Dragon Ball Super


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>Goku trains to learn the mafuba
>Although he fails to successfully seal Zamasu, he uses what he learned to seal his own ki within his body, thus allowing him to fight at full power as SSB, and becoming one step closer to fully mastering SSB

>Goku trains to learn the mafuba
>Never uses it. Trunks learns it in a couple of minutes and uses it on Zamasu but it doesn't work
>Goku learned nothing useful, never used it in the tournament either. Training was completely pointless

What a pleb tier anime. Honestly. A tournament arc? In 2018? And that's how they're ending it?

Mafuba is one of the most ridiculous asspulls ever and there is literally nothing the manga can do to change that unless it makes it disappear completely.

My only problem with it is that it may be the worst tournament arc I have ever seen.

This. I was willing to give it a shot, since the battle royale concept was at least different to how tournament arcs normall work. But then it's just everyone else taking turns to go after Universe 7, even when it makes absolutely no sense. It's mind numbingingly stupid and infuriating to watch.

>Sup Forums-tards thought a battle royale with the DB franchise will turn out good

Kek, you will never learn.

Even though it is a fighting series, it has the most unmemorable and lazily animated fights among most of the anime.

>X universe has more fighters than U7
>They know that they've got no fighter powerful enough to deal with goku or vegeta
>They also know that U7 isn't actively looking for enemies to defeat
>They still decide that the best posible strategy is to attack them

He either sits out watching the mortals do the work for him, or erased by zeno for being a Kai or killing.

>Everyone patiently waits their turn to commit suicide by Universe 7 during a free for all

The Namekians vs. Freeza's Army and the fight against the Cell Jrs. looked pretty good

let's talk about Erasa's design

Damn they didn't fix Trunks voice for the last episode of the Lat Dub again.

el gohan atrocidad...

big tits

Fairy Tail Grand Magic Games, the only difference is that DBS has much better characters.

Finally Jiren got injured. Thank god

New bread found



Why is he so much weaker than during the special? SSB couldn't phasse him, now they're not only fighting him with blue but hurting him with it?

Reminder that broly is beautiful.

gay thread t b h

>tfw vegeta stopped holding back the final flash


Sexy pits.

what a lovely design

Goku broke though his limits twice and Jobgeta got a new form

Remember Jiren reacted to the Kamehameha from Goku and dodged.

3(maybe 4) SSB+ tier enemies rather than one.

Man the ending of the Future Trunks arc is even more retarded than i remembered. Why the hell does Zamasu waits patiently for Goku and the others to recover and call Zeno when just a few seconds ago he was killing everyone on the planet with huge lasers? Talk about shit writing but not surprising from Toei.

I was about to say "shit writing" because that's really the only reason.


>hadn't seen her in super
>tfw no Milf Erasa

>drawing flowers instead of writing notes
Dumb bitch

Zamasu didn't have a mind at that point. He was just a laughing wallpaper.

its time

Unless they literally brought Master Roshi into the future. Then somehow sealing a Kai gave Roshi a zenkai boost giving him a reason to compete in the Tournament.

it's a good thing, because we know she'd look like shit in super


with videl barely having a role
there was no hope for erasa

Like, Esto es el fin


What if she is revealed to be 17's waifu?

esto es el fin universo 7

Nakao giving the V sign, could it mean that Freeza will win the ToP?

>What if she is revealed to be 17's waifu?
i'd be fine with it. can you see Erasa as a zoologist?

>Q6: Where’d Artificial Human No. 17 go after the Cell arc, and what did he do?

>He works in the wildlife preserve area of a gigantic royal nature park, as an outstanding guard who doesn’t hold back against poachers.

>It’s an ideal job for No. 17, who loves to be on his own and isn’t big on cooperating with others; since he’s so good at his job, he takes in a high salary. He’s married to a zoologist; they have one child and two adopted children, and live happily in an isolated house inside the nature park.

>He went and met No. 18 and Kuririn one time, but didn’t talk about what he’d been up to, maybe because he considers such a wholesome lifestyle embarrassing.

