Why did this manga get so bad after the bondrewd arc? The pace has changed and it's getting hard to follow.
Made in abyss manga
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I'm just waiting on the second season of the anime.
because you became a faggot
I bet you haven't even understood half the bondrewd arc if you think layer 6 is "hard to follow"
It was a bit difficult, ill be honest, but it started to add up towards the end. I guess my point was that the pacing and content seems out of place. Was expecting another white whistle to try and fuck their journey up. More of a detailed idea of what makes the 6th layer so special etc. Right now all im getting is rape vibes and silly new characters.
>Was expecting another white whistle to try and fuck their journey up.
So instead of the same thing happening for the third time you got something different. And you don't like different.
There are other white whistled besides the ones we have seen. That was mentioned early on. It sets the pace for what we are expecting. This feels more like a filler arc than an actual continuation. Just because it's "different" doesn't mean it's good. You can have the theme continue on without it being boring. It's all in the execution. fucking hipsters... i swear.
beacause you are an edgy fucklord who cant stand exploration, social action and cool weird shenanigans
>Just because it's "different" doesn't mean it's good
True. It is good though. Narehare village has an interesting concept and an interesting exploration of it.
it's obviously a "calm before the storm" kind of situation rather than a filler arc
too deep 4 u? lmao
ch45 never ever
Because you started reading it after anime, went like lightning from start to end, and now sit there and wait for monthly (at best) chapter to arrive.
what's good about it? Everyone looks like fucking fred fredburger.
pretty gay way to do it. If it were me, i'd make it a bit more coherent in terms of the culture of the city. What would have been cool is if the people of that town were human as well but were more like ancient aztec like. Maybe they appear nice but as they get to know them more they find out they actually kill other explorers like them for religious sacrifices.
i see wut u did there.
and they throw people into a giant volcano and the chief is a fat despot with a beautiful daughter, but they are good at heart just controlled by an evil witchdoctor, you know just to keep avoiding cliches and keep the story on an original and imaginative route.
no. just cause you can only think of cliches to that idea doesn't mean it's cliche. Execution. Traveling to find ones parent in the unknown is not a new concept. Many movies have done that. It's all in the execution.
Since all the MiA pedo cocksuckers are sperging in this thread for saying anything bad about their masterpiece, I'm gonna second what you're saying OP. I thought it was just me who thought everything after Bondrewd seemed boring and stagnant. The pacing as slowed down to a crawl and it's really hard to care about the mutant jew town when you just want the story to get on with shotabot's roots, finding potatoface's dead mom and giving furrybutt a reason to live.
sure if you want to get over with the story as soon as possible
Sasuga 10 episodes per story netflix manchild.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
How come Fappy loli can go up and down with impunity despite the curse?
If Faputa stole the whistle and she's afraid of going into the village, why did it end up in the village?
How come combining a butt-monster with Fappy hair produces a monster repelling charm?
What's an interferer anyway?
How come there's a Mitty that was left there by a masked man?
Who is the masked man?
Why is there no curse in the village?
What's the deal with the currency system?
Why is there a lady in the dark pit of the village?
How is Maa-san still alive?
What the fuck is going on anymore?
Send help.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not sure if you're a speedreader or just reading an entirely different manga.
>has actual questions about the plot
>Since I can't answer any of your questions, I'm just gonna call you a speedreader!
Why don't you just admit you like MIA for the loli nipples instead of the actual story.
I thought I was being pretty clear. How many of these can you answer in a way that makes sense and doesn't contradict what we already know?
most of those questions are still unanswered at this point of the manga though.
You can't answer most of those questions because it haven't been revealed yet.
Wait for new chapters.
i'm shocked how many hipsters are on Sup Forums.
>muh edgy masterpiece
Look. It's really starting to go stale. I am not gonna get all hyped just because the prior chapters were good. I'm gonna call BS where I see it.
Enjoy your flannel shirts and thick frames, faggots.
>you like this thing? Well I don't so YOU'RE the hipster
you're a retard
>there are all these mysteries and questions the author has set up to be revealed and answered in the future
Come on, dude.
Now, calm down with the insults, hear me out.
I'm thinking the author isn't going to give 20 different answers to 20 mysteries. There's going to be one big reveal in this arc that neatly ties everything together. We should be able to at least narrow it down to something with all these hints, so what is it? Were we just wrong about everything up to this point, including the rules of the curse and Mitty's death?
Good thing you're not the mangaka then.
jesus fuck
Abyss at southpole?
>We looked down and here's this huge, large hole in the ice, almost like a cave entrance, but it was large enough that you could fly a C-130 into it, a hole that went down. We were told not to fly that area.
>Were we just wrong about everything up to this point
What exactly, of the things introduced in this arc, contradicts what we had known about the Abyss?
