Dragon Ball Super

How do you feel about kid Jiren?

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Why does Sup Forums hate the Super manga so much?


Because It´s shit


I don't give a shit about him because he has been a jerk and an incompetent idiot for 90% of its screen time

Normies aren't into manga

They can't read


How sad will you be when 17 sacrifices himself?

>tfw meme magic made this spic fanart a real thing.

They're going to go for a "last of his kind" story like Superman aren't they?

>planet of ayys
>probably gets HAKAID
>Jiren's the only survivor
>grows up refusing to kill people and hates the idea of being a GoD

O boy I can't wait for they to copy the manga and say he wasn't knocking people because his morals despite that he already proven that he gives no shit about that, he didn't even care when Goku killed himself by his own Genkidama


>I can't wait for they to copy the manga
So you're saying the manga is copying the outline, because if the anime does it too, it's from the outline.

>Similar backstory to Vegeta to have him relate, only difference is that Jiren cares for his people.

Would be kind of fun, but I think that Jiren would want to wish for something he knows is unobtainable through regular dragon balls. That is, unless his universe doesn't have any normal dragon balls.

>Toppo in the anime has to become an actual GoD in order to use the hakai, instead of only meme ki
>Manga Goku asspulls Hakai despite not being an actual GoD
Defend this Toyomutts.

After Goku beats Jiren, Goku will apologize for taking his wish. Jiren will then reveal he didn't need his wish anyway, because he was just going to wish to fight someone stronger than him.

Search your heart. You know it to be true.


I want to cuddle with him

>That is, unless his universe doesn't have any normal dragon balls.
It doesn't, Belmond said he was happy to know dragon balls existed when the Grand Priest said the prize for the winner would be the Super Dragonballs.


You have a point, let me put it in this way then

>I can't wait for the anime to follow the outline at the end of the series after shitting on it during the entire arc with their shit and inconsistent writing

Better now?

I'm ready for Dylan the Young

Vegeta > Goku

>implying he wont ask for hair

Lmao look at the top of this retards head

Jiren is a justicefag, he would never wish for something a fight retard like Goku would.


That's way too close to original Dragon Ball humor to possibly be in here.


Fuck, you win this time, Toeimutt.

easy, toei fanfiction isn't canon and that's not how hakai works

>Toeiturds' low IQ
Manga is checked and corrected every month by Toriyama, if he's OK with Goku using Hakai that means there's no GoD mode, nor GoD ki.
Toei claiming you need some special ki to use Hakai is literally another example of they contradicting Toriyama's vision of the story.

I'm sorry Toyobros, for this time I have no comeback.


>i looked like that

Will we get a female AYYY?

>Manga is checked and corrected every month by Toriyama

Nice headcanon

Nice headcanon.

>tfw no bald waifu

and Vegeta punches through a hakai totally negating it
your point?

Is this a real screencap? I can't even tell any more the shows art is so bad and the mexican art is getting slightly less bad...

Toyopedro himself: Toriyama supervises every storyline related to Dragon Ball

Anime: canon
Manga: fanfic by literal AF "artist" that traces everything

Uncreative shit drip feed

>literal AF "artist" t
Toyotaro never worked on AF. What the fuck is with this headcanon? The one who worked on AF was Toyble.

not even a little. dont cry for chad, its not what he'd want

>Toriyama: Any god with proper training can use Hakai, even SS God SS Goku.
>Toei: You need a super special ki that you can only use after receiving a title or an edgy dark mode to use Hakai

>"t-toyokeks btfo!! Anime won!"
This is so sad

Toriyama sure as hell didn't supervise the anime FT arc and was looking forward to being 'surprised' by the storyline Toei would come up with.


>toppo has to be given a useless transformation since they underpowered him up in the recruitment arc
>vegeta has to be given a kawaii transformation to catch up to SSB kaioken
>Trunks pulls the biggest asspull ever created
>Vegeta punches through one
>B-But muh Goku using hakai
Toeishills are retarded

Could babby Jiren solo every DBZ villain?


>meme magic

So Soyotaro is a liar then.

Jackie Chun is the turtle hermit




Factually true.

what will shota jiren sound like bros

So Jiren is Meta Knight.

>shota Jiren x SSBerserk Kale x Ribrianne


>Trunks training nonstop for years is only on par with Gohan who had been slacking and softening up for nearly a decade
Jesus Christ, I want to see a world where Gohan was dedicated to fighting just to see how absurd in strength he'd become.

Is that Toppo 3rd from the left front row

>tfw toriyama is literally molding a new mangaka god from scratch

He would just kiero them both like he nearly did in the ToP (one was saved by Hit timeskip, the other because Vegeta jumped the gun and attacked before Jiren could)

So Jiren is literally a monk? What if he's the Krillin of his universe?

