''normalfag'' is hardly used nowadays in Sup Forums. Where are you guys

''normalfag'' is hardly used nowadays in Sup Forums. Where are you guys.

We aren't Sup Forums anymore, were the normalfags

The more anime I watch, the more I want to break up with my girlfriend and just have mental relationships with moe anime girls.

Reminder people born in 1999 are now allowed to post here.
People born in 2000 will be soon.

>he doesn't have a career and a wife who is expecting/already had some kids
What are you, some sort of faggot?

1999 here, sup!

my girlfriend doesn't want kids with me. i have a good job, i guess she just thinks i'm a beta because i don't beat her or something

kill yourself

>kill yourself
lol no, i'll just date moe girls

stop baiting/shitposting in a meta thread, it's not even funny

also you might be real normalfag. evaporate faggot