Not necessarily manga.
3x3 Thread
Hello friends. Okey-doki-doki I'll use my manga one, even though less people bother to rate it
sauce me senpai, all look interesting
I haven't bothered with KKOW, but the OVA was really good. I should get around to it.
The manga ones are always just the same old stuff because most people can't read new releases due to lack of Japanese knowledge. Boring.
You're boring.
>Hey this guy has pretty good taste actua...
Shit taste.
>The manga ones are always just the same old stuff
>manga ones
>same old stuff
>not the anime ones
no u
I would have at least found the manga or OVAs more acceptable.
Wanted to post the same thing.
>less people bother to rate it
Less people read manga, so less people can rate it at all.
4/5, what's top middle?
>not cover bomb watching everything gold age Madhouse made
It's Bones.
Then use 0/0. It's that easy.
Oh, it's Wolf's Rain. I watched the first ep and thought it was super boring. Maybe I'll retry it at one point.
>light novel shit
0/0 fuck mongos
6/9 dont think ill ever get what people like so much about softporn:themovie; at least other experimental films
4.5/8 hate/love relationship with cca
You strike me as the type who doesn't read much. Also, if you watched Kanashimi no Belladonna and all you got was "soft porn," you're a fucking idiot.
>You strike me as the type who doesn't read much
since i already admitted to "reading" a lot of manga, i am assuming that you therefore accuse me of not reading a lot of literature, either. whats the basis?
>all this artfag shit
>doesn't read manga
You're the worst kind of shallow elitist, desu.
Just a hunch based on your tastes and the way you write.
>Just a hunch based on your tastes
care to elaborate?
Not really.
Here's mine.
also: time is limited resource. id much rather gamble and hope that the audio visual direction of an anime is worth my time than pray to find that 1 in 50 manga that is well written. the highest highs of manga art will never be able to reach the even the medium highs of animation, anyway. theres too much good western literature to bother with manga, at least until ive run out of worthless animation to consume.
>I don't read manga, but here's my shitty opinion anyways
>now let me justify my ignorance with some rambling about Western literature
The ironic thing? Several of the manga in those grids are much more interesting than anything on your shitty grid, and much more "literary" than the average novel.
I may not look like it, but I'm actually someone who's been profoundly influenced by Nietzsche
3/4 -NHK
1/1 manga
Don't think I've seen any of these
Didn't like the second TTGL recap movie 2bh
>Didn't like the second TTGL recap movie 2bh
Not even the final fight?
Laughable opinion, manga art is significantly better than anime art. You should just shut up because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>Not even the final fight?
Because of the final fight, really. It dragged on so long they I never actually finished it. I think I saw the fight itself to the end, but I definitely didn't stick around for the epilogue.
Also, I saw it before I finished the main TV series.
Potte-tan is cute!
whats actually funny is that you use the term "interesting" and try to sell it as fact. i also doubt that youd be able to even name half of the shows on it, but since some people have given away the names multiple times already you might actually be able to name all of them, who knows.
on a different note: i am not ignorant, i simply am restained my time limitations. i am not saying that i wont read manga out of spite, but because i say that, at the given point in time, itd be a risky time investment. you seem a bit too upset to be honest.
>manga art is significantly better than anime art
then i guess its a good thing that anime isnt exclusively about still-frames. id also argue that this is blatantly false since color palettes alone give most animation more artistic merit than manga can dream to achieve.
>bet you can't recognize a bunch of entry level Oshii shit, mecha shit, and a movie that came out two years ago
You're so blatantly an attention-whoring dilettante.
detailed linework + shading > color pallettes
>i am not ignorant
Well, you haven't even read a single of the manga in OPs image, two of which are beginner's essentials. So I'd consider you pretty ignorant, yeah.
I loved how K-on was a subtle expression of Nietzsche's Will to Power as represented by the girl's yearning to play at the Budokan.
well you said ANY, which implies that you can identify them all. otherwise itd be a bit dumb to make that statement, no?
>detailed linework + shading > color pallettes
so youre saying that animation lacks detailed linework and shading? i am not sure where youre going with this.
you realize that entrylevel isnt actually a thing anymore, do you? i can have read gunm, suiiki, hyouge mono or lonewolf and cub, yet still not have touched what you consider to be entrylevel. research is so fucking easy that people might very well start with stuff that you consider niche, just because the synopsis on mal sounds interesting.
4/5 for anime, what is bottom right on manga? Blond twintails + bartender suit is a good surprisingly good combo.
Franxx being there makes me upset, please remove it.
>so youre saying that animation lacks detailed linework and shading?
Most of the time, yes.
>gunm, suiiki, hyouge mono or lonewolf and cub
Those are all entry level as well, and I bet you haven't read them, either.
