Who wins in a fight to the death?
Goku vs Gurren Lagann
Leave these jobbers to me
last i checked goku cant lift a planet and gurren lagann can throw literal galaxies
you tell me
Goku wouldn't even be able to comprehend the size of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. He'd use solar system-destroying attacks that wouldn't even be visible to TTGL because they're the equivalent of smaller than microscopic.
Is there a even character that’s close to being as perfect as Cell? Let alone be him. And I'm not talking about Perfect Cell. I'm not talking about Super Perfect either. Hell, I'm not even talking about SSGSS Golden Cell. I’m also not talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus & Whis' DNA. I'm definitely NOT Talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa & Vados' DNA after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor. I'm talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with an infinite number of SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs, wished himself immortal with the Super Dragon Balls & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa, Vados, Zeno, Madara Uchiha & Ultimate Kars' DNA to obtain Requiem versions of every Stand (including but not limited to Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven Requiem, The World Over Heaven Requiem & D4C Requiem) after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor as he pilots Elder Demonbane with Cosmic Armor, Power Cosmic (all of it), and Omega effect, the Anti-Life Equation also flowing through his veins (because that's apparently how it works), while he does 101 Push-ups, 101 Sit-ups, 101 Squats, 11 km run per day as a park ranger for over 4 months inside the sun after ingesting Kryptonian DNA (to somehow obtain infinite power from a finite source) after consuming Popeye's Spinach while riding the writer's cock to battle.
Probability altering drill missiles>>>>>>>>>>>UI
Hey retard, you obviously haven't been watching Dragon Ball Super.
Goku wins
Don't know, but Kefla was a universe buster and still got beat by Goku
Get out of here Perfeccion
>mech the size of a hundred milky ways
>human sized opponent with the capacity to destroy universes via Ki
Mech wins. Just a single punch would move millions of times faster then light, and pack enough power to not spatter, but rip him apart by the atom.
Goku can't be hit. He wins.
Simon with spiral energy would literally take a fat fucking dookie on Goku full stop.
It depends. Goku will be evenly matched with basic Gurren-Lagann but TTGL can wipe him and everyone in the Dragon Ball verse (except maaaaybe Zen-Oh-sama) out of existence.
Funny way of saying Shin Mazinger Zero
How can Goku win against TTGL if he can't even win against Kamen Rider or Kitaro?
That's an oxymoron - Watching DBS makes you retarded.
Same applies to Gurren Lagann.
>can throw something that's 99.9999999999999% empty fucking space
Goku doesn't even need UI to dodge such a stupid attack.
>can throw something that's 99.9999999999999% empty fucking space
You do realize that everything including you and me is "99.9999999999999% empty fucking space" right?
When Goku was fighting Beerus, the shockwaves were ramping up to destroy the universe. He can also use Hakai. He has gotten even stronger since then.
Goku could just sense the pilot, instant transmission to them, flick their skull to cave it in, and then blow up the suit from the inside. It isn't even close to a good fight.
You're wrong. Gurren Lagann has always been loved by idiotic manchildren like yourself.
>instant transmission
>to fucking gurren lagann
Jesus christ how stupid are you pedro?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA go back to thinking android 21 is the best character too
also, dragon ball is a shit tier anime
There are better matchups.
>Goku could just sense the pilot, instant transmission to them, flick their skull to cave it in, and then blow up the suit from the inside.
And he'll never do that because
>muh fair fight
fuck you
>Still no servant done by famous mangaka.
The one the author likes more.
TTGL would be somewhat close
STTGL or greater easily wins.
Does anyone have that old ass image of gilgamesh calling everyone mongrels but then fucking dies to a sneeze of TTGL during his fight with the anti-spiral? Cause that shit would happen to Goku.
Except Goku would never do that because he wants a full fight first and foremost
>Implying spiral energy couldn't protect him.
Also Fucking SGGL can fire missles through time and a number of other things. Not to mention how much more powerful TTGL and STTGL are.
Don't know about goku, but team gurren lagann if they wanted could return from the dead without dragonballs.
> a guy that died to a lazer beam in the chest
>fanfiction-tier galaxy-thrower mecha
Gee I wonder
Goku in DBS came really close to destroying the universe by the raw power of his clashing with Beerus on an equal level. Then he learned to control it so that didn't happen.
It'd probably be pretty close, but TTGL has better hax, while Goku has Ultra Instinct and such.
Mazinger Zero
Happened in Anti Spiral dimensional controlled space, they'd never let the interference occur while they lived, and it collapsed after they died.
Goku and TTGL are pretty low tier desu.
Especially Goku since all he can do is punch hard and throw light balls.
What's the difference?
why couldnt he?
cant he instant transmission to other dimensions and shit
Would still lose to Zeno-sama
Based brainlet poster