Amazon Preorder Stalker

It is over Darlingbros. KyoAni found a way.

It has been a nice season, but now there is no suspence left. Will at least Extra mix in for some excitement?
With Franxx banned in China and flopping in BDs it is bad for Nishigori. Will he get fired?
***,372位 (***,1,123+712pt) [*,**1予約] VEG BD1
***,397位 (***,587+329pt) [*,**5予約] Darling BD1
***,548位 (***,861+551pt) [*,**1予約] VEG BD2
***,606位 (***,416pt+254) [*,**7予約] Darling BD2
***,571位 (***,850+520pt) [*,**0予約] VEG BD3
***,669位 (***,396p+229) [*,**7予約] Darling BD3
***,578位 (***,827+520pt) [*,**1予約] VEG VD4
***,703位 (***,390pt+187) [*,**5予約] Darling BD4

Other urls found in this thread:


Sasuga KyoAni

Top 1000

***,*38位/***,*31位 ◎ (**1,878 pt) [*,*64予約] Yurucamp△ 1
***,*76位/***,*71位 (***,585 pt) [*,*24予約] Cooking with Fateshit
***,100位/***,100位 ○ (**7,782 pt) [*,**1予約] Idolshit7
***,231位/***,244位 (***,608 pt) [*,**0予約] Card Captor Sakura
***,232位/***,218位 ◎ (***,933 pt) [*,**4予約] DEVILMAN crybaby BOX
***,233位/***,222位 ◎ (***,955 pt) [*,*13予約] Lizardporn II
***,236位/***,208位 (**1,054 pt) [*,*11予約] Antarctica
***,239位/***,203位 (**1,126 pt) [*,**7予約] Takagi-san
***,256位/***,232位 ◎ (***,416 pt) [*,**1予約] Hakumei no MIkochi BOX
***,372位/***,410位 (***,712 pt) [*,**1予約] Violet Eergarden
***,397位/***,387位 (***,587 pt) [*,**5予約] Darling in the Flop
***,645位/***,557位 (***,851 pt) [*,*13予約] Loli shogi
***,826位/***,689位 (***,463 pt) [*,**2予約] Death March

Will this thread last 2 or 3 days?

>most succesful shows are 1-2k
Good thing the japs make bank on the chinese nowadays or the anime industry would be dead.

Did the last thread not give you the reaction you wanted, OP?

>Cooking with Fateshit
>Lizardporn II
>Death March
Fuck all of these shitshows i hope they all fail miserably

>arguing between VEG and FranXX, both flops
>ignores the top anime

Cooking with Fateshit did nothing wrong.

>Idolshit 7
Yurifags are a plague on the industry.

You mean yaoi?

That's embarassing user

Vile Ephebogarbage might get banned in North America after the latest episode. Too bad, I was looking forward to the chuuni finale.

>fate cooking gets an anime
>senja no magi gets an anime
>kumo still doesn't get an anime
This is not fair. They're serialised in the same magazine and kumo is more popular than those two.

It will air on Disney Channel. You should check ages of Disney heroines.

Why aren't the kyoshills attacking Yuru Camp? It's KOing them and beating the anus at its own game (CGDCT). Yuru Camp is the K-On killer.

>With Franxx banned in China

1. Yurucamp is good.
2. Yurucamp fanbase is not autistic crossboarders.

It won't sell more than 5k.

Ok i have watched anime for years and have never understood why japan have such weird taste.(at least in my opinion) Why is yuru camp doing so well, why does idolshit sell so much??
How the fuck is Antarctica not a complete flop. Why do people tolerate overlord's ugly animation and lizardshit. someone kindly explain this to me

>banned in China
This is the second biggest indicator of something being goog. The first one is being banned in Germany.

>Snoring in the FranXX flopping

Did you stop to consider that maybe you're the one with bad taste?


A popular bilibili reiver celebrity mantioned in review how Franxx can be insulting to women and vulgar. Another internet troll/white knight blogger use it and made official complaint to chinese censure agency SARFT, in process gaining some support and compiling outraged posts/reactions about Franxx.

The site that streamed Franxx in china, iQiyi - either recieving a call from SARFT or in self censorship to not get under sanctions promtly suspended Franxx (and Slow Start for whatever reason, though SS is actually still shown on Bilibili - while one is unable to watch Franxx legaly in China alltogether).

