
My friend keeps hounding me to watch this but I saw the first two episodes and absolutely hate that cunt Taiga. Does she ever get to be less of a cunt? Should I stick it out and finish the whole thing?

If you don't like it just drop it.

Taiga is best girl. Don't listen to any of the retarded Amifags.

In order: Get friends with better taste, that's a normal reaction, no, and no.

>Does she ever get to be less of a cunt? Should I stick it out and finish the whole thing?
No and no. They try to make her more cutesy and small and fragile toward the end, but to me, she'll just be another violent tsundere serial MC abuser. Trash it, OP, you'll be glad you did.

Try to understand her, my fren.
She needs patience and comprehensive people to understand her.

>*she'll always be

Watch Working! instead

Taiga eventually grows on you
she's best girl btw
Not like those other sluts

if you're not able to finish the greatest love story ever told you seriously have something wrong with you user

>tfw i watched Toradora in one night
It was worth it

>Does she ever get to be less of a cunt?

Ami a best. Taiga a shit.

I just started watching it and am on episode 10. Character development is slowly happening, and i’m really enjoying it actually.

Minori is best girl btw


>Liking that slut
That's some shit taste you got there son

Don't watch it now then.
Watch it with us next christmas.
Our christmas stream is comfy as fuck.

I see you are a man of culture as well.

>still ten more months
Why you gotta do this, user?

It's worth to watch just for the music alone.

She becomes nicer on christmas "because its christmas" then stays nice. Dont get too attached to the others because they ruin them later to make Taiga look good in comparison

Minori is such a fucking slut holy shit

The first 4 episodes of the show are setting it up to be a generic Tsun romance. Then, over the course of the show, you see that it's a parody of the typical Tsun romance. They need to set it up that way to subvert your expectations.

>Does she ever get to be less of a cunt?
Yes. They specifically introduce another girl who takes on the cunt role and to make Taiga look good.

>ywn protect Taiga
It hurts so fucking much bros

toradora is an embarrassment

>Does she ever get to be less of a cunt?
Like you won't believe. Taiga is one of the best developed Tsunderes of the past decade. She really grown over the course of the series. You'll get it when you get to realize what her character arc is.

It really is. We always rewatch a second show alongside Toradora. I remember when that show was Golden Time it was fun as hell.

Last year I watched the last episode of a school show about students trying to save their dormitory or something. Weird but fun.