And who could forget the symbolic criticism of ascetic ideals through the relationship between Yui and our dear Azu-cat?
>hurr durr, I need flashing colors and movement or it's not good art
>Franxx being there makes me upset, please remove it.
Will watch Belladonna tomorrow.
-KLK, -Inferno Cop, -Diebuster
Personally, I understand the hype behind Gainax, but definitely not Trigger. Trigger seems to have a habit of having the first few episodes be interesting, only for their shows to shit the bed in the second half because they blew their load in the first. Even LWA, which I actually liked, suffered from this problem. Inferno Cop is also one of the worst anime I've ever seen and made me apprehensive to touch anything with Trigger's name on it ever since I saw it.
Western literature isn't exempt from Sturgeon's Law.
To throw my two cents into it, I rarely read manga (or comics in general) because it feels like an awkward middle ground between animation and prose. It's still images with basic prose, so it often doesn't have the same kind of impact an animated work or literary work would have. That might just be my limited experience talking, though.
2/2 anime
0/0 manga
>I like literally 4 or 5 authors
Kill me
Ironic, since pictorial storytelling far predates prose and animation.
Gunslinger Girl
The fact that you refer to anime staff as "authors" probably has a lot to do with why your taste is so narrow.
You like Fate, so just kill yourself.
>Most of the time, yes.
well, in that case so do manga. but thats exactly why i didnt say "the average anime looks better than the average manga", but instead that the highest highs of manga arent even able to reach the medium highs of animation.
the PROPER combination of visual and acoustic direction is too strong of a pair for black and white comics to overcome.
>Those are all entry level as well
well yea, like i said, entry level is an empty term. it holds no weight since i can just go onto any given database and do some basic research. pretty pointless debate anyway since youll just shift the terms meaning however you like. attaching the term "entry level" to clearly niche works with small audience, while doing the same with devilman, which is an extremely popular IP, seems like a pretty dull thing to do.
not what i said.
>Western literature isn't exempt from Sturgeon's Law.
i realize that, but the western hemisphere simply offers more choices. if i was competent enough to read ACTUAL japanese novels then i am pretty sure that id do so.
kinda obvious. if people cant read you show them pictures, but to make the picture move you need a certain level of budget/tools. what you just said is equal to saying that the stone wheel was invented before the tire. does that mean that its superior?
Nothing of it.
I just didn't find a word to refer to a person like Nasu and people who actually direct at the same time, and then there's the case of Magnetic Rose where Kon is behind it but not actually directing like in Perfect Blue.
Just the main installments that were fairly serious. Not ashamed of it.
>the PROPER combination of visual and acoustic direction is too strong of a pair for black and white comics to overcome.
Wrong, proper paneling and artwork is more than capable of acting as a complete medium. Your subjective distaste for black and white or preference towards audio accompinement is irrelevant to the quality of a work.
You have offered to argument besides your own preferences.
>not what i said
It quite literally is.
>what you just said is equal to saying that the stone wheel was invented before the tire. does that mean that its superior?
So you think Sonic feet-tickling fanart is better than the Sistine Chapel because it was made in a computer? Interesting.
>tfw there's a specific person in the anitwitter community that I've taken a lot of recs from and their top anime just happened to end up being my top anime but they have VERY specific taste so I don't want to look creepy by looking like I'm modelling my personality around them.
You should go back there.
>following the anitwitter community at all
But seriously, don't think about it too hard. People wanting to seem patrician and unique over being honest is how that meme 3x3 became a thing to begin with.
It's easy to sound pretentious. Just pick a bunch of obscure short films and Oshii anime, then rant on about acoustic detailing and audio direction in every thread, even though you're clearly a casual who barely watches any anime to begin with.
>You have offered to argument besides your own preferences
no one said that a comic cant "feel complete", but that doesnt change the fact that proper audio direction will always be more mood enhancing than lacking acoustics all together. additionally, animation can depict movement significantly better than the best panneled manga ever could, which should be obvious since manga dont really depict movement. they only depict a few chosen frames of the characters actions. last but not least we have colorization and shading. theres only so much you can do with black, white, and a hundred shades of gray. color theory is a thing for a reason, and emotions or atmosphere can easily beg enhanced by the right choice of color. before you go there: i never claimed that the average anime does a good job at that.
>It quite literally is.
first off i said most. second off i said artistic merit, not "good art". i might not be a native english speaker but i am pretty sure that neither of these statements are the equivalent to saying "a black and white still frame cant be good art".