Enraged Franxx fags got autistic crying why did their cartoon banned for being Vulgar, while incest stuff like Citrus or chuni (bannable in China, seriously) Overlord did not and started making own mass complaints to SARFT about every other show this season - but so far nothing else got banned.

How about being banned in Boston? (Wait, you might be too young to know about that.)

Yes, and thats not the issue.

i hope overlord and sora yori get banned

Stuff banned in China (2015):

Terror in Resonance
Highschool of the Dead
Ergo Proxy
The Skull Man
Inferno Cop
Afro Samurai
Tokyo Ghoul √A
Sword Art Online II
Tokyo ESP
Tokyo Ravens
Devil May Cry
RIN – Daughters of Mnemosyne
The Testament of Sister New Devil
Attack on Titan
Corpse Party
Strike the Blood
Death Note
Deadman Wonderland
Date A Live II
Devilman Lady
School Days
Those Who Hunt Elves
Elfen Lied
High School DxD
Samurai Bride
So, I Can’t Play H!
Girls Bravo: Second Season
Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero
Sakura Diaries
Black Butler
Dance in the Vampire Bund

Do you know the specific reasons for each one, like why was date a live banned?

These blacklisted shows, which “encourage juvenile delinquency, glorify violence and include sexual content,” are being banned in order to “protect the healthy development of youth.

They did not state specific reason for each. SARFT just swings banhammer, and its a serious one - with big fines or even closing down streaming sites/companies.

>Inferno Cop
Now I feel bad for them.

Bilibili directly funded Luluco, so you shoudn't

I always see these charts and don't know how to read them. Someone explain pls.

>a few hours before Franxx airs
>Kyoani found a way thread
Is this going to be a thing every Saturday until VEG release? Neither sells that well but I don't see how it's even a competition at this point. Stop making these threads.

Ignore the numbers, just use the relative rankings (high vs. Low) to guess how well a show is doing, relatively. Despair if it's near the bottom, feel calm if it's near the top.

It keeps tumbling down. I guess this is what it means to experience the KISS OF DEATH

hakumei doing reasonably well, all i can ask for

It's doing better than its first week though.

First time seeing this
>***,372位 (***,1,123+712pt) [*,**1予約]
Can someone explain what it is ?

Why people even buy BDs of shit quality badly animated shows?

I understand some shows having noticable improvement in BD version: like this seasons Fate Extra likely (since it is Shaft and their TV versions are always shit), VEG with 1080p picture 5.1 sound and stunning visual quality, Yurucamp where photorealistic backgrounds would look even more crispy on BDs.

The rest however will look just as crappy on BD versions as the TV ones. There is no nipples to uncensor in Franxx and Antarctica would be just as average being outsourced korean stuff.

If one was given 400$ to spend, the only things that would be even worth considering as they would have rewatch/quality value this season would be Deilman, Hakumei, VEG and maybe CCS

No point in these threads besides trying to create a false rivalry while conveniently ignoring the other shows that are airing.

>conveniently ignoring the other shows that are airing.
None of the other shows aside from Fate Extra are relevant, and FE BDs are not up for preorder yet.

If you belie Yurucamp or other shows preorder numbers are important or indicate them being more popular than the "big" shows, you are deluded. Well, Yurucamp is nearing the treshold though being actually a small phenomenon - but still not enough to reach the apex.

Even the most trending show by far, PTE, in the end still is just a small time viral meme.

>Why people even buy BDs of shit quality badly animated shows?
Because they are cretinous scum who like to watch ugly shit.

Still doesn't excuse the fact these sort of threads and discussions between Violet Evergarden and Franxx are pointless. Especially when it's comparing a show that has been up for 4 weeks of pre-orders vs a show that just about to end it's second week for being up for pre-orders. Somehow that comes out as a shock that one show is higher then the other.

Filler sol Episode for Franxx today. There is no hope for salvatoin.

Yuru Camp and Antarctica are the best shows of the season by far, why wouldn't they be doing well?

Isn't that most anime?

only if you're a smelly pedo neckbeard living in your mom's basement

Episode 5 of violet is already better than both of those yama susume ripoffs

Don't believe the pv. They always lie to us.

This PVs made people believe its a fun mecha show, but in the end it turned out to be boring Kiznaiver rip off with Anohana cast.

>Cooking with Fate
It's the best thing to come out of fate in years.
Because it's actually a boring show.

