings more than recaps. The first one adds a lot of new material and the second changed key parts of the plot leading to a different direction than the TV show.
Could happen in the future.
In the future, Vivio-chan will be my wife.
Wrong form
I heard you need to defeat Nanoha and Fate in a duel to ask for their daughter's hand.
I'd literally die for a chance to be with Vivio-chan.
Vivio-chan is my imouto, I'll give you permission.
My Little Child Abuser Can't Be This Cute
Thank you! Don't worry, I promise I'll always treat her well.
Her butt is so nice.
Maybe she got some genes for that from her Fate-mama through osmosis.
I'm getting way too lustful of vivio right now.
Bump for Vivio.
Vivio is FAT
I prefer Vita
Vita is super cute.
Vivio deserves a cute girlfriend, not some ugly user from Sup Forums.
I think anons are cute.
needs more age reversal
That's just some transformation magic. I know, because this doujin is canon.
Mean to quote
>loli grows up into a cowtit monster
This is the best trope, but it's rare because too many people are in this cancerous boob war and fail to realize that dfc and cowtits are both good.
>loli growing up
The creators only deserve death penalty.
Could you please post the chubby Vivio manga page? It's super cute and I'd like to look at it again.
Stop! Do not do that!
It is immoral and wrong!