>So you think Sonic feet-tickling fanart is better than the Sistine Chapel because it was made in a computer? Interesting.
this doesnt even have anything to do with the point that was being made. you implied that pictorial storytelling is able to keep up with prose, animation and film, but instead of providing a substantial thought why that is, you brought up the fact that the concept itself is older. you didnt mention its strength or advantages, but simply said that its been around for longer, hence it must be equal (maybe even better).
of course its been around for longer since its the simpliest way to tell a story. if youre illiterate and lack the ability to speak youll still able to understand a drawing. that however doesnt say anything about its qualitys outside of the fact that it enabled you to converse with neanderthals.
>I understand the hype behind Gainax, but definitely not Trigger.
I think Trigger came into existence in the akward state Gainax was in during the 00s. Gainax started as a small fan-run studio which only made ambitious passion projects, but as they grew bigger and got more professional, they started having to make regular, boring but marketable shows alongside their passion projects. Trigger is the same as Gainax was then, filled with ambituous talent, but also big and professional enoug that they have to actually market themselves with more general shows.
>Trigger seems to have a habit of having the first few episodes be interesting, only for their shows to shit the bed in the second half because they blew their load in the first.
I don't think this is somehow specifically because of Trigger, just because of bad circumstances and decisions made behind each show. I also don't agree with the sentiment that KLK got worse in the 2nd half in general.
>Inferno Cop is also one of the worst anime I've ever seen
Inferno Cop was clearly created as a joke, you're not meant to take it as a full production that shows what Trigger can do. If you should complain about anything, complain about Ninja Slayer, which is a full production but is as bad as Inferno Cop.
Who were the best /3x3/ users in the past?
Me, Fai and Kenji.
Fai was a MAL fag of the worst kind. Kenji was a cancerous e-celeb. And I was the love child of Bear and his asian waifu.
>Kenji was a cancerous e-celeb.
and now all kenji does is rant about e-celebs on twitter, completely unaware that he is just as toxic, if not more than the people he criticize.
thats one elaborate profile.
AND he's a Fatefag lol
I miss Bear and the user that used this 3x3 style. He was a nice user.
>proper audio direction will always be more mood enhancing than lacking acoustics all together.
So you think novels are inherently inferior to films? Well, you're wrong, and the written word and still images are still among the most powerful and evocative forms of art.
>animation can depict movement significantly better than the best panneled manga ever could
Who says the depiction of movement is the most valuable goal in art? That's clearly not the sole goal of manga. Also, who says that moving pictures necessarily depict movement better?
Does a Mickey Mouse cartoon really depict movement better than Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase? I'd argue they merely depict movement differently, and neither is more successful necessarily.
>theres only so much you can do with black, white, and a hundred shades of gray
Yes, and there's only so much you can do with 5 tones of gouache as well, and you're vastly undervaluing the amount of detailed shading and linework some manga have. Please, tell me which anime overcomes the artwork in Miyazaki's Nausicaa. It certainly isn't any Ghibli film.
This is before we even get to the writing, which is subject to much fewer restraints than anime writing.
Has anyone developed any friendships with other anons using these threads?
Fuck off.
>is as bad as Inferno Cop.
Inferno Cop is an 8/10, and Ninja Slayer is like a 6/10.
>Takemitsu Zamurai
My guy! What's bottom middle? Also top left? I know for a fact I read top left but I don't remember what it is from. Is it Usamaru Furuya?
>Is it Usamaru Furuya?
Yeah, Palepoli. The other one is Seraphim.
>created as a joke
And it isn't funny. I know it's intentionally bad, but intentionally bad is still bad. Especially when the jokes suck and focus too much on being random.
top right?
I thought it was hilarious.
>So you think novels are inherently inferior to films?
if we look at that peak of the respective medium then yes. youre heavily underestimating the impact of musical compositions which can invoke very strong emotions without a single line of text. combine that with the written word and a viewer who is smart enough to decipher visual queues and its superior by default.
>That's clearly not the sole goal of manga
who claimed for it to be? it isnt the sole goal of animation, either.
>Does a Mickey Mouse cartoon really depict movement better than Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase
it does so in a less abstract manner, hence the viewer isnt forced to fill in the blanks. whether thats better or worse is subjective, but it certainly isnt limiting itself by an equal amount. which, if the goal was to depict events in a more or less realistic manner, is pretty superior if you ask me.
also: well animated sequences are outright more impressive and carry more artistic merit than a manga depicting the same events ever could. you might not be able to appreciate them, but the sheer amount of work that goes into them, and the required level of understanding on the animators end, is actually quite extensive. meanwhile the mangaka depicts the sequence in a handful of panels. he doesnt require detailed understanding of how an object moves, since all hes going to depict is are very few, specifically chosen frames.
>and there's only so much you can do with 5 tones of gouache as well
this is just silly now.
>tell me which anime
theres no point since the inevitable response will be disapproval, hence ill save my time. ive also lost interest in this conversation after you chose to ridicule the impact of colors. have a nice day.
>which is subject to much fewer restraints than anime writing
youre backpedaling to the "average anime vs average manga" again. its also pretty dull to think that restraints are strictly speaking bad.
>hurr durr reading is hard without pictures
fucking moron.
Different taste in humour I guess.
Random humour just feels too half-baked for me, since there's barely any set-up for each joke. For the record, I'd say dry humour is the best kind of humour.
Sekishoku Elegy
>peak of the respective medium then yes
Citation needed.
>youre heavily underestimating the impact of musical compositions
Citation needed.
>which can invoke very strong emotions without a single line of text
Or with text, music isn't the only medium capable of invoking emotion, and visual or literary imagery is just as immediate.
>combine that with the written word and a viewer who is smart enough to decipher visual queues and its superior by default.
Citation needed.
>who claimed for it to be?
You brought it up.
>it does so in a less abstract manner, hence the viewer isnt forced to fill in the blanks
That shouldn't be an issue since you claim to be "smart enough to decipher visual ""queues.""
>it certainly isnt limiting itself by an equal amount
I don't know what this means.
>if the goal was to depict events in a more or less realistic manner
Duchamp and Disney were not realists, so that wasn't the goal at all, nitwit.
>well animated sequences are outright more impressive
Citation needed.
>the sheer amount of work that goes into them, and the required level of understanding on the animators end, is actually quite extensive
I could say the same for a proper mangaka.
>he doesnt require detailed understanding of how an object moves, since all hes going to depict is are very few, specifically chosen frames.
This is outright incorrect. Artists have a very detailed understanding of motion and physics. Just because you're not depicting movement, doesn't mean you're never going to depict a moving object. Also, once again, depicting movement is not the main goal of manga.
See everywhere I wrote "citation needed." Those are places you're peddling your opinions as facts with no substantive arguments besides.yoyr obsession with having something to listen to. Don't bother replying to me anymore if you're incapable of forming an injective argument.
>injective argument.
objective argument.
>if we look at that peak of the respective medium then yes.
Please, tell me what movie you're watching that's better than Ulysses and The Divine Comedy.
Should probably check that out. Furuya is awesome as fuck, Hox is scanlating another Palepoli style short story collection(2-4 pages/story iirc)
It's a crime Seraphim is never going to be finished.
I really liked Holyland's premise, but it felt like the author was more interested in writing a fighting manual than telling a story.
3/5 Anime
3/3 Anime
What's bottom left?
Hello again, Simoun user. Last topic, I asked you what you liked about Simoun, and I didn't mean any offense by it; I was legitimately curious what you thought of it, as most of the other shows in your 3x3 are ones I also enjoyed. So, would you be willing to elaborate on what you liked about the story and characters, without spoilers?
Oh it's cool, none offence taken. I guess I'm just weirdly attached to the premise of the series; yea there is the social commentary around gender and all, but the themes between the intermingling between war and religion are quite fascinating on their own rights. It helps that the character writing is great as well, somewhat similar to the character writing on Ikuhara's works in more than a couple ways.
It's a 3x3 thread after all. Here you will only find what people personally love the most.
Sorry to take so long to answer. If you're still around, it's Jin-Roh.
I would say something, but given your answers for the replies you had, I prefer not.
>will watch Belladonna tomorrow
Hope you like it, user!
It's a truly beautiful and unique piece of animation.
>the intermingling between war and religion are quite fascinating
>somewhat similar to the character writing on Ikuhara's works in more than a couple ways
I'll definitely have to watch it sometime then, thank you for the response, user.
Relatively new to anime, open to recommendations
>I would say something, but given your answers for the replies you had, I prefer not.
damn, thats one passive aggressive response if ive ever read one. especially since i doubt that youve really went through all those response chains.
Dude, upgrade your copy of Belladonna.
It wasn't passive aggressive.
>dont think ill ever get what people like so much about softporn:themovie
This isn't the best way to expouse your opinion about something you don't like if you want to have a healthy discution. That's why I not even give the trouble to ask why you think it.
Some day, when I rewatch it.
i think the problem is how awfully defensive you are. nothing in my post even implies that i dislike it, i simply posed a question. i didnt ask why people like it, but rather why they like it so much compared to other experimental films such as angels egg, shashinkan, catsoup, various antalogies like geniusparty or robot carnival, mt.head or hell, even more straight forward stuff like metropolis since it sports some of the most visually impressive bits in all of anime. if i were to call ssy "hitler did nothing wrong: theanime" then i wouldnt discredit it, either. thatd simply be your interpretation of what i said.