Nanatsu no Bitoku

EP3 Raphael Advent






This is now my new favorite Anime









Just make hentai already.

>literally faceless men
What did they mean by this?

Wait how is this not hentai?

How is this so much better than Taizai? Because no silly plot?

That's not an ass, it's a space station.

Things are gonna get ugly soon
and fat

Bitch, get off the table!

Should I pick this up?

It's only 3 minutes per episode, why the fuck not?

>3 minutes per episode
Wait what?

Does she understand what she is wearing?

They make seasonal softcore hentai now?

>virtues dress up sluttier than sins
What do they mean by this?

I thought Japan was only interested in tits and not in asses.


Those angels are so dumb. They all can probably be easily talked or tricked into sex.

That is how you get a waifu for all eternity


Is this anime about bitcoins?

That was a sad ending.

Desperate to sell figures, unlike Sins' anime which came out after the figures were released, Bitoku is trying hook in buyers with this little 3 minutes comercial first.

Is this show super interesting?

>Because no silly plot?
But Bitoku's plot is pretty silly.

It's super interesting, but the super interesting parts are quite low budget.

Yes, but they don't take it even a little bit serious and don't dwell on it for 20+ minutes. That's what I meant.

picked up.

The ass is too big.





>3 minutes per episode
Fuck. I loved the trash that was first season, and hoped this had full episodes too.

>I loved the trash that was first season
I watched it dubbed. Felt like it's the only correct way to watch it. Made it at least twice as trashy.

Gotta focus the money on the guaranteed sales return that is Queen's Blade Unlimited, Sins was a risky gamble that didn't pay off, Bitoku is pocket change to the risks are small.

Why did the irish weren't range banned yet?

>XD face being sexual
Okay now I'm interested.

That used to be true but Japan has been been slowly learning to embrace the ass in recent years.

where is blue nurse and blonde cowtits episode?

Watch ending and count.

The male self-inserts are obvious generic matches for the angels' personalities, fuck I guess /ss/ might be appeased to with Micheal, she looks like a portrait "Ara ara~" older woman that teases boys.

The episode order isn't following the ending because Metatron is the second girl you see in the ending but her episode hasn't aired yet.

Metatron is going to be great, I can feel it

Does Hobby Japan seriously think playing safe with this cheap 3 minute commercial will make people buy the figures when they get released? These shorts can't make me invested in these angels, their designs alone won't make me consider buy anything, there are plenty of slutty figures around to choose, Hobby Japan should put more effort into make people consider why should them look for Nanatsu no Bitoku in particular.

my dick is pretty invested in these angels

I'm surprised no one has pointed out that faggot OP is posting 853x480 stream

Does your dick wants to burn money? Otherwise you don't count as far as Hobby Japan is concerned.

I'm considering Rafael and Metatron



Isn't that too much ass?

>Over-hip thong
>Small breasts

>Small breasts

>Small breasts

why are these angels so dumb?

They're just pure. Too pure. As angels should be.

Uriel was better

Yes. I like her design more too.

No its just right

fascinating plot

What the fuck this is an actual anime?
I saw a clip of it on xvideos last night.

What are those straps? They prevent her to not spread her legs too wide?

>the current state of Sup Forums

Stop bumping this thread, I lick my screen everytime.

OH dear IS That . Hmmmmmm yeahhh

That ass might be on par with that blue-haired girl from Qwaser. Damn.

I want to taste her donut.



I dont know what you call big, but please try to elaborate on it.


Which virtue is she? I need to feed my imagination.




you mean biz



Temper. It's on her belt.

>MFW It's really named Nanatsu no Bites au Cul

Frenchfaggots are worse than brapfaggots. This show is cursed with such an fanbase.


>Bites au Cul
Fucking french.

...why does Metatron remind me of ebola chan?

Ep3 already?

I guess Raphael's design ended up having such a good reception that they are gonna give her another episode of trying to find a messiah?