By overall quality I enjoy Narehate Arc more than Best Dad's. Bondrewd's arc was good basically for one thing - Bondrewd himself. Pacing was all over the place, barely any exploration, characters acted weird (Bunny showed no emoions, when they "killed" Bon first time, lost to his words at the end, Riko's friendship with Prushka seemed very forced, Prushka was a plot-device, who suddenly wished last adventure with murderers of her dad, Reg is your generic shounen protag, powered by ass pulls). With less charismatic antagonist this arc would be the worst part of manga.
it got bad when nanachi revealed as a boy
nah America is the actual abyss my man
Let's start with Faputa. Her lair is high above the village, meaning she can ascend without getting the curse. For all we knew, living creatures are not immune.
Firstly, Faputa is already Blessed. You cannot catch the sixths layer's curse twice.
>For all we knew, living creatures are not immune.
Animals are either immune or well-adapted. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to live their at all.
>You cannot catch the sixths layer's curse twice.
That was never established, neither does it make sense, seeing as you can catch every other curse multiple times.
Yet it makes perfect sense. You only have one humanity. How can you lose it twice?
Alternatively, Faputa can be just wired in a way that the curse doesn't affect her. We have already seen that there are ways to bypass the curse: for example, the fifth layer's curse can be avoided by Nanachi and using Meinya.
That's right, i am Fluffzen.
Back on the 4th layer when Reg asked Nanachi about avoiding the curse, Nanachi only said that it's pointless to tell him since he doesn't see it.
Then in the 5th layer Nanachi is affected by the curse after rising up quickly
I think beings that can see the curse know of a way to avoid it, like seeing certain spots where it's weak/there's a hole in it or something, and they can use that to effectively avoid being affected. It would also explain why Nanachi got it during the first fight with bondrewd, since it was such an abrupt ascent
Alright, we are getting off track from my original point. All i'm saying is the chapters that are about the 6th layer suck. It seems almost alien from the rest of the manga. I get that some of you like loli nips but that's no excuse for shit writing. It sucks and all of you know it. Try just for one second to not be pretentious about this series. Just one fucking second get your heads out of your as and don't pretend to be artsy. Really look at the incoherent pacing of these recent chapters and how random they are. I am sure you will agree with my original post.
>Was expecting another white whistle to try and fuck their journey up.
You do realize they are at the sixth layer now? If there was a white whistle down there, it would be one who would have been presumed dead.
>It sucks
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
I personally absolute love the sixth layer on pretty much every level.
>I am sure you will agree with my original post.
I am sure you gotta adjust your expectations, dude.
you're not my dad
>It seems almost alien from the rest of the manga.
Well, it is an undocumented area if I remember correctly.
Will they have to go back?
Have you read about the curse? Or did that plot device driving the whole story completely skip above your head?
I actually thought the opposite. Bondrewd's arc was just them walking into his base, him fucking with them, then just fight scenes until they win. I'm hoping we get more filler in the anime of them collecting the weapons to fight him, so we get to see more of the fifth layer's environment and creatures. The on
As for the seventh layer, I've liked it a lot more. Lots of cool environments, a little bit of exposition, and a whole lot more mystery. Everyone complains about pace, but watching the characters stumble around weird places is what makes the series good.
>your head
Sorry, but the discussion has been dumb up until now so it was hard to tell.
>alien from the rest of the manga
This is the point, they're on their last dive.
>Really look at the incoherent pacing of these recent chapters and how random they are. I am sure you will agree with my original post.
Sorry user, I need specific examples for you to convince me.
Ebin bait my friend
Which never happened.
Well for one I appreciate the world-building, shit'll be boring if it's just Riko, Reg and Bun speedrunning the abyss.
I want to eat her tits
Allright, fair enough. I accept these explanations as a definite possibility.
Next question: how come the white whistle ended up in the village if Faputa is too afraid to go in there and she's supposed to have stolen it? That whole scenario seems self-contradictory.
>I actually thought the opposite. Bondrewd's arc was just them walking into his base, him fucking with them, then just fight scenes until they win
I tend to agree. Bondrewd's arc was almost entirely a character-driven arc. The only things here that fed into the larger backstory of what the Abyss is were the curse/blessing parts and Reg's transformation.
Level 6, on the other hand, is full of direct references to the mysteries of the Abyss and other world-building. For example, I know there are more iconic panels, but has any given page set off more speculation than pic related?
Don't get me wrong -- Bondrewd's arc was fantastic and utterly poignant at the end, but the current arc is just as well-crafted.
I, for one, am disappointed that Riko didn't crash the market by taking a massive value dump.
>How come Fappy loli can go up and down with impunity despite the curse?
She is a narehate and has already succumbed to the curse and is no longer affected by it.
Most of the other things will probably be revealed in later chapters as those are all questions related to like the last five chapters.
>How come Fappy loli can go up and down with impunity despite the curse?
She can form protective shell out of her fluff/hair. A lot of organisms in Abyss developed natural mechanisms against the Curse like double system of sensory organs, etc.
>she's supposed to have stolen it?
