Shipwrecked with Mutsu

You are shipwrecked on a deserted 3 sq. mile temperate isle with Mutsu.

What do you do? She only has basic survival skills learned in field training. Do you kill her because of limited food/water sources? Work with her? Split up?

Could you stand being with her? Because unbeknownst to you, you will be there together for 1-2 years if you even survive.

A clearer analysis of your potential shipwreckmate.

She'll explode and take everything with her, might as well just dick off.

Sink her.

Blow my load inside her

>Could you stand being with her?
I haven't watched/played this, is there something wrong with Mutsu?

Please realize this is the Kantai girl. Not a actual ship. Though her potential clumsiness, and other traits she has in the show/game will be her personality.

No, she's perfect

Nonstop sex obviously


She sometimes seems overly motherly. Almost to the point of being a bit condescending. She also may be a bit scatterbrained.