>Toyotaro never worked on AF. What the fuck is with this headcanon? The one who worked on AF was Toyble.


>Jiren is literally Superman if Superman was an alien

where's ayyC18?


>CHOSEN successor of Toriyama
>actually follows THE OUTLINE
>Toriyama literally checks the manga and does adjustments here and there in designs, dialogue, characterization for example; NOTHING gets into the final manga version without his approval
>doesn't even bother crediting TOEI in their work because TOEI is nothing to them
>vastly superior characterization, just look at Goku or Jiren or Kale as an example
>powerlevels are more consistent, no autismal SSRage Trunks or Zamasu being uber strong despite weak fusion components
>no asspull powerups like SSBKK or SSRage or MUH BACKTINGLING
>even Kale is shown to be powerful in base rather than relying entirely on some unexplained meme Broly transformation
>deep lore and subtle connections between various plotlines rather than goldfish-memory shit TOEI does, the Zamasu-Babarian analogy couldn't even be comprehended by their simplistic brains

There is no recovery for TOEIpablos anymore.
The sword of friendship finisher from the Trunks arc apparently wasn't enough evidence of literal Fairy Tail tier writing they have going on, so they doubled up on the homages and had Goku literally become Erza and have his impossible achievements since episode 111 when he was limping around pile on and on "Because he is Goku"
Goku even has healing powers according to the anime """canon""". Always had them to begin with since the BoG arc but of course it isn't ever heard of again, and in the Roshi episode Goku heals him with SSB anyway. But who cares about that when you have infinite stamina given how wasting stamina on stamina draining forms is what is making Goku restore the stamina he lost fighting Jiren? Goku might as well be a Dr. Gero android right now.

>m-muh he skipped over RoF
Friendly reminder that the MOVIE versions of BoG and RoF are canon, not the poorly animated spicshit anime version that you love so much, TOEIbeaners. Since Toyo is actually canon, he will obviously not repeat the story a second time.

>if Superman was an alien

well it wouldnt be the first time, goku's origin is pretty much a copy of superman's as well



Fuck 17. Asspulled golden boy character of the arc.

>baiting the baiter by replying to bait

>i was merely pretending to be retarded

>Toyo made all of the trash designs
What a surprise.


>Manga is checked and corrected every month by Toriyama
You guys don't believe that Toriyama gives enough of a shit to actually do this, right? Why are so many of you still in denial over this being a series where he just makes shit up as he goes along and leaves the holes for you autists to fill in for him

Reminder that Toeishills will literally argue anything as long as it's against Toyo's superior manga. They don't care about truth, they don't even necessarily believe what they're saying, they will just say it to make it look like Toyo is "unpopular", and then do a 180° on their fake opinions when it becomes convenient.

is this fanart or real screencap?

I really don't get how you people can unironically argue between the manga and anime when they're both awful.

>toyocuck proven wrong
>begins to spam his copypasta every thread like clockwork
Reminder that spamming is reportable.

Even until the end, you autists will argue over the same things over and over again

underrated post

This. He never planned anything further than >Goku and Bulma looks for the Dragon Balls or whatever *raffs*

>toyo vs toei war all over again

Every Saiyan Transformation (69):
>False SS
>SS Power
>Super Saiyan
>SS Grade 2
>SS Grade 3
>Full Power SS/ Grade 4
>Spirit Bomb SS
>Super Kaioken
>Super Saiyaman
>Restricted SS
>Ultra SS (Broly and Kale)
>Berserker Legendary SS
>True Legendary SS
>Full Power SS2 (Vegeta and Manga Trunks)
>Spirit Bomb SS2 (Budokai)
>Berserker LSS2
>Spirit Bomb SS3 (Budokai)
>Berserker LSS3
>Super Oozaru
>Legendary Oozaru
>Spirit Bomb SS4 (Budokai)
>Berserker LSS4
>Full Power SS4
>Full Power BLSS4
>Golden SS4 (Saiyan Ultra-Fusion)
>SS God
>Godly SS
>Godly SS3 (Heroes: Goku)
>Godly SS4 (Heroes: GT Goku)
>Saiyan Beyond God
>SSGSS/ Blue
>Berserker Legendary SSGSS (Broly God)
>SS Rose
>SS Rage
>Spirit Bomb SSRage
>Full Power SSB
>Blue Kaioken
>BKK x10
>BKK x20
>Shenron Mode SSB (Heroes: Goku and Vegeta)
>Tuffle SS
>Tuffle SS2
>Tuffle SS3
>Tuffle Super Oozaru
>Majin SS2
>Majin SS3
>Majin BLSS
>Majin BLSS3
>Villainous SS
>Villainous SS2
>Villainous SS3
>Villainous BLSS
>Supervillain BLSS
>Super Humans (DBOnline/DBS)
>Jelly SSB
>Clone SS (FigherZ)
>Super Mira
>SS5 Mira
>Time Breaker Oozaru (Kid Gohan and Bardock)
>Berserker DDB (Turles)
>FPBLSS4DDBBM (Broly Dark)
>SS3BM (Time Patrol Bardock)
>Whatever Time Breaker King Vegeta has

