We made it to 50 boys! here's a gift to celebrate
Bokuben 50.5
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Nice thanks user
This shit is better than the actual manga. Thanks user.
I love this,!!!
Cheers anons! I know some people dislike this, and I can't do much about that. but at least it's here before the actual dump chapter, so it wont get in the way of that.
Where is 12?
it was a duplicate of 11
Uruka bullying is ok.
You are not the user that made 31.5 right?
I wish I was. that man is a mastermind who still hasn't delivered on his fanfic
Are these parodies compiled anywhere? or will I need to back comb the archives?
Tramp stamp, sloot
>that last panel
2008 called, they want their memes back.
...right back at you.
Well duh, I'm a time traveler.
I like those chapters. A bit too much memespouting, but still funnier than the original manga, and triggers all the retards at MAL/reddit/anime forums everywhere.
>and uruka
there's been a few of these alternate translations, right?
I don't supposed anyone has any tips for finding them in the archive, or has them gathered somewhere?
"They" usually keep imgurs in their site.
Damn, I was hoping this was the actual dump
Sunday Friendo
Better than the original
This one was a masterpiece on par or better than the Asumi intro. Upload it all around so idiots start pissing blood at it.
That's evil...I like it.
i haven't paid attention to this series for some time now
is /lit/ winning?
Only the flat chest contest.
The teacher has become a very very serious contender for the bowl.
The chances of her winning are now ever so slightly higher than zero.
My sides will never recover
Love it
10/10 user. Would read again.
It feels like only yesterday that this manga was in danger of cancellation.
Was it ever close to cancellation? I just rememver having Marie as a guard
She always has.
>after graduation, Yuiga and you hold each other and facing the sunset you do the kiss scene and we roll the credits.
He better be kissing his scholarship certificate or we riot.
Yeah, sounds about right.
I'm pretty sure Kirisu sensei would want me to work on my thesis. I will deliver, though. I promise to have something to show by the time we get spoilers next week.
No, she has the same presence in the manga as that of a secondary character, but Sup Forums is currently working hard trying to convince themselves she's actually winning
black haired fumino died, killed by blue hair. not the other way around.
>shippers are currently working hard trying to convince themselves she's actually winning
Isn't that what they always do? Isn't that the only thing they know to do?
It's up! Someone dump it
Jesus fuck Nariyuki that's brutal
>post whole page but not dumping chapter
I already have PTSD from so many cars signs and bridges mang
i don't blame you, as i've dumped quite a few in my time as well. but posting a full new chapter page, instead of cropping, when no dump is going on is quite the bm user
At least she doesn't mind his manwhoring anymore.
Because it's about Rizu and Uruka. Wait till she finds more about sensei and senpai.
Reading made me notice that Fumino was really really anticipating Nariyuki's answer on what he thought of her. could it be she is catching feelings for him too? Denialfags are sure to be upset.
I think she is, she mentioned it too while washing her hair
And she doesn't know how deep the hole is with Rizu and Uruka.
>special appearance: Sup Forums.
It's really not that deep.
She isn't aware of the kissing shenanigans or the pool confession. She'd wring his neck over the kissing.
I don't get her, you can't root for both. She has to choose a ship and stick with it, any progress Rizu makes hurts Uruka and vice verse.
Yuiga shut down the kissing shenanigans completely though. And Uruka's confessioned was still invalidated by telling Moeyuki it wasn't him she liked before
should add
mangadox on the guy behind
If no one else is going to do it I guess I could
Deleted for dumping clearance
She won't find out about Mafuyu until she receives the wedding invitation.
No, let's pretend the real manga doesn't exist. Anons' stories are more coherent.
It's nice of them to invite sensei.
I have them all queued up already, so I guess you can save yourself the effort
Marry Asumi
Polygamy Sensei
Rape and kill the rest three
Reverse cuck /chem/
>ever since the hotel it's been nothing but studying for me...
What did she mean by this?
She's actually talking about progress with Yuiga right?
Yeah you'd never have expected Fumino to become a teacher, her student's teasing must be brutal.
She must have found the opportunity to talk to Mrs Yuiga Mafuyu somewhat strange given their former positions.