What scene are you most looking forward to in season 3?
My boku no hero academya thread
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Tokoyami's stand going berserk is a big one for me. And of course the Kamino Ward battle, if it gets that far.
The training/ambush arc is pretty weak. Seeing the fight at Kamino will be cool.
Will definitely happen: AM vs AFO, Bakugou exploding into Shigaraki's face, Muscular vs Deku
Might not happen but I want to see animated most: Bakugou vs Deku
>Bakugou is the only one of the boys to walk around naked
>Mina is the only one of the girls to walk around naked
What did Hori mean by this?
You just know they will put all the budget for Deku vs Muscular and All Might vs AfO and let the rest suffer like berserk birb.
Does anyone itt think the anime is better than the manga and if so, which fights/scenes were done better to you guys?
>that title
is that a jab at the faggots who search by "boku no hero" instead of the more logical "hero academia"?
He wants us to know that they're a perfect couple. They even sleep the same way.