Are you fucks really this autistic or are you doing this on purpose?

>Everyone is ancient
I feel sorry for the Japs, all of the voices they grew up with are going to not be here in 10-20 years.

They just lost Bulma and she wasn't even that old.

What the fuck? Is Xeno Goku really this strong? I get that DBH characters are absurd as DBH Bardock in can stop time, and his base form is stronger than SS4 GT Gogeta. But Xeno Goku looks ridiculous. I guess it's not offensive since it's separate from the main series.


>reaching this hard

It is a part of life, user. We too will die and join our ancestors in death someday.

Yeah most characters in sdbh are pretty op.

holy fuck
i dont think ive ever seen anything more autistic than characterstats wiki

>they have one child and two adopted children
>two adopted children
Why? If you can have kids why adopt?

You are now aware that the only canonical instance of the genkidama ever fucking defeating an opponent was Buu. It has failed against EVERY single other opponent in all of Z and Super.
>Spirit Job

>Why? If you can have kids why adopt?
Maybe the two adopted children were rescued by 17 and he didn't want to abandon them. It happens.

>implying i havent found the dragon balls
Bitch you can die

Reminder that Son Gohan is handsome

Nice pasta faggot

>Although he fails to successfully seal Zamasu, he uses what he learned to seal his own ki within his body, thus allowing him to fight at full power as SSB, and becoming one step closer to fully mastering SSB
I like the manga too but this is pure headcanon faggot.


im waiting

i miss blood

God UI looks like fanfic garbage.

>Blue kawaii vegeta exists to make vegeta equal to kaioken blue goku
>Blue vegeta defeated GoD Toppo
>Kefla as a SS1 is comparable to the spirit bomb
>The spirit bomb was goku's trump card and gave jiren more trouble than KKX20
SS2 Kefla > > spirit bomb > Goku Blue kaioken = Kawaii vegeta > GoD Toppo

I never paid attention to SDBH's story and only saw the neat transformations for the EU characters. Stuff like Xeno Goku being strong enough able to break out of DBH and enter the real world just to beat the shit outta Demigra sounds ridiculous but also kinda neat. Can he use SSB or Ultra Instinct?

Your welcomed. I hope you got a good laugh. Vs faggots are on par with Sup Forums's Anons with regards to autism.

He probably adopted them because both reminded of him and his sister who were orphans when they got kidnapped and made into cyborgs with superpowers by Gero.

SSG was the best. i wish he kept it instead of blue. blue just looks like a dumb jobber form.


You must not be familiar with fanon transformations. UI only changes Goku's personality.

Very unfortunate, really. She was like the second youngest VA from the DB/DBZ times, only Trunks' VA is younger.

yeah. heroes does some crazy stuff


more super stuff in the story coming too

No, if you want to make sense out of Toei wacky PLs, then we gotta admit Episode 110 UI Goku is garbage, and every top tier surpassed him, even Kefla(according to Piccolo), gotta blame Toei for making Kaiokenx20 getting trashed by Jiren in Episode 109 because MUH Z HOMAGE.

I unironically like UI.

i think its great they still make ps1 games

Most people do.
It's doing something different rather than just being a power up, and the look is better than Super Saiyan+colour.

Jiren is bluffing more than he seems. His truly overwhelming power only comes in short bursts

Videl is _______


a disgusting useless housewife.

ruined in super, just like all girls except for chichi who got ruined at the end of db when she grew up

for breeding.


not with her twin tails there


Forgot pic

Ruined and irrelevant

Because pregnancy and childbirth isn't worth the effort more than once

I fell in love with Videl's design for BoG. She really is quite pretty, as well as having a rockin bod.

Twin tails videl is shit. Dyke haircut videl is the best. Super videl haircut is pre good. GT videl is an abomination.


>If you don't kill you opponent you didn't win


Manga is fanremake.

Clotheslines and rape.

Was getting naked was part of his plan?

A manlet



>3 auras

Man, and I thought SSB Kaioken looked stupid