Delete this thread or i will use my special move
Nerd spotted
do your worst, homo
No bully.
What the fuck user
Pride Rules loli is a good one.
Lolis are really territorial creatures, you shouldnt be around an area where you can smell loli's pee, also, be carefull when your loli meet other lolis, the strong lolis ofted try to show their superior genes by killing the previous loli leader of the area
There's another one of these, does anyone have it?
She needs lessons in befriending from the White Devil.
My friend would like to know what game this is, he's really weird hahaha
She was trying to steal shit, she deserved to get a kickin for that
I definitely don't want to know what this is don't tell me please.
I'm pretty sure it's Sealed Room Breed. And it looks like it's the first one, because there are no marks after the whipping and the whole interface is different from what i remember.
Gotcha covered, senpai.
Loli abuse should be punishable by death, same goes for loli abuse apologists. looking at you
What if the abuser is also a loli? Checkmate atheist.
It's definitely not Sealed Room Breed, which is something I would never play
It's not abuse, it's punishment. It's abuse when they didn't deserve it
Is this how Karma works?
Its Soldgirl Town. Same creator.
Ok thanks, i'm defiantly not downloading the game right now and playing it later on
Do you have Rika chair beating?
yes but I can't find it
Thanks user.
What about the killer?
Yukari deserves worse for being an insufferable autist.
Truck driver, ofc.
Post the finished version user
How are you even supposed to take a narrative seriously with shit like this in it?
Lost to the dick
Dick lost to the Truck
I can't deal with this.
I don't get it. Feels like this was supposed to be some kind of clever ending but only one of the four guys got what was coming to him and then it loops.
This is how the robo-pocalypses begins.
No! What is this! I need a happy ending! AHHHHH!!!
One of the most satisfying scenes in anime.
Eat this!
>first girl passes out from the pain of having her elbow dislocated
3 of the guys die, user. Also, the truck driver could have been the killer.
This is too relatable. I like it
This is some boring fantasy shit.
Watamote and EVERYONE she ever interacted with LOL (Kuroki)
I'm a sucker for these games, man.
Tweaking their mental states through Cheat Engine is fun.
>tfw bulli fetish and can’t find it anywhere on Sup Forums
Shanachan had it but that site got nuked to hell
does edge imitate life, or does life imitate edge?
It's preparing him for the real world. What does not kill you makes you stronger.
The Japanese bought Boston Dynamics because they were feeling just like you. That robot is in a better place now, and is probably enjoying the fuck out of mecha anime classics.
I'm sure of it! He's having a good time now!
>ywn adopt a mistreated robo and be his first taste of human kindness
>ywn be oblivious as he saunters up to you a bit more than he should, awaiting command
>ywn give robo headpats after a good job and laugh when he tries to copy the gesture
>ywn tell him to take a break, forgetting he's just a robo, much to his confusion
>ywn have to retract a demand, as he is working so hard for you it hurts him
I don't need this tonight
Higurashi too opop for bully LOL
Truck guy was the killer, he had the tattoos
Science is evil
How strong are the straps for those swimsuits? Could she not tear it? At least with her teeth or something?
That was my first thought too, image and all
Someone post the damn picture with maids kicking big dog because I can't be arsed to find it
>do your worst
Not that user, but I think reporting the thread and using sage would be enough right?
You know user, those chinese are fucking crazy
I bet that strap was folded over a thousand times
Can the entirety of life itself be a bully?
Look at you, what do you think?
Both Rinne and Nanoha lost to Vivio so they'll be evenly matched.
the worst bully was the dad
Most of my problems are self inflicted. As are most of 4chans I'm guessing but we all love wallowing in self pity about how cruel and unfair the world is, from our safe warm houses on expensive computers most of us probably never worked for.
Reminder that robots are legal slaves
So it's ok to bully them
Most of the stuff here is just cringeworthy
I'd rather have a legal friend
Then simply reprogram your metallic slave
He'll be your friend
This isn't really bullying but I feel like it deserves a place ITT.