ITT: Only perfect 10's
ITT: Only perfect 10's
You start
Do 10's even exist though?
(Besides Selesia)
My wife.
Slut Lum a 10/10? No.
10/10 looks and personality
How did they do it
god I can't wait until c94
We really need more oni lollipop fanart.
Good work user, that is safely a 10
These other anons should realise, if you have to consider whether a character is a 9 or 10, its clearly not quite a 10
Perfect 10 imouto.
Solid 10.
She can sit on my dick, if you get what I'm saying.
Are other elves even trying?
A-1/TRIGGER took Anemone and improved on her
Yes, in about 10 years.
good taste user. I agree she is literally 10/10
Patrician taste my friend.
all her forms are best faggot
Supreme good taste but lucoa IS A FUCKING, DISGUSTING, REPULSIVE SHIT.
>bonus waifu thread
How nice.
Ignore those miserable, autistic, retarded, haters-fags who's always post that slander pic towards Houki, Rin, Sera and my waifu Yui
>5'2", perfect height
>D's with a great ass
>Programmer but you're always better than her
>Magic and shit
>Cute but not 13
>Eats sweets but doesn't get fat
Honestly, I don't think there's much more I could ask for. She's literally the perfect wife for me.
Best girl so far in this thread and likely won't be topped again.
Have you actually held tits? J cups like those would feel awkward in your hands unless you're Brock Lesnar.
You're meant to take her doggystyle and grab them from behind or have her ride you and rest them on your face. Fucking her with her tits restong on a desk or something is good too, you get to grab her sideboobs pouring out.
Boys (female) are the best girls.
How come ever since I started liking traps I run into them a lot more. I'm on a private discord (~20 members) and 2 of them are traps and a public server that happens to have a handful of genuinely gay dudes.
Are we all just faggots?
100% this!
(Filthy incest fag)
(Are you serious?)
Even though Medb is a giant slut, I would still fuck her.
You're going to need to bring your friends with you because one man can't satisfy her, unless you're Fergus.
>couldn't satisfy her
>still had sex with her
Oh no, whatever shall I do?
I'm glad that we have accepted the new anime designs.
Literally Perfect 10
He said perfect 10s, not a meme shouting stick that can't even dress herself, good thing she gets killed in her own series.
>literally a slut with demon AIDS
She got demon aids because she's desireable, user. Something you never need to worry about.
Don't much care. Would still happily impregnate.
Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
>perfect 10
It literally has cumstains on it, come on man.
>knife ears
Based Four, reminds me of posting a 10/10 in this thread. Which I will now do.
Almost! It's
Zero > One > Four > Five > Three > * > Two
What about a 100/10?
I can respect this
>pic not related
I see that you are a man of culture as well.
So are you good sir, may you have a wonderful week
BGOTS reporting in
10/10 carfu
>Pig that high
every damn time, like clockwork.
Even though i agree, accord isn't that bad
>White Women
>Ever a 10
Yuckyno a shit
This bitch back to being a 5 after this episode.
>Thread about perfect girls
>No one posts the purely perfect girl both inside her own canon and outside of it too
Really? Old Sup Forums would have gotten this in the first three posts. I'm fucking ASHAMED I still hang out with you kids.
>Knife ears
eternal 10/10
>satisfying your sexual partner is gay xD
t. virgin
patrician taste
did anyone else actually watch this?
>forgets that she is literally worst girl in canon as well
the absolute state of catfags
Perfect Cell is literally perfect 10/10
uncultured swine
What's wrong with Haruhi? She is the only decent.
Even the dragon was disgusted after that, based as fuck, filthy elves can fuck off