How did trigger go from this
Other urls found in this thread:
to this?
franxxly terrible
Both are shit
to this?
If you think so. I thought LWA was boring.
Surely you jest
show me 1 (one) show like it
They're running out of ideas
they're nothing alike
KLK is still their lewdest show.
Darling is fucking baller. 002 is a bad bitch. Studio Trigger is coming into their own and if you can't at least admit the animation is quite impressive I believe you're not being honest and just trolling. Next.
>they're nothing alike
absolute filth
also the shittiest
LWA is one of the worst trigger shows (5.5/10 in my book).
Franxx is no masterpiece (7/10 so far), but certainly better than the LWA series (OVAs were better) and Kiznaiver.
Is this nigga serious?
Little Witch Academia is a BLATANT ripoff of Mahou Shoujo-tai Arisu.
Mahou Shoujo-tai Arisu had better world design but could be really dull at times. LWA was a bit more lively and fun, but it really pales compared to the OVA. OVA was excellent, TV series was mediocre.
02 is already best girl for the year though, that has to mean something.
>MyAnimeList ratings
>MAL ratings
Nothing to see here, OP is a retard, sage.
Try again
the top review for ditf gave it 4stars calling it crass and distasteful. the same guy gave KLK a 9 and school days an 8
fuck off saber
Almost as low quality bait as OP.
Klk is trash too. School days is kino
>school days
Only soybetas and omegas like you believe this, which is why cespools like MAL and ANN agree with you.
MANkoto and School Days are Sup Forumscore since it aired.
Trigger is full of good artists but Yoh Yoshinari is the only fucking person there who is a good designer or writer
Why would you watch those plebs? They or any eceleb shit doesn't belong here, anyway. You're not helping your opinion posting them.
I'd watch a Christian/Religious themed anime. Now mind you, I wouldn't want it to either be so pushy it's making fun of the religion or so air-tight that it's saying it's the only way, but just a wholesome and compassionate story. Maybe it could be a Ginko-type character that goes from town to town, helping others because that's what she feels she has to do?
lwa is terrible
Kiznaiver and Inferno Cop say otherwise
Luluco is actually their lewdest
that sounds like good hentai
How about no. unless it was vanilla nun
This. You can only rehash TTGL so many times.
Mahou Shoujo-tai was an outright borefest. Only thing it had was cool designs and some weird CGI experiments.
>hating on Inferno Cop
This series had no right being that good. It's practically the template for good Shounen without the power level compromise.
How does it feel that your shit >pure >funny >original 90's art anime got beaten by a real pure funny original CG anime? Unlike Little Witch Academia, Kemono Friends didn't have hetshittery and its threads aren't infested by "Tattun hates Diakko, /u/ BTFO" hetshitters. Tatsuki didn't have to be a blue namefag bitch boy like your Tattun.
The LWA TV series sucked balls.
>dragon trading shares from his room
Some fantasy.
Please be trolling.
>co-produced with A-1 pictures
>ever pure
Somebody didn't watch Inferno Cop, Kill La Kill, Luluco, Ninja Slayer
I'm glad your show got sentenced to oblivion. You faggots are insufferable.
dumb crossborder
Tatsuki is back, he sold a few doujin flicks and now has more money than Trigger.
it felt refreshing, it had no fanservice and it was emotional without being forced, loved it all, I hope they make a S2 one day
Kemono Friends still has more worth and popularity than your shit Violet/Franxx anime, dumb KyoAni/Trigger hetshitter.
Franxx is not Trigger's anime you dunce.
>Making a setting with witches
>Have no idea how to incorporate the obligatory pseudo-catholic faction without using bad cliches
Real fans of Kemono Friends don't use the show's success to shit on other ones.
>Being this dumb
This is objectively the best show Trigger has animated.
>muh feminist assertive boku-girl
>being so new that you reply to a post made with that image
Sasuga Triggerfags
02 is a great girl but also the show is shite so far
Yes, they do. They are using the strategy laid out in the prior Kemono Friends thread, where everyone must praise Kemono Friends everywhere in the most annoying way so that everyone else will hate and thus ruin the threads forever, thus saving Kemono Friends for real.
Based kemono-bros.
>I wouldn't want it to either be so pushy it's making fun of the religion
I know one.
>or so air-tight that it's saying it's the only way
I know one!
>but just a wholesome and compassionate story
Well, two out of three isn't so bad.
A1 pictures
Trigger lost its way.
Is Kiznaiver bad?
What a wrong opinion
Christian chan should burn in hell
atheism is our GOD
Is the Arigatou version of Tweeny Witches the best one out there? I got that DVD fuzz and all and was wondering if that's just par for the course for this specific series.
It's fucking horrible, maybe unless you're an angtsy teenager normalfag.
>He doesn´t watch mahou shoujo animes.
The diaper doujin should be considered canon. It was funnier than third of the real episodes.
It's the A-1 Pictures stigma.
Remember when studio Trigger make high quality animes?
>i don't know what mahou shoujo is
Boring, poorly written shit for little kids
Boring, poorly written shit for horny teenagers
Wow big jump
LWA was trash
>implying it ever found it
Look how short the skirt is on the right. What a slut.
try again
>not lewd
loot at these legs
If you think LWA isn't lewd you need to spend more time on /d/, it's got vore, transformation and probably other fetishes (haven't finished it yet).
nope, take ur minds out of the gutter
It was definitely pure, though.
Unironically this.
pretty shitty bait thread imo
pretty shitty bait show imo