What is Trigger's obsession with this symbol? It's been in every one of their shows since founding.
What is Trigger's obsession with this symbol? It's been in every one of their shows since founding
Maybe they just like eva?
I wonder, too
>implying a studio made up from washouts from a previous studio notorious for shoving random SYMBOLISM with no other thought than “it looks cool” has put thought into shit like this.
Why do they use it often? “Looks cool”, probably.
Looks cool. I like it when explosions are that shape even though it makes no sense.
> Why do they use it often? “Looks cool”, probably.
> implying this is a bad thing
So you would prefer a or veg symbol?
It's what vaginas in Trigger anime series look like.
>this symbol
It's literally a fucking four-pointed star, not exactly a "symbol".
It's a striking sign that works for effect, it's that simple.
they are 'scapers who worship Saradomin
It’s their thing. I’m not sure if it implies everything is in the same universe though. We saw lifefiber type shit in luluco.
It's the symbol of Southern Cross.
'Looks cool' is what symbolism has always been since the dawn of time.
Symbols can be simple too.
Maybe you just need jesus to understand user.
I didn't know it was possible to be this stupid.
It's true though
>cavemen worship cool rock because it seems significant due to being different from all the other rocks
>shape of rock becomes recurring in their culture
>years later temples have that shape everywhere, it is now a symbol
it's a bird
That's not true at all. Symbolism and symbolic thinking is matching a symbol to something that isn't that symbol. Symbolism in ancient times was cave drawings and most certainly associating simple tools with their use or what you get from using them.
Shin is the source of all evil in the Trigger verse.
It looks cool.
Is this Trigger's Shaft headtilt or Kyoani leg shots?