Also, non-Saiyan forms they got (28):
>Unlock Potential
>Potential Unleashed
>Ultra Instinct Omen
>Ultra Instinct Complete
>Great Saiyaman
>Majin (base)
>Dark Dragonball (base)
>Masked Time Breaker (base)
>Broken Mask Time Breaker (base)
>Unmasked Time Breaker (base)
>Villainous Potential Unleashed
>Cloned Potential Unleashed
>Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Halo Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Corrupted Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Universal Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Super Giant Human (Saiyan in Human Ultra-Fusion)
>Great Namek (Saiyan in Namek Ultra-Fusion)
>Giant Alien (Saiyan in Alien Ultra-Fusion)
>Giant Kai (Saiyan in Otherworlder Ultra-Fusion)




Manga: God ki is still a big deal and the hakai is a God technique that goku achieved by being trained by an angel

Anime: being a god of destruction makes you transforme and have yet another type of ki because fuck it, and nakes you have a tatoo when none of the other gods have it and hakai becomes a purple ki blast that cant even erase shit when is "stronger than the hakai" aka the power of friendship

Based Every Saiyan Transformation (69):
>False SS
>SS Power
>Super Saiyan
>SS Grade 2
>SS Grade 3
>Full Power SS/ Grade 4
>Spirit Bomb SS
>Super Kaioken
>Super Saiyaman
>Restricted SS
>Ultra SS (Broly and Kale)
>Berserker Legendary SS
>True Legendary SS
>Full Power SS2 (Vegeta and Manga Trunks)
>Spirit Bomb SS2 (Budokai)
>Berserker LSS2
>Spirit Bomb SS3 (Budokai)
>Berserker LSS3
>Super Oozaru
>Legendary Oozaru
>Spirit Bomb SS4 (Budokai)
>Berserker LSS4
>Full Power SS4
>Full Power BLSS4
>Golden SS4 (Saiyan Ultra-Fusion)
>SS God
>Godly SS
>Godly SS3 (Heroes: Goku)
>Godly SS4 (Heroes: GT Goku)
>Saiyan Beyond God
>SSGSS/ Blue
>Berserker Legendary SSGSS (Broly God)
>SS Rose
>SS Rage
>Spirit Bomb SSRage
>Full Power SSB
>Blue Kaioken
>BKK x10
>BKK x20
>Shenron Mode SSB (Heroes: Goku and Vegeta)
>Tuffle SS
>Tuffle SS2
>Tuffle SS3
>Tuffle Super Oozaru
>Majin SS2
>Majin SS3
>Majin BLSS
>Majin BLSS3
>Villainous SS
>Villainous SS2
>Villainous SS3
>Villainous BLSS
>Supervillain BLSS
>Super Humans (DBOnline/DBS)
>Jelly SSB
>Clone SS (FigherZ)
>Super Mira
>SS5 Mira
>Time Breaker Oozaru (Kid Gohan and Bardock)
>Berserker DDB (Turles)
>FPBLSS4DDBBM (Broly Dark)
>SS3BM (Time Patrol Bardock)
>Whatever Time Breaker King Vegeta has
Also, non-Saiyan forms they got (28):
>Unlock Potential
>Potential Unleashed
>Ultra Instinct Omen
>Ultra Instinct Complete
>Great Saiyaman
>Majin (base)
>Dark Dragonball (base)
>Masked Time Breaker (base)
>Broken Mask Time Breaker (base)
>Unmasked Time Breaker (base)
>Villainous Potential Unleashed
>Cloned Potential Unleashed
>Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Halo Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Corrupted Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Universal Supreme Kai (Merged Zamasu)
>Super Giant Human (Saiyan in Human Ultra-Fusion)
>Great Namek (Saiyan in Namek Ultra-Fusion)
>Giant Alien (Saiyan in Alien Ultra-Fusion)
>Giant Kai (Saiyan in Otherworlder Ultra-Fusion)

>Attempting to give your end boss a back story with 5 episodes left in your series
>In an anime
Well now we know for sure Goku wins. Back story revealing like this only happens when a character is going to die and since no one ever dies here, he'll just lose.