Firstly, so far we only know that she made stuffed animals, not necessarily that she stole the whistle.
Secondly, even if she did, she could have left it at the village entrance for reasons yet unknown. Presumably, to give it proper shape through the local craftsman.
Thirdly, the whistle could have been stole from her.
And finally, this in no way contradicts anything we had learned before the sixths layer's arc. You're shifting gears here, user. This stuff will be revealed later.
Interesting theory. I like it because it might be the same mechanism that shields the village but it leads to the conclusion that it's possible to completely bypass the curse by encasing yourself in alien organic stuff (T1000 method anyone?)
Never write fiction ever
6th layer so far has been better than Bondrewd arc. People who think Bondrewd arc is "so amazing" are probably low powerlevel consumers who are easily impressed by grandstanding
I'd be lying if I said that Bondrewd's theatrics didn't make me wet.
There was a pretty big gap in between Bondrewd and Ozen, user. If it follows the same cycle as last time, we'll finish the village arc, then the next one will introduce a white whistle with possible foreshadowing at the end of this one. And, with the increase in popularity from Nanachi and the anime, Tsukushi will probably be freer to put in more of the world-building and exploration that he was forced to cut beforehand, but replaced in the anime.
And I am back. Looking at the last chapter I couldn't help but want to make a theme for the narehate restaurant.
So here it is: youtube.com
I should be able to make a track per week again. Requests and feedback welcome.
Nice to have you back.
Track sounds like something out of a campy 80's adventure game.
Why isnt this like my other power-up bankai'd constant fights right behind you japanese picture books? I need swoosh lines dammit, lots of them.
I wasn't expecting something so... narehate.
I hope he'll back in extra chapters like Ozen and Leader. A short cameo of Bonedad analyzing information from lower layers would be nice.
Okay, man, I really don't like saying this stuff. Like, I seriously feel internally conflicted because you make OC, music of all things, unlike 99,99% of the people here, and you seem like a good guy.
But I also believe I should be honest, provide criticism, and tell the truth. So that you can improve, if anything.
Your Abyss stuff, and I think I heard all of it, is not very good. Or even any good, in my (scurb) opinion. It misses the atmosphere of the things it's supposed to be dedicated to pretty hard, it's not very coherent, it is overloaded and kinda random. This track in particular.
I understand that it's not fair to compare your amateur production to Penkin's professional work, but maybe you should try to imitate him or something, then try to diverge with your own style from there? Because I just really don't think you should keep going the current course.
The background track sounds like text scolling in old video games. Also gives off a very LISA vibe, which fits the hollows well.
I'm inclined to agree with this user. I don't think you should try to imitate Penkin and I won't diss your interpretation of these chapters, but your composition feels too random, lacks structure? I don't know the proper words to describe it since I'm no music buff.
Do any of you know about net terminal genes?
Net, like, fishing net? What are you talking about? What's a gene?
Her head thingies could be sensory organs.
I wonder if they are errogenous.
Her place is full of stacked rocks with her three head symbol carved into them, is she autistic?
Anyway even the goo blobs in the goo hole had those three things on them. the plot thickens.
I want to fuck that ambiguously gendered rabbit thing.
I see what you mean. This is also kind of a learning experience for me, and even though he's definitely an inspiration, I am not trying to sound like Penkin (I love his soundtrack by the way). What I do is kind of a way to immerse in Made in Abyss in a way I enjoy.
For example in this track I tried to depict kind of a busy place, so I tried to make some "narehate sounds" and there is also a synth bass, but I could probably have worked on it a bit more as it is probably still a bit loud, and paced/lowered the chatter more as well.
For the structure and overall style I don't limit myself a lot. If I like what I do, I upload it even though it might sound unusual.
I still want it to be somewhat coherent with the setting and throughout the song, though, so you really make me want to up my game if you thought I was completely off.
Thanks a lot for the input!
>Bondrewd #45, anything to report on subject R?
>Not really, no, her pooping phase seems to have reached a plateau.
>What about subject N, Bondrewd #114?
>Her cuteness factor is stable. Bondrewd #63 should have the fresh data.
>Layer 6 enviroment seems to have a positive effect on her fluffiness. It has risen by 4% this week if we go by rg-collision analysis.
>God I love the Abyss.
>Nobody gives a shit about MiA anymore
I hope the sequel doesn't kill the series.
>Nobody gives a shit about MiA
Are you nuts?
Nigger just wait for the next chapter.
>Nobody gives a shit about MiA anymore
Are you nuts? Even with this horrible OP, thread is still active.
You're both wrong. It's been established that the membrane has gaps in it that can be moved around/through. This is why people who can see the curse zigzag as they ascend and why nanachi can traverse layers fine and feel nothing.
>It's been established that the membrane has gaps in it that can be moved around/through
*Citation needed*
We have constant threads every day that just about hit bump limit each day.
It's the opposite. If season two delivers, I don't think even the nudity will keep out ironic weebs and normies.