>zmelly bedo negberd XDD
Did you just come on Sup Forums from reddit? What the fuck is up with these old and busted names?

Yuru camp is fine, don't bring that into a discussion about sora yori. Sora yori is fucking trash.

>Yurucamp where photorealistic backgrounds would look even more crispy on BDs.
Yuru camp has parts of it where they literally took photos and put filters over it and it still looks jarring.

This is part of it's appeal though and one of reasons for its popularity - authentic views people later travel themselves to experience.

>kyoani and trigger's garbage flopping so hard they're now getting mad at literally-who cute girl shows
Loving every laugh

Sasuga! Overlord will never be banned as it promotes being loyal to your master.

>Comparing the preorders from a show that had a episode 2 days ago and one that had one 6 days ago.

Tell me user, how retarded are you?

***,407位/***,429位 (***,584 pt) [*,**5予約] 2018/04/25 【限定】ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス 1(メーカー特典:「線画A3ポスター」「田中将賀描きおろし複製色紙」付)(1~4巻連動購入特典:「描き下ろしB1布ポスター」&全巻連動購入特典:「描き下ろし全巻収納ボックス」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
***,427位/***,527位 (**1,123 pt) [*,**0予約] 2018/04/04 【限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]


VEG is a BIG flop

Well BD sale doesn't matter anymore just look at BnHA that shit sells like 3.5k average but still going to have infinite season.

None of the shows this season are good enough that I would want it to get a second season.

Well duh. It's a mainstream anime meant to promote a mainstream manga.

>With Franxx banned in China

Have these threads finally become satire of them self?

Too subversive.

Apparently, Chinese anime fanbases being autistic and angry at each another, more than the autistic and angry fanbases here on Sup Forums.

Will Nishigori get fired for good this time?

China is a KyoAni nation.


Based Netflix and China being the true giants.
Crunchyroll is forever humiliated despite shilling so hard for KyoAni's Violet Evergarden.

Madhouse saved this season after KyoAni and Trigger failed.

This is the only way VEGtards can get any attention to their series. It's a pretty cancerous fanbase.

This is bait Like 90% of people that are watching VEG are watching Franxx too, I see it in every thread. It's just moe fags butthurt because no one likes that kind of shows except people with fap folders full of little girls.

>still forcing this retarded fanbase war

their show are still shit though

Deadhouse is not even making anything - both Overlord and Sorayori being outsourced to koreans.

What do you expect from the Sup Forumsedditors those shitshows brought here?


>being so BTFO you start falseflagging

OP is falseflagging shitposter who probably doesn't watch any of these shows.
I watch both +30 more and enjoy them.

Trigger should be banned because it is Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Fateshit should be banned because it is /vg/.
Dragonball/Naruto/InsertShounenshit should be baned because Sup Forums has became Gaya.
Mods should be banned because they are crossboarder Sup Forums and Sup Forums tards.

>these anime must be banned because I don't like them and people on other boards like them

Trigger fanboys are pretty fucking Triggered that their A-1 trash flopped.

Because they like the shows and want to own them, most likely. Also wanting to support the studio and encourage the production of similar stuff or sequels.
A show doesn't have to be visually stunning to be liked.

>Still doesn't excuse the fact these sort of threads and discussions between Violet Evergarden and Franxx are pointless

>VEG episode 1 accounts for more than a half of its total views
>latest VEG episode has 5 times less views than Overlizardporn
How will Kyoani ever recover?

Isn't it against the Chinese laws to depict bones?

>metashitposting is fun
For shitposters.

Germany is shit.

>no Citrus
Shit taste: the rating.


Japanese otaku simply not giving shit about shitrus

Isn't that the fucking point? Like something being banned in the feminist shithole of Sweden would be a good indicator that something is based.

>A-1 creates a mecha show where the protagonist is not allowed to pilot the mecha and instead just gets cucked nonstop
>it flops harder than shows no one has ever even heard of
>Triggerfags still act like it is some sort of competition to GodAni
This is just sad.

Dude you can just not click on the thread you know

Why would I want go to place where any critique is downvoted?

Eh, to be honest, the only times the data and nonsense from the stalker threads come up with are in Violet Evergarden-threads, if at all.
In Darling in the Franxx-threads, people are more focused on making fun of Ichigo for not winning Hiro's hearto, plus relationship drama.

Why shouldn't they downvote your comment? They don't like it for whatever reason, so they give it a minus point.