Bonus points if they won.
ITT: Best Girls
All the points.
Technically, she lost before the show even began.
That's rude user. All the other posters have been at least trying to post best girls.
Erina is just good, even if she loses she will be top tsundere.
Sakura has been a winning more prominently since 2017 and she is my waifu.
everyone else can suck a fat one
Going for bonus points.
Nope, fuck off
either of them
Fuck off Eririfag
Shitoge a shit
Whats this? looks cute and my reveres search finds me nothing.
Try a little harder, it's by no means a obscure title.
It starts with Ookami Shounen Wa and ends with Kyou mo Uso wo Kasaneru
Found it. had to resolve to google wich i cant stand and try to avoid
She also won the number 1 daughterfu role.
I love Botan
Sieg Zeon
>tfw main girl is best girl
The other girls just aren't even trying.
Give me those bonus points
Both of them.
(Worst girl with Esdeath)
(Repulsive and disgusting as fuck)
(You Fucking Bastard)
Worst girls and shit taste as fuck
Damned filthy furries fags
Tomoyo a shit.
She will win
Hello ESL-kun
thank you for this.
What was the manga's name again? I rememeber reading it but got bored, the girls are cute though, might pick it up again.
Isn't she the queen that got raped by all of them.
>Bonus points if they won.
>Miserable autistic retard shit
(Overrated cunt)
(Slut skeleton btfo)
Nobody give a shit about you, pal, fuck off
Dont mind me posting the bottan (superior) prototype
Too good to be true.
Wins on both counts!
Wins the battle, the war, and the MC
You're supposed to post a picture of a girl user not a jacket.
Botan was so fucking great. Preaching to the choir, I know, but I'm still not over it.
she deserved to win, fuck this animu
It would have been ten times better if he realized while going after the love interest that Komiya was more interesting to him,
and the love interest just went her own way after sport chad wasn't interested
Let me fix this one here.
Best not worst,faggot
I like Miku too, but Fujiwara is adorable.
Series is over, I hope she won
Was anyone else even in the MCbowl?
that other freckled chick liked him i guess
Altair is perfect.
Look through a glass filled with urine of a virgin, you will see her.
She won't lose, so that makes her the best of the best
Man, Komi-san has too many best girls. I can't pick just one.
>best anything
absolutely disgusting
Sick of this meme that Botan is so great. Soon the world will see that Aoi was the diamond in the rough